Visual Basic .NET

From OniGalore
Revision as of 20:02, 25 December 2015 by Paradox-01 (talk | contribs) (Categories? Suggestion: "Script languages" for "BSL" and "Visual Basic Script". And "Programming languages" for (now only) "". -- I would find it really helpful if I could continue to drop condensed thoughts here on this wiki.)
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Visual Basic .NET

This page serves as a brief documentation with focus on Oni-related aspects.


Basic knowledge

Q: How can I use functions from another class?
A: First condition: The function must be a "Shared" one. For example "Shared Function GetApp()". Second condition: in the target code, the class must be written beforehand (for example "Oni.GetApp" whereby "Oni" is the source class's name).

Code snippets

Common functions that are shared among projects should have their own class.

That way, the functions don't need be rewritten each time and it helps to keep the code more clear.

Class Oni

Functions in this class:

GetApp - returns app path (type string)
GetAE - returns AE home path (type string) (e.g. C:\Oni)
GetXSI - returns Mod Tool path (type string) (e.g. C:\Softimage\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\Application\bin)
GetOniSplit - outputs an array with (0) as path (type string) and (1) as version (type string)

Imports System.IO ' for files and directories
Imports Microsoft.Win32 ' for registry keys

Public Class Oni

   Public Shared Function GetApp()
       Return Application.StartupPath().ToString()
   End Function

   Public Shared Function ReadRegStr(RootKey, Key, Value, RegType)
       Dim oCtx, oLocator, oReg, oInParams, oOutParams

       oCtx = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet")
       oCtx.Add("__ProviderArchitecture", RegType)

       oLocator = CreateObject("Wbemscripting.SWbemLocator")
       oReg = oLocator.ConnectServer("", "root\default", "", "", , , , oCtx).Get("StdRegProv")

       oInParams = oReg.Methods_("GetStringValue").InParameters
       oInParams.hDefKey = RootKey
       oInParams.sSubKeyName = Key
       oInParams.sValueName = Value

       oOutParams = oReg.ExecMethod_("GetStringValue", oInParams, , oCtx)

       ReadRegStr = oOutParams.sValue
   End Function

  Public Shared Function GetAE()
       Dim OS_bitness As Integer
       Dim WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
       If InStr(WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0\Identifier"), "64") > 0 Then
           OS_bitness = 64
           OS_bitness = 32
       End If
       Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
       Return ReadRegStr(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _
           "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{B67333BB-1CF9-4EFD-A40B-E25B5CB4C8A7}}_is1", _
           "InstallLocation", _

   End Function

   Shared Function GetXsi()
       Dim oRegKey As RegistryKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\\Softimage\\SOFTIMAGE Application")

       Dim XsiDir As String
       Dim FoundXsi As Boolean = False

       Dim Arr = oRegKey.GetSubKeyNames
       For Each n In Arr
           If InStr(n, "Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5|Application|bin") > 0 Then
               XsiDir = Replace(n, "|", "\")
               If Directory.Exists(XsiDir) = True Then
                   Return XsiDir
                   FoundXsi = True
               End If
           End If

       If FoundXsi = True Then
           Return XsiDir
           Return ""
       End If

   End Function

   Shared Function GetOniSplit() As String()
       Dim OSpath As String = ""
       Dim FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

       If File.Exists(Application.StartupPath().ToString & "\OniSplit.exe") Then
           OSpath = Application.StartupPath().ToString & "\OniSplit.exe"
           Return New String() {OSpath, FSO.GetFileVersion(OSpath)}
       ElseIf File.Exists(GetAE() & "AE\Tools\OniSplit.exe") Then
           OSpath = GetAE() & "AE\Tools\OniSplit.exe"
           Return New String() {OSpath, FSO.GetFileVersion(OSpath)}
           Return New String() {"", ""}
       End If

   End Function

End Class