Mai X

Joined 4 years ago
Testing image insertion
(Inserting links to my 3D-models.)
m (Testing image insertion)
Line 40: Line 40:
* [ 1], [ 2], [ 3] - these 3 screens also demonstrate successfully imported lightmaps (which were made with a help of GeySer).
* [ 1], [ 2], [ 3] - these 3 screens also demonstrate successfully imported lightmaps (which were made with a help of GeySer).
* [ 4], [ 5] - these 2 screens show the main drawback of this lightmapping method: '''no''' colored lighting support. But the character lighting (Gouraud) looks <u>really</u> great ^_^!!!
* [ 4], [ 5] - these 2 screens show the main drawback of this lightmapping method: '''no''' colored lighting support. But the character lighting (Gouraud) looks <u>really</u> great ^_^!!!
[[File:NearPlane-2.0.gif|thumb|272x153px|Near Clipping Plane = 2.0|left]] [[File:NearPlane-0.1.gif|thumb|272x153px|Near Clipping Plane = 0.1|right]]
