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Various useful snippets of BSL that can be useful for modders.

Character setup

# an old but useful character setup function by geyser
func SpawnNameFlagHealthReset(string n, int f, int h, int r)
    ai2_spawn(n); chr_teleport(n, f)
    if(h) chr_set_health(n, h)
    if(r) chr_inv_reset(n)

# sample usage
func wave_setup
    # note that the health and inventory-reset parameters can be omitted
    SpawnNameFlagHealthReset Griffin 23 600
    SpawnNameFlagHealthReset Muro 22 2500
    SpawnNameFlagHealthReset F_Er89 22 80 1
    SpawnNameFlagHealthReset A_S1 24

Follow me

var bool follow_me = 1;

### beginning of the journey
func follow_me_TV
    # ai2_spawn charname # or somewhere else
    chr_lock_active charname

    fork follow

func follow
    if (follow_me eq 1)
        ai2_followme charname
        ai2_setmovementmode charname run
        sleep 180
        fork follow

### events
func dont_follow_me_TV_enter
    follow_me = 0

func dont_follow_me_TV_extit
    follow_me = 1
    fork follow

### player orders
func main
    # Original code here
    fork do_follow_me
    fork dont_follow_me

func do_follow_me
    chr_wait_animation 0 ORDERbk_fw_kick
    follow_me = 1
    # in case he/she is passive right now
    ai2_passive charname 0

    # sleep until anim finishes
    sleep 60
    fork do_follow_me

func dont_follow_me
    chr_wait_animation 0 ORDERbk_fw_punch
    follow_me = 0
    ai2_idle charname

    # sleep until anim finishes
    sleep 60
    fork dont_follow_me

Multiplication hack

var int multiplicand;
var int multiplier;
var int mult_progress;
var int product;

func void multiply(int a, int b)
   product = 0;
   multiplicand = a;
   multiplier = b;
   mult_progress = 0;
   fork do_mult();

func void do_mult(void)
   product = product + multiplicand;
   mult_progress = mult_progress + 1;
   if (mult_progress < multiplier)
      fork do_mult();