Oni Key Editor: Difference between revisions

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(to be completed)
Program to facilitate changing game keys. Windows, Mac, Linux compatible.

Program to facilitate the change of the game keys. Windows, Mac, Linux compatible.
Current version: 0.1b

[http://mods.oni2.net/node/129 Download]

Planned to next version:
Planned to next version:

-Key type config?
-Key type config? -> Maybe in an future version

-Fully compatible with all key_conf files, including the ones not created by the program?
<s>-Fully compatible with all key_conf files, including the ones not created by the program</s> completed

<s>-Optimized code</s> (completed)
<s>-Optimized code</s> (completed)

-Developer keys
<s>-Developer keys</s> completed

<s>-Menu keys shortcuts</s> completed)
<s>-Menu keys shortcuts</s> completed)
and there's more. When it's release see the log in readme.
What's left:
-Fully update the MacOS interface so it looks exactly like native programs

[[Category:Gameplay tools]]
[[Category:Gameplay tools]]
