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The xml code on this page is compatible with onisplit v0.9.61.0

general information

  • TRGE is stored globally (in edition/GameDataFolder/level0_Final)
  • vanilla Oni has only one file of that type: TRGEtrigger_emitter_0
  • the game crashs if you try to put a TRGEtrigger_emitter_0 clone into an AE package
  • choose another file name if you want a different TRGE, then create a new TRIG and use your TRGE in the <Emitter> tag, finally modify <Class> tag of BINACJBOTrigger

file structure

  +-- M3GE
        +-- PNTA <Points>
        +-- VCRA <VertexNormals>
        +-- VCRA <FaceNormals>
        +-- TXCA <TextureCoordinates>
        +-- IDXA <TriangleStrips>
        +-- IDXA <FaceNormalIndices>
        +-- TXMP <Texture> (link to external file)
testing replaced mesh
(screamer warhead)

XML tags

<Position> - x y z position of the emitter in connection to the M3GM
<Direction> - x y z value of the normal vector of the emitter
<Geometry> - link to baked in M3GM instance
<GunkFlags> - ?
Are there some tags which make together the mesh but you basically need to know that you can replace that content with data from another M3GM.
You can create M3GM meshes from obj files. OniSplit v0.9.61.0 refuse to create a single M3GM. Instead, use OniSplit v0.9.41.0
Then you can convert the file to xml and replace the TRGE's old M3GM xml code.
Remember to change the links (#N) and instance IDs of the new data.