OBD:OBLS: Difference between revisions

From OniGalore
(just so. because I know.)
(No difference)

Revision as of 15:17, 8 June 2008

OBLS instances were used to store information about light sources (linked from furniture geometry).

Offset Type Raw Hex Value Description
0x00 int32 instance id
0x04 int32 file id
0x08 int32 unknown
0x0C int32 flags; used values:
0x40 00 00 00 - type: area
0x20 00 00 00 - type: linear
0x10 00 00 00 - type: point
0x00 01 00 00 - distribution: diffuse
0x00 02 00 00 - distribution: spot
0x10 float color - red component
0x14 float color - green component
0x18 float color - blue component
0x1C float intensity
0x20 float beam angle
0x24 float field angle
