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< OniUnPacker
Revision as of 15:25, 25 March 2007 by Admin (talk | contribs)

OniUnPacker source code information

Source folder

The source folder contains the following files (ordered alphabetically):

File Description
icon2.res Well, don't know myself for sure ... could be the program-icon-resource-file. But don't know if it's still used for compilation.
OniUnPacker.bdsproj Main Delphi project file.
OniUnPacker.cfg Some Delphi configuration parameters for this project. AFAIK it's not really needed to edit/compile the project, but it doesn't hurt to ship it along ;)
OniUnPacker.dpr Main code file. Links to the units etc. Can be used to open the project too.
OniUnPacker.res This one should contain the program icon that's used for compilation.
Unit1_main.pas/dfm Contains the main form and routines for MDI-child managing.
Unit2_functions.pas Collection of global functions.
Unit3_data.pas Global variables, constants, (record) types.
Unit4_Exporters.pas Functions to export (and convert) specific ONI data types.
Unit5_preview.pas/dfm Preview form (currently only for images (TXMP), image maps (TXMB), texture animations (TXAN) and soon UI elements (PSpc)
Unit6_imgfuncs.pas Class TOniImage which provides code for loading, decompressing, decoding, converting, and encoding ONI image files.
Unit7_txmpreplace.pas/dfm TXMP Replacer form.
Unit8_binedit.pas/dfm Binary ONI .dat-file editor with supporting tools like a structure viewer for ONI files and common data type decoder.
Unit9_data_structures.pas/dfm Loads and provides the structure definitions for Binary .dat/.raw editor.
Unit10_leveldb.pas/dfm ONI .dat/.raw <-> OUP level database converter.
Unit11_extractor.pas/dfm Extractor tool for .dat/.raw files.
Unit12_ValueEdit.pas/dfm Provides the value editor for Binary .dat/.raw editor.
Unit13_rawedit.pas/dfm Same as Unit8 but for .raw-files.
Unit14_settings.pas/dfm OUP Settings dialog.
Unit15_classes.pas/dfm ONI data access abstraction classes. Currently for ONIs .dat/.raw files and OUPs level database with Absolute DB backend.
FOLDER TFileTypeRegistration Provides functions to register file-extensions to OUP.
FOLDER help Will be used for the help file project in future.

Note 1: Files which have a .dfm version besides the .pas version are units with forms (windows). Files which that are only there as a .pas are code only, sometimes global functions, some are global classes.

Note 2: File naming will be changed to a new naming scheme in the future.

Used third party components

  • Virtual TreeView: Used in binary editors. Really powerful tree view component. (Used v4.4.3, but any newer version should work too). License: Open source (MPL/GPL).
  • Absolute Database: Used for storing level data for OUP. SQL database. You just have to give them your eMail address so they can send you an unlock key, you won't get any spam or newsletters. If you don't want to give them your normal address you can use a spam address like you can get at spamgourmet. License: Free for personal use.
  • MPHexEditor: Hex component for binary editors. License: Freeware with source.
  • CrossEdit: Input component with value validation. If the download doesn't work just mail me. License: Freeware with source.
  • WrapGrid: Used the code from here and enhanced it for my special purposes. Needed additions are the column colorings, cell hints and images in cells. License: Couldn't find one. Suppose open source.
  • Toolbar2000: Toolbar component. License: Freeware with source.
  • [1]: MDI Tabbar component. License: Freeware with source. (OUTDATED, WON'T BE USED IN FUTURE VERSIONS) (Probly it'll stay)