BSL:Functions: Difference between revisions

added key names for chr_holdkey
(added info on restore_game, tweaked wording on save_game)
(added key names for chr_holdkey)
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''powerup strings: ammo, cell, hypo, shield (in percent), invis (invisibility in frames, -1 = forever), lsi (amount is ignored)''
''powerup strings: ammo, cell, hypo, shield (in percent), invis (invisibility in frames, -1 = forever), lsi (amount is ignored)''
*chr_giveweapon [ai_name:string | script_id:int] weapon_name:string - gives a character a new weapon - chr_giveweapon 0 w1_tap
*chr_giveweapon [ai_name:string | script_id:int] weapon_name:string - gives a character a new weapon - chr_giveweapon 0 w1_tap
''weapon strings: w1_tap, w2_sap, w3_phr, w4_psm, w5_sbg, w6_vdg, w7_scc, w8_mbo, w9_scr, w10_sni, w11_ba1, w12_ba2''
''weapon names: w1_tap, w2_sap, w3_phr, w4_psm, w5_sbg, w6_vdg, w7_scc, w8_mbo, w9_scr, w10_sni, w11_ba1, w12_ba2''
*chr_has_empty_weapon [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - returns if this character is holding a weapon that is empty - chr_has_empty_weapon(char_0)
*chr_has_empty_weapon [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - returns if this character is holding a weapon that is empty - chr_has_empty_weapon(char_0)
''This function only returns if the player is out of ammo for the weapon and the weapon is also empty.''
''This function only returns if the player is out of ammo for the weapon and the weapon is also empty.''
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*chr_health chr_index:int [hit_points:int] - sets character's health  - chr_health 0 300
*chr_health chr_index:int [hit_points:int] - sets character's health  - chr_health 0 300
*chr_holdkey [ai_name:string | script_id:int] key_name:string num_frames:int - forces a character to hold a key down for some frames
*chr_holdkey [ai_name:string | script_id:int] key_name:string num_frames:int - forces a character to hold a key down for some frames
''key names: forward, back, stepleft, stepright, turnleft, turnright, crouch, jump, fire, altfire, punch, kick, action''
*chr_inv_reset [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - clears a characters inventory - chr_inv_reset ambush_tanker_1a
*chr_inv_reset [ai_name:string | script_id:int] - clears a characters inventory - chr_inv_reset ambush_tanker_1a
*chr_invincible [ai_name:string | script_id:int] [on_off:int{0 | 1}] - makes a character invincible - chr_invincible char_0 1
*chr_invincible [ai_name:string | script_id:int] [on_off:int{0 | 1}] - makes a character invincible - chr_invincible char_0 1