Oni2 talk:Outside the box

From OniGalore

Tech frame

Usually everything that is virtual cannot be touched.

But after all, any virtual reality is hosted by a true reality and hence might also be able to become true as long as it accurately enough resembles its original.

It may be as simple as an digital tea cup coming to substance by a 3D printer.

Now then: are we real? How can you tell? What if our world is just a subset of reality. (Reminded to Man In Black where the aliens play with marbles in the end?)

In that case, we are like living in a sandbox.

Sandboxes are difficult to break but it's possible and so there are contests to find and fix the weak spots.

How to establish a connection and make a transit?

A) Make yourself interesting enough, communicate, make them get you out.

B) Break the sandbox.

This is another far-fetched idea: the universe is a thinking or neuro-computing entity or sandbox-resident simulation.
The filament of neurons and the universe have a surprising similarity. Ever seen this?

Möbius should be one of a very few to have enough influence to test this.

To take out the esoteric touch: some patterns do repeat on higher levels because - as Harald Lesch says - "the laws of Nature are valid in every part of the universe." So it shouldn't be too much of a surprise to find similarities between electron orbits and the Earth magnetic field, cell organelles and neutron star matter, and neurons and galaxies. Possibilities are not infinite. Laws sets limits ... order.

However, it's just interesting that - although unlikely - we cannot rule out intelligence of above-galactic scale by emergence of gravimetric or quantum effects.

Story frame

Möbius doesn't want to "exit" the universe. "It runs good. Why put that on risk? (Heh. Resembles the German Anglicism of "Never change a running system") Humans always wants to know all. Would you risk everyone's life for just for one simple answer?" (Is it a sandbox or is it not?)

Human messanger exits universe and meets god. "Why did you made us?"

"Because there was nothing else on television." (2D surface of universe holds all information and just needs to be read.) -- Like in Total Recall the situation remains uncertain. The reader doesn't know if Möbius let the messenger go or put him into some VR. You can decide to believe. And what you believe can be wrong. Also, you can create sense in life and you can know that life makes no sense. "Both can be right." Superpositions. The second ultimate paradox.

Disappointed human: "I want to go home and go on with my life." "Can I come with you. I heard your uncles dinner is fabulous. And I have to pay that Barabas a - what do you call it?" "A visit." "A beating. Yea that's it. But don't expect me to cure your ills and grow crops." "We can handle that now." "Oh fine." "Though you shouldn't tell everybody who you are. Some might be angry about you for what you put us all trough. Your absence might be a lack of responsibility." "Would they cristianize me again? Haven't humans learned how to forgive?" "We will see. Just be nice to them."

God after month of vacations. "Maybe it's time to go again." "Your decision."

World on fire? Did God's appearance brought the Armageddon? Are the believers now shown that God didn't care all the years. "Do you care now?" Would he lie to humans to make them feel alright?

Side note: How bad is a white lie? For an immature race, it might be okay. On the other hand you might say that one day you have to give up this instrument to let them reach the next level...

Jareth grabbed Möbius at the jacket. Shaking him almost to death - if he could - to get the answer.

"Tell me finally the truth. Was this all real or not."

Möbius couldn't stop laughing. "But it's so much fun seeing you struggling about such triviality."