Talk:Restless Souls/Summary: Difference between revisions

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====Political currents and parties====
====Political currents and parties====
=====Evolutionary perspective=====
It is human to see one's own opinion and that of one's group (party) as the superior one, but as a true democrat one should internalize that every non-extremist movement has its right to exist. A '''mutual understanding''' is important to live in peaceful coexistence. -- Considering its relevance, the aspect of the '''self-correction of democratic systems''' is neglected in school lessons and is quickly forgotten. Before election campaigns, people have to be repeatedly encouraged to vote, but this doesn't bring the actual "why" back to mind. '''Instead''' there is too much focus on '''the advantage of one's own group''', which promotes '''ideological hostilities''' between parties and - which, among '''many other factors''' - leads to '''disenchantment with politics'''. This is how thinking about democracy degenerates: "Democracy is nothing more than [[wp:Mob_rule|mob rule]], where 51% of the people take away the rights of the other 49%." (Many people no longer realize how consumed they are by hate.)
It is human to see one's own opinion and that of one's group (party) as the superior one, but as a true democrat one should internalize that every non-extremist movement has its right to exist. A '''mutual understanding''' is important to live in peaceful coexistence. -- Considering its relevance, the aspect of the '''self-correction of democratic systems''' is neglected in school lessons and is quickly forgotten. Before election campaigns, people have to be repeatedly encouraged to vote, but this doesn't bring the actual "why" back to mind. '''Instead''' there is too much focus on '''the advantage of one's own group''', which promotes '''ideological hostilities''' between parties and - which, among '''many other factors''' - leads to '''disenchantment with politics'''. This is how thinking about democracy degenerates: "Democracy is nothing more than [[wp:Mob_rule|mob rule]], where 51% of the people take away the rights of the other 49%." (Many people no longer realize how consumed they are by hate.)

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Für was steht eine Partei? Parteiprogramme sind irrelevant. Sie können als Blendwerk dienen. Entscheidend ist, welche Politik die Spitzen fordern. Sind die Forderungen der Basis nicht neu, und werden zumindest toleriert, ist es das, wohin die Partei wirklich strebt.-->
Für was steht eine Partei? Parteiprogramme sind irrelevant. Sie können als Blendwerk dienen. Entscheidend ist, welche Politik die Spitzen fordern. Sind die Forderungen der Basis nicht neu, und werden zumindest toleriert, ist es das, wohin die Partei wirklich strebt.-->

======Progressive conservatives======
=====Progressive conservatives=====
Besonders in einer Zeit von Umbrüchen braucht es einen Konservatismus, der nicht zu sehr auf der Bremse steht, der die Zukunft genauso mitgestalten will, wie er auch auf ein Auge auf die Werte hat, die er stets bewahren will.
Besonders in einer Zeit von Umbrüchen braucht es einen Konservatismus, der nicht zu sehr auf der Bremse steht, der die Zukunft genauso mitgestalten will, wie er auch auf ein Auge auf die Werte hat, die er stets bewahren will.

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  ''Kultur tötet Menschen...'' 😈 Nicht alles, was man zu Kultur zählen kann, ist es wert bewahrt zu werden. [...]
  ''Kultur tötet Menschen...'' 😈 Nicht alles, was man zu Kultur zählen kann, ist es wert bewahrt zu werden. [...]

Verwandte Bezeichnungen: Rechtskonservative, gemäßigte Rechte, Mitte-rechts
Verwandte Bezeichnungen: Rechtskonservative, gemäßigte Rechte, Mitte-rechts

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Dass eine Gesellschaft auf lange Sicht stabiler bleibt, wenn der soziale Frieden gewahrt ist, erkannten selbst die [[wp:Pirate_code|Piraten auf Tortuga]], die als erste [ eine Art Sozialversicherung] hatten.-->
Dass eine Gesellschaft auf lange Sicht stabiler bleibt, wenn der soziale Frieden gewahrt ist, erkannten selbst die [[wp:Pirate_code|Piraten auf Tortuga]], die als erste [ eine Art Sozialversicherung] hatten.-->

'''Party: CDU / CSU'''
======Party: CDU / CSU======
The Christian Democrats are (mostly) moderate right-wing conservatives and also named "Union parties" or C-parties. They are sporadically abbreviated CxU on internet platforms. Critics sometimes tell them to ''finally'' drop the C in their names. "Christian [values] in name only."<!-- As long as they can't overcome their strategic emptiness and witless populism they are left with a C that just stands open to the right. Watch out. It could be cannibalistic...-->
The Christian Democrats are (mostly) moderate right-wing conservatives and also named "Union parties" or C-parties. They are sporadically abbreviated CxU on internet platforms. Critics sometimes tell them to ''finally'' drop the C in their names. "Christian [values] in name only."<!-- As long as they can't overcome their strategic emptiness and witless populism they are left with a C that just stands open to the right. Watch out. It could be cannibalistic...-->

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Ultraconservatives - and the right-wing populists riding their mindsets - have the '''strong tendency''' to be supporter of '''nationalism''' - and are prone to protectionism, isolationism and autarky - as those ideas ''naturally'' connect their lived or propagated world views and are therefore allegedly good for their nations. They do '''stronger international networking (than leftists)''' and are therefore connected by a '''right-wing ideology of nativism'''. Furthermore most of the adherents are also '''anti-Islamic''' (expect for the Islamic nationalists themselves of course). While their political bases have subliminal to strong antisemitic tendencies the ultraconservatives heads will support any right-wing Israeli government because of the before mentioned networking.<!-- They basically connect by a ''softer'' form of ethnopluralism (preference for the original population, as less immigration as possible, as much conservatism as possible).-->
Ultraconservatives - and the right-wing populists riding their mindsets - have the '''strong tendency''' to be supporter of '''nationalism''' - and are prone to protectionism, isolationism and autarky - as those ideas ''naturally'' connect their lived or propagated world views and are therefore allegedly good for their nations. They do '''stronger international networking (than leftists)''' and are therefore connected by a '''right-wing ideology of nativism'''. Furthermore most of the adherents are also '''anti-Islamic''' (expect for the Islamic nationalists themselves of course). While their political bases have subliminal to strong antisemitic tendencies the ultraconservatives heads will support any right-wing Israeli government because of the before mentioned networking.<!-- They basically connect by a ''softer'' form of ethnopluralism (preference for the original population, as less immigration as possible, as much conservatism as possible).-->

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The ultraconservatives are only exceeded by the extreme right that extend these views by even more radical versions such as a rigorous ethnopluralism, strong anti-scientific, anti-factual narratives and conspiracy theories.
The ultraconservatives are only exceeded by the extreme right that extend these views by even more radical versions such as a rigorous ethnopluralism, strong anti-scientific, anti-factual narratives and conspiracy theories.

'''Party: WU'''
======Party: WU======
Hans-Georg Maaßen soll als Kopf der Werteunion fungieren nachdem diese in eine Partei umgewandelt wurde.
Hans-Georg Maaßen soll als Kopf der Werteunion fungieren nachdem diese in eine Partei umgewandelt wurde.
* Maaßen sagt von sich selbst, dass er sich nicht selber als [ rechts(radikal)] einordnet, weil er sich als Vertreter eines christlich-sozialen Wertegrundgerüsts sieht.
* Maaßen sagt von sich selbst, dass er sich nicht selber als [ rechts(radikal)] einordnet, weil er sich als Vertreter eines christlich-sozialen Wertegrundgerüsts sieht.
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* Angeblich sind sie weniger russlandfreundlich.
* Angeblich sind sie weniger russlandfreundlich.

'''Party: AfD'''
======Party: AfD======
Political opponents often use the abbreviation AgD which means Alternative against Germany.   
Political opponents often use the abbreviation AgD which means Alternative against Germany.   

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In the left-wing spectrum, there is still often a lack of pragmatism due to ideological blindness: For example, [ sanctions in context of the Bürgergeld]. Anyone who has worked in an agency knows that it is necessary. Instead of recognizing this, the young leftists burn one of the few remaining Chancellor candidates of the SPD.
In the left-wing spectrum, there is still often a lack of pragmatism due to ideological blindness: For example, [ sanctions in context of the Bürgergeld]. Anyone who has worked in an agency knows that it is necessary. Instead of recognizing this, the young leftists burn one of the few remaining Chancellor candidates of the SPD.

'''Party: DAVA'''
======Party: DAVA======
A potential splinter party. [ Orientation:] Islamistic, Turkish nationalistic, romanticizing Erdogan, antisemitic. CDU and SPD would probably lose most of the votes. Overall, DAVA is another symptom of an inefficient integration policy that has created a completely unnecessary representation vacuum. In this context, the imam training, which [ Germany took over] much too late, should also be mentioned. The party's founding - or the announcement of it at least - might have been boosted by an additional motivation from latest changes that ease the receipt of dual citizenship.
A potential splinter party. [ Orientation:] Islamistic, Turkish nationalistic, romanticizing Erdogan, antisemitic. CDU and SPD would probably lose most of the votes. Overall, DAVA is another symptom of an inefficient integration policy that has created a completely unnecessary representation vacuum. In this context, the imam training, which [ Germany took over] much too late, should also be mentioned. The party's founding - or the announcement of it at least - might have been boosted by an additional motivation from latest changes that ease the receipt of dual citizenship.

Liberal parties have a serious strategic problem: '''By achieving their objectives, they hollow out themselves - faster than any other party.''' Genuine liberalism is characterized by the struggle for personal liberties and civil rights. These freedoms are usually won once and then exist for a long time without further action. Fighting for additional freedoms or expanding existing freedoms is becoming increasingly difficult to practically impossible. As a consequence, these parties are shrinking and tend to take up substitute objectives. Constitutional liberal objectives keep flaring up, but they only have a niche existence next to economic liberalism. The economy is strongly patriarchal (male-dominated), so that feminists and left-wing identities (themes of sex and gender, diversity, rights for minorities, wokeness) have increasingly been taken up by the Greens and the Left.
Liberal parties have a serious strategic problem: '''By achieving their objectives, they hollow out themselves - faster than any other party.''' Genuine liberalism is characterized by the struggle for personal liberties and civil rights. These freedoms are usually won once and then exist for a long time without further action. Fighting for additional freedoms or expanding existing freedoms is becoming increasingly difficult to practically impossible. As a consequence, these parties are shrinking and tend to take up substitute objectives. Constitutional liberal objectives keep flaring up, but they only have a niche existence next to economic liberalism. The economy is strongly patriarchal (male-dominated), so that feminists and left-wing identities (themes of sex and gender, diversity, rights for minorities, wokeness) have increasingly been taken up by the Greens and the Left.

This disregard and the economically liberal focus repeatedly brings the liberals close to the 5% hurdle and makes them vulnerable to lobbying and ''mercenarism''. Sometimes one favors the other. -- Against large donations the industry and economy expect a radical market economy policy or a policy that is exactly tailored to the respective donor. In part, this can have a reactionary, an anti-progressive and a paradoxical effect: new technologies are prevented in order to protect existing business models and prevent the dynamics of a free market. In this way, anti-liberal policies is done by the liberals themselves. -- Free thinking and acting of the liberals [ is increasingly hindered by lobbyists].
This disregard and the economically liberal focus repeatedly brings the liberals close to the 5% hurdle and makes them vulnerable to lobbying and ''mercenarism''. Sometimes one favors the other. -- Against large donations the industry and economy expect a radical market economy policy or a policy that is exactly tailored to the respective donor. In part, this can have a reactionary, an anti-progressive and a paradoxical effect: new technologies are prevented in order to protect existing business models and prevent the dynamics of a free market. In this way, anti-liberal policies is done by the liberals themselves. -- Free thinking and acting of the liberals [ is increasingly hindered by lobbyists].

'''Party: FDP'''
======Party: FDP======
A natural "five percent party" due to their core clientele: "bankers, managers, bosses" (plus freelancers and founders). With money fueled PR they most often surpass their natural limit. -- Certain individuals have indeed good, plausible positions that the mainstream can agree on but that doesn't change the fact that they actually have a different clientele and that their Corona booster has run out. -- They are a traditional "king maker" party, most often for CDU.
A natural "five percent party" due to their core clientele: "bankers, managers, bosses" (plus freelancers and founders). With money fueled PR they most often surpass their natural limit. -- Certain individuals have indeed good, plausible positions that the mainstream can agree on but that doesn't change the fact that they actually have a different clientele and that their Corona booster has run out. -- They are a traditional "king maker" party, most often for CDU.

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Base attitude of German leftists.
Base attitude of German leftists.

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:: Die Linken hätten schon viel gewonnen, wenn sie aufhören würden, Palästinenser und Hamas gleichzusetzen. Die Hamas sind keine Widerstandskämpfer. Sie sind Terroristen, die den Staat Israel von je her auslöschen wollen und die Palästinenser als menschliche Schutzschilde missbrauchen. [ Das führt dann auch dazu, dass es mehr tote Palästinenser als tote Israeli gibt.] Gleichzeitig verbreitet die Hamas Propaganda und tötet Palästinenser, die ihnen nicht zustimmen. Ein "[ Free Palestine/Gaza from Hamas]"-Schild wäre ein viel besserer Slogan.
:: Die Linken hätten schon viel gewonnen, wenn sie aufhören würden, Palästinenser und Hamas gleichzusetzen. Die Hamas sind keine Widerstandskämpfer. Sie sind Terroristen, die den Staat Israel von je her auslöschen wollen und die Palästinenser als menschliche Schutzschilde missbrauchen. [ Das führt dann auch dazu, dass es mehr tote Palästinenser als tote Israeli gibt.] Gleichzeitig verbreitet die Hamas Propaganda und tötet Palästinenser, die ihnen nicht zustimmen. Ein "[ Free Palestine/Gaza from Hamas]"-Schild wäre ein viel besserer Slogan.

'''Party: SPD'''
======Party: SPD======
The Social Democrats are also sometimes called Sozen, which has a slightly negative connotation.
The Social Democrats are also sometimes called Sozen, which has a slightly negative connotation.

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On the one hand, the social question still existed in a weakened form, on the other hand, more and more of the really bad working conditions were outsourced, so that the social democrats experienced a loss of importance. In the meantime, they were not able to acquire any significant new groups of voters in terms of volume. -- But this is the curse of all parties in successfully and democratically managed national economies. At some point, the big issues are so polished that further optimizations entail debates that become more and more complex and thus more incomprehensible and ''boring''. (See also: [[#The optimization trap|The optimization trap]]). Last but not least: In the face of multiple crises neoliberal<!--😈-->-acting Scholz was unable to push his government in time to substantially improve the situation around migration, integration, housing construction, industrialization, (de)bureaucracy and digitization. To rise the overall mood the Ampel gov tried to communicate that they have realized many other promises. You could say this is technically true but people don't really care because it doesn't change the fact that these projects aren't on '''their''' priority list.
On the one hand, the social question still existed in a weakened form, on the other hand, more and more of the really bad working conditions were outsourced, so that the social democrats experienced a loss of importance. In the meantime, they were not able to acquire any significant new groups of voters in terms of volume. -- But this is the curse of all parties in successfully and democratically managed national economies. At some point, the big issues are so polished that further optimizations entail debates that become more and more complex and thus more incomprehensible and ''boring''. (See also: [[#The optimization trap|The optimization trap]]). Last but not least: In the face of multiple crises neoliberal<!--😈-->-acting Scholz was unable to push his government in time to substantially improve the situation around migration, integration, housing construction, industrialization, (de)bureaucracy and digitization. To rise the overall mood the Ampel gov tried to communicate that they have realized many other promises. You could say this is technically true but people don't really care because it doesn't change the fact that these projects aren't on '''their''' priority list.

'''Party: Die Linke''' (''The Left'')
======Party: Die Linke======
''The Left''

"The East German party." Marginalized themselves by inner fights and are perceived as ideological dead stranded. Meanwhile they lost two of three major heads: [[wp:de:Oskar_Lafontaine|Lafontaine]] and Wagenknecht. Sometimes they become collateral damage by strategic voting when their voters ballot for CDU, SPD and Greens to prevent AfD.
"The East German party." Marginalized themselves by inner fights and are perceived as ideological dead stranded. Meanwhile they lost two of three major heads: [[wp:de:Oskar_Lafontaine|Lafontaine]] and Wagenknecht. Sometimes they become collateral damage by strategic voting when their voters ballot for CDU, SPD and Greens to prevent AfD.
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Depending on how pressing the social question is (especially due to unemployment, low wages and precarious employment conditions), the political reservoir of the social democrats and thus of the Linke grows or shrinks (theoretically). -- The Linke should actually be a wing of the Social Democrats, but due to its historical (SED) past it has a harder ideological core, which to this day mainly affects the "new federal states" (East Germany) and thus (still) maintains its political weight. Due to old RAF connections/sympathies and members with left-wing extremist views, the Linke is still partially monitored by the Verfassungsschutz. In the long term, the party will probably permanently fall below the 5% threshold.
Depending on how pressing the social question is (especially due to unemployment, low wages and precarious employment conditions), the political reservoir of the social democrats and thus of the Linke grows or shrinks (theoretically). -- The Linke should actually be a wing of the Social Democrats, but due to its historical (SED) past it has a harder ideological core, which to this day mainly affects the "new federal states" (East Germany) and thus (still) maintains its political weight. Due to old RAF connections/sympathies and members with left-wing extremist views, the Linke is still partially monitored by the Verfassungsschutz. In the long term, the party will probably permanently fall below the 5% threshold.

'''Party: BSW'''
======Party: BSW======
Die Wetten sind gesetzt.
Die Wetten sind gesetzt.
: A) Wird an der Organisation scheitern.
: A) Wird an der Organisation scheitern.
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** LGBTQ-skeptisch (Das Thema Cancel Culture ist nicht gut von den zelotischen Aktivisten zu trennen. Lafontaine bedient sich hier einer extrem markigen Sprache: "[ prä][ faschistoid]".)
** LGBTQ-skeptisch (Das Thema Cancel Culture ist nicht gut von den zelotischen Aktivisten zu trennen. Lafontaine bedient sich hier einer extrem markigen Sprache: "[ prä][ faschistoid]".)

Regardless of historical precursor movements, reaching planetary boundaries inevitably leads to the issue of sustainability. Nature protection, climate protection, sustainable economy. When the '''long-term traumatizing climate crisis''' is one day overcome, the Greens are likely to vegetate around the 5% hurdle or cease to exist altogether. Either because the topic of sustainability has been '''assimilated by society as a whole''' or because democracy and parties have developed into something new by then.
Regardless of historical precursor movements, reaching planetary boundaries inevitably leads to the issue of sustainability. Nature protection, climate protection, sustainable economy. When the '''long-term traumatizing climate crisis''' is one day overcome, the Greens are likely to vegetate around the 5% hurdle or cease to exist altogether. Either because the topic of sustainability has been '''assimilated by society as a whole''' or because democracy and parties have developed into something new by then.

'''Party: Bündnis 90/Die Grünen'''
======Party: Bündnis 90/Die Grünen======
"The green and anti-nuclear party." (They combined ''traditional'' Greens, old civil rights activists, (former [[wp:Pacifism#Absolute_pacifism|absolute]]) pacifists, well-off intellectuals, new left and pool of minorities.)
"The green and anti-nuclear party." (They combined ''traditional'' Greens, old civil rights activists, (former [[wp:Pacifism#Absolute_pacifism|absolute]]) pacifists, well-off intellectuals, new left and pool of minorities.)
* During Bundestagswahl 2021 potential new voters were not afraid of their '''core program''' but the '''new ideological-tinted topics''' and Greens' '''missing experience''', and '''not doing enough Realpolitik'''.<!--In einer Talkshow des ÖRR erklärte mal eine SPD-Politikerin, dass die grünen Spitzen darüber nachgedacht hatten die drei AKWs nicht abzuschalten. Man entschied sich aus Angst vor der Wählerschaft dagegen. Zu viel Kröten waren zuvor geschluckt worden: LNG-Terminals, Wiederhochfahren der Kohlekraftwerke, Waffenlieferungen, usw.
* During Bundestagswahl 2021 potential new voters were not afraid of their '''core program''' but the '''new ideological-tinted topics''' and Greens' '''missing experience''', and '''not doing enough Realpolitik'''.<!--In einer Talkshow des ÖRR erklärte mal eine SPD-Politikerin, dass die grünen Spitzen darüber nachgedacht hatten die drei AKWs nicht abzuschalten. Man entschied sich aus Angst vor der Wählerschaft dagegen. Zu viel Kröten waren zuvor geschluckt worden: LNG-Terminals, Wiederhochfahren der Kohlekraftwerke, Waffenlieferungen, usw.
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Der Krieg hat die Ampel auf dem falschen Fuß erwischt. Besonders die Grünen hat man zum Sündenbock hoher Energiepreise und anderer Miseren gemacht. Auf den Inkognito-YouTube-Kanälen und in den Erzählungen von sonstigen AfD-Sympathisanten wurde der russische Angriffskrieg gerne verharmlost oder [ ganz ausgeklammert], um so den Grünen besser die Schuld in die Schuhe schieben zu können. Auch ging der Spruch um Habeck persönlich würde umgehen und einem die Heizung aus dem Keller reißen. Die Grünen gerieten immer mehr zu einem [ Feindbild].
Der Krieg hat die Ampel auf dem falschen Fuß erwischt. Besonders die Grünen hat man zum Sündenbock hoher Energiepreise und anderer Miseren gemacht. Auf den Inkognito-YouTube-Kanälen und in den Erzählungen von sonstigen AfD-Sympathisanten wurde der russische Angriffskrieg gerne verharmlost oder [ ganz ausgeklammert], um so den Grünen besser die Schuld in die Schuhe schieben zu können. Auch ging der Spruch um Habeck persönlich würde umgehen und einem die Heizung aus dem Keller reißen. Die Grünen gerieten immer mehr zu einem [ Feindbild].

======The non-voters======
=====The non-voters=====
Non-voters are often described as biggest party. But that doesn't mean they could create such party. That unit wouldn't be homogeneous enough. -- It's debatable whether the high amount of non-voters is a sign of a functional or dysfunctional democracy.
Non-voters are often described as biggest party. But that doesn't mean they could create such party. That unit wouldn't be homogeneous enough. -- It's debatable whether the high amount of non-voters is a sign of a functional or dysfunctional democracy.

