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ONCP : Oni Character Particle Array
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Overview @ Oni Stuff

Oncp a.gif

Offset Type Raw Hex Value Description
0x00 res_id 01 F9 03 00 1017 01017-.ONCP
0x04 lev_id 01 00 00 06 3 level 3
0x08 char[16] AD DE dead unused
0x18 int8 0 0 is loaded; must be 0, set to 1 at runtime
0x19 char[3] AD DE dead unused
0x1C int32 0D 00 00 00 13 array size
First element (black outline)
0x00 char[16] acid particle name (referenced by TRAM particles)
0x10 char[64] env_splash_e01a particle class name
0x50 uint16 FF FF -1 number of the bodypart; see below
0x52 int16 5F 00 95 ignored
0x54 int32 00 00 00 00 0 runtime only
The ONCP is the list of all the particles (motion trails, combo flashes, etc) that will be available for the ONCC that links to it.
Nothing bad happens if an ONCC doesn't find a particle required by an animation, you just get a warning at the console.
However, AE's glass-breaking animations will give you a lot of warnings without the right ONCP (basically for all combat moves, not just flashy ones).
Bodypart number
  • 0-19 - this is a super particle attached to the specified bodypart when the character has daodan powers; the particle name must start with super for this to work; particle events are as follows:
    • particle is "create"d (if absent) and "start"ed when entering overpower while the character is "active";
    • particle is "stop"ped when overpower runs out;
    • particle is killed (either is deleted or "die"s on its own) when/if the character goes "inactive".
  • 0xFFFF - the particle is attached by an animation (the animation specifies the bodypart); particle events are as follows:
    • the animation can "create" multiple instances of a particle as necessary (one per bone involved), at the start of the animation;
    • particle is "start"ed and "stop"ped according to the frames specified in TRAM;
    • particle is killed at the end of the animation
  • 0x8000 - the particle is attached by an animation (the animation specifies the bodypart) and it also generates a Self_Damage_Killed impact (user by back breaking animations); particle event rules are same as for 0xFFFF

ONCC << Other file types >> ONCV
ONCP : Oni Character Particle Array
Character file