XML:BINA/ONIE: Difference between revisions

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Oni allows only one ONIE file to be installed. In that file a lot of links come together and can easily create conflicts (crashes or just missing visuals) if various packages holds a version of that file.
Oni allows only one ONIE file to be installed. In that file a lot of links come together and can easily create conflicts (crashes or just missing visuals) if various packages holds a version of that file.

Example: GreyFury2.0 doesn't work 100% well with exploding barrels
'''Example 1:''' GreyFury2.0 doesn't work 100% well with exploding barrels

  folder sub folder
  folder sub folder
Line 588: Line 588:
  MtrlExplosive level0_Final level0_Final
  MtrlExplosive level0_Final level0_Final

Conflict: barrels do explode but grey fury's special hit flashes doesn't appear (instead health flashes are visible)
Problem: Barrels do explode but Grey Fury's special hit flashes doesn't appear (instead health flashes are visible).

Reason: BINAEINOimpact_effects file from package with highest number gets integrated into level0_Final
Reason: BINAEINOimpact_effects file from package with highest number gets integrated into level0_Final.
'''Example 2:'''
folder sub folder
BINAEINOimpact_effects level0_Final level0_Final
ImptGrn_Super_Kick level0_Final level0_Final
BINAEINOimpact_effects level0_Final level0_Particles
BINADBMTTextureMaterials level0_Final level0_Particles
MtrlExplosive level0_Final level0_Final
BINAEINOimpact_effects level0_Final level0_Final
ImptOra_Super_Kick level0_Final level0_Final
Problem: Barrels break into glass pieces when hit from bullets but they don't explode.
* OldChina's BINAEINOimpact_effects gets into level0_Final because that package has the highest number. It supports Hanako/Hayate's Ora impact but also Bgi_NinjaBot/Grey Fury's Grn.
* The Impt files, Mtrl and BINADBMT are shipped normally to level0_Final because they aren't double. As consequence Grey Fury fully works while exploding barrels do not.

