From OniGalore
Revision as of 11:37, 24 November 2006 by (talk)
ABNA << Other file types >> AGQC
AGDB : Gunk Quad Debug Array
switch to XML:AGDB page
Overview @ Oni Stuff

Template:OBD File Image

Offset Type Raw Hex Value Description
0x00 file id 01 4C 02 00 588 00588-.AGDB
0x04 level id 01 00 00 06 3 level 3
0x08 unused (20) AD DE dead not used
0x1C long 15 A8 00 00 35349 35349 packages follow (one package is edged in black)
Below follows the first package.
0x00 raw link 80 B6 46 00 46 B6 80 at this position starts the unknown1 part in the raw file
0x04 raw link A0 B6 46 00 46 B6 A0 at this position starts the unknown2 part in the raw file

35349 is the amount of gunk quads. Two faces (triangles) form a gunk quad.

It seems that this file is useless, because you can set all to zero without any problems and the raw file part contains only old file names. Plus the Oni files of the Mac and the PC demo don't have any AGDB files.

ABNA << Other file types >> AGQC
AGDB : Gunk Quad Debug Array
[[OBD:File types/{{{family}}}|{{{family}}} file]]