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CONS : Console
XML modding tips
  • See HERE to start learning about XML modding.
  • See HERE if you are searching for information on how to handle object coordinates.
  • See HERE for some typical modding errors and their causes.

AKEV << Other file types >> CONS

TMBD << Other BINA >> ONIE

CMBT << Other OBJC >> DOOR

switch to OBD page

General information

  • The XML on this page was tested with OniSplit version and
  • This console spawning doesn't include console geometry unless it's done via ONLV level import.
  • The BINACJBOConsole file is level-specific (levelx_Final.dat).
  • All consoles can be seen HERE.
  • Activation tolerances: the player must fulfill the following requirements before he can use a console:
    • A distance of 10 or less world units.
    • A distance of -2 WU or less (e.g. you can't activate console while standing inside or behind it).
    • A facing of 1.22173 radians (ca. 70°) or less.
    • A sideways shift of 8 WU or less.
    • A difference of 8 WU or less between pelvis height and console height.

File structure

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

[...] is where at least one console is defined. Paste all your console data into there (this includes <CONS Id="..."> and </CONS> tag).


<CONS Id="8179">
       <Flags>Locked Gunk</Flags>
       <Position>-1354.927 45 860.053</Position>
       <Rotation>180.000015 0 180.000015</Rotation>
           <Script Function="fconsole_ok" />


Tag Type Description
<Objects> -
<CONS Id="..."> int32 Any number; no need to be unique. — For level importing, use <CONS>.
<Header> -
<Flags> flag Object flags. Used during development, ignore them.
<Position> float x3 XYZ position. When creating a new console, use a Y of 0 if the ground plane is 0. The height of the console and the character are both stemming from the ground plane.
<Rotation> float x3 XYZ rotation. "chr_debug_characters = 1" shows the player's position, so you could face your (imaginary) console and then use a 180-degree flip of your facing for the console's Y rotation. X and Z should be 0.
<OSD> -
<Class> link Original consoles:

For level import via the XML master file, use absolute/relative file path, e.g. consoles/console_data.oni.

<ConsoleId> int16 Can be used with BSL commands like "console_deactivate ID".
<Flags> flag
<Flags></Flags> also works; console will appear disabled.
Console will appear enabled.
Was used for TRAMKONOKOconsole_punch.
Alarm console. Used with alarm groups in CHAR.
<InactiveTexture> char[63] TXMPfile.oni (don't use file prefix/suffix) Image for disabled console. Examples:

_con_ALARM_SLEEP / _con_USED / _con_used / _con_INACTIVE

Use a capitalized file name for this TXMP.

<ActiveTexture> char[63] TXMPfile.oni (don't use file prefix/suffix) Image for an enabled console. Examples:

_con_ALARM_SLEEP / _con_INFO / _con_MTC_2 / _con_mtc_stairs / _con_MTCOM_DISH / _con_MTCOM_DISH

Use a capitalized file name for this TXMP.

<TriggeredTexture> char[63] TXMPfile.oni (don't use file prefix/suffix) Image for a used console. Examples:

_con_ALARM_ON / _con_USED / _con_used / _con_MTC_DISHFLASH

Use a capitalized file name for this TXMP.

<Events> int16 You can use multiple events.
<Script Function="call_this_BSL_function" /> char[32] Name of BSL function. For example if you use "call_this_BSL_function" here, then write in your BSL script:
func call_this_BSL_function
     dmsg "hi"
<ActivateTurret TargetId="Id" /> int16
<DeactivateTurret TargetId="Id" /> int16
<ActivateConsole TargetId="Id" /> int16
<DeactivateConsole TargetId="Id" /> int16
<ActivateAlarm TargetId="Id" /> int16
<DeactivateAlaram TargetId="Id" /> int16
<ActivateTrigger TargetId="Id" /> int16
<DeactivateTrigger TargetId="Id" /> int16
<LockDoor TargetId="Id" /> int16
<UnlockDoor TargetId="Id" /> int16

Mod Tool-aided import

Limitation: This method was created for info consoles only.

VBS code:

How to access scene layers.
' make a new layer ("CONS_layer" or whatever)
' make it the current layer (by setting the >> sign)
' in shared\consoles folder
' extract console_data.oni as dae
' import only console_data_11.dae
' duplicate, translate, rotate as you need
' right-click your CONS_layer > "Select All Objects in Layer"
' run VBS code to create XML file (script editor: Alt+4, Run code: F5)
' it will appear on your desktop
' edit ConsoleId and Script Function
' import by registering consoles in your level's XML master file
' (<Objects><Import>BINACJBOConsole.xml)

FolderName = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Desktop")
FileName = "BINACJBOConsole"
FilePath = FolderName & "\" & FileName & ".xml"

Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objXMLFile = oFS.OpenTextFile(FilePath, 2, True, 0)
' quote sign in a string needs two quote signs
objXMLFile.WriteLine "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>"
objXMLFile.WriteLine "<Oni>"
objXMLFile.WriteLine "   <Objects>"
for each obj in selection
	px = obj.posx.value
	py = obj.posy.value
	pz = obj.posz.value
	rx = obj.rotx.value
	ry = obj.roty.value
	rz = obj.rotz.value
	position =	replace(px & " " & py & " " & pz, ",", ".")
	rotation =	replace(rx & " " & ry & " " & rz, ",", ".")
	logmessage position
	logmessage rotation
	console = "consoles/console_data.oni"
	objXMLFile.WriteLine "       <CONS>"
	objXMLFile.WriteLine "           <Header>"
	objXMLFile.WriteLine "               <Flags></Flags>"
	objXMLFile.WriteLine "               <Position>" & position & "</Position>"
	objXMLFile.WriteLine "               <Rotation>" & rotation & "</Rotation>"
	objXMLFile.WriteLine "           </Header>"
	objXMLFile.WriteLine "           <OSD>"
	objXMLFile.WriteLine "               <Class>" & console & "</Class>"
	objXMLFile.WriteLine "               <ConsoleId>1</ConsoleId>"
	objXMLFile.WriteLine "               <Flags>InitialActive</Flags>"
	objXMLFile.WriteLine "               <InactiveTexture>_CON_INFO</InactiveTexture>"
	objXMLFile.WriteLine "               <ActiveTexture>_CON_INFO</ActiveTexture>"
	objXMLFile.WriteLine "               <TriggeredTexture>_CON_INFO</TriggeredTexture>"
	objXMLFile.WriteLine "               <Events>"
	objXMLFile.WriteLine "                   <Script Function=""show_console_text"" />"
	objXMLFile.WriteLine "               </Events>"
	objXMLFile.WriteLine "           </OSD>"
	objXMLFile.WriteLine "       </CONS>"
objXMLFile.WriteLine "   </Objects>"
objXMLFile.WriteLine "</Oni>"
logmessage "done"