OBD:File types/Character
This is an overview of Oni's character data represented as a hierarchy of connected resources underneath ONCC. The "unnamed" files belong exclusively to a given ONCC or TRBS (sorta like private data), however duplicates can be detected and removed when the instance file is constructed.
This section shows the character-related resources as a hierarchy mostly stemming from ONCC plus a few additional resources with more modest hierarchies below that. The trees do show some file types that are technically General files, not Character files; see the § List for a stricter list of types classified as Character.
- ONCC Oni Character Class
- ONCV Oni Character Variant (for randomized/upgraded appearance)
- ONCP Oni Character Particle Array (unnamed)
- ONIA Oni Character Impact Array (unnamed)
- TRBS Totoro Body Set
- TRMA Texture Map Array
- TXMP Texture Map (19, one for each bone)
- TXMP Texture Map (environment mapping, if any)
- TXMP Texture Map (19, one for each bone)
- TXMP Texture Map (character's shadow)
- CBPM Character Body Part Material (unnamed)
- Mtrl Material (19 of those)
- CBPI Character Body Part Impacts (unnamed)
- Impt Impact Tree (3*19=57 of those; 3 for hit/blocked/killed)
- TRAC Totoro Animation Collection
- TRAC Totoro Animation Collection (inherited TRAC; either none or one)
- TRAM Totoro Animation Sequence (specific animations; either none or many)
- TRSC Screen (Aiming) Collection
- TRAS Totoro Aiming Screen (one for standing, running, etc.)
- TRAM Totoro Animation Sequence (set of keyframes for aiming screen)
- TRAS Totoro Aiming Screen (one for standing, running, etc.)
- ONVL Oni (Character) Variant List
- ONCV Oni Character Variant
- ONWC Weapon Class
- M3GM (embedded 3D mesh)
- PNTA (points)
- VCRA (vertex normals)
- VCRA (face normals)
- TXCA (texture coordinates)
- IDXA (triangle strips)
- IDXA (face normal indices)
- TXMP (texture)
- M3GM (embedded 3D mesh)
A stricter list of only what we have grouped under the Character family of file types.