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'''Mehr als 400 Millionen Jahre Evolution und manche Pflanzen können immer noch nicht alleine auskommen: Stressresistenz von Pflanzen via Pilzsymbiose'''
'''Mehr als 400 Millionen Jahre Evolution und manche Pflanzen können immer noch nicht alleine auskommen: Stressresistenz von Pflanzen via Pilzsymbiose'''

Es wird angenommen, dass alle Pflanzen in natürlichen Ökosystemen Symbiosen mit Mykorrhizapilzen und/oder endophytischen Pilzen eingehen. In Anwesenheit der Pflanze entfalten diese Pilze symbiotische Lebensstile von Parasitismus bis Mutualismus. Die Analyse von Glomerella(Colletotrichum)-Arten zeigt, dass einzelne isolierte Pilze entweder parasitäre oder mutuale Lebensstile entfalten können, abhängig von dem besiedelten Genotyp des Wirts. Das endophyte Besiedlungsmuster und die Ausprägung des Lebensstils zeigen, dass Pflanzen entweder als krank, nicht-krank oder Nicht-Wirt wahrgenommen werden können. Von Pilzen übertragende Fitness-Profite bringen mutuale Lebensstile zum Ausdruck, was biotische und abiotische Stresstoleranz, Wachstumsverstärkung, und erhöhte Fortpflanzungschancen mit einschließt. Die Analyse von innerpflanzlichen Gemeinschaften in hochbelastenden Lebensräumen offenbart, dass zumindest manche endophyte Pilze lebensraumspezifische Stresstoleranz der Wirtspflanzen verleihen. Diese Pflanzen wären ohne die lebensraumangepassten endophytische Pilze nicht im Stande in ihren natürlichen Lebensraumen zu überleben. Außerdem haben die Endophyten eine breite Wirtsauswahl, die sowohl einkeimblättrigen als auch dreifurchenpollen-zweikeimblättrige Pflanzen umfasst, also lebensraumspezifische Stresstoleranz auf beide Pflanzengruppen überträgt.
Es wird angenommen, dass alle Pflanzen in natürlichen Ökosystemen Symbiosen mit Mykorrhizapilzen und/oder endophytischen Pilzen eingehen. In Anwesenheit der Pflanze entfalten diese Pilze symbiotische Lebensstile von Parasitismus bis Mutualismus. Die Analyse von Glomerella(Colletotrichum)-Arten zeigt, dass einzelne isolierte Pilze entweder parasitäre oder mutuale Lebensstile entfalten können, abhängig von dem besiedelten Genotyp des Wirts. Das endophyte Besiedlungsmuster und die Ausprägung des Lebensstils zeigen, dass Pflanzen entweder als krank, nicht-krank oder Nicht-Wirt wahrgenommen werden können. Von Pilzen übertragende Fitness-Profite bringen mutuale Lebensstile zum Ausdruck, was biotische und abiotische Stresstoleranz, Wachstumsverstärkung, und erhöhte Fortpflanzungschancen mit einschließt. Die Analyse von innerpflanzlichen Gemeinschaften in hochbelastenden Lebensräumen offenbart, dass zumindest manche endophyte Pilze lebensraumspezifische Stresstoleranz den Wirtspflanzen verleihen. Diese Pflanzen wären ohne die lebensraumangepassten endophytische Pilze nicht im Stande in ihren natürlichen Lebensraumen zu überleben. Außerdem haben die Endophyten eine breite Wirtsauswahl, die sowohl einkeimblättrigen als auch dreifurchenpollen-zweikeimblättrige Pflanzen umfasst, also lebensraumspezifische Stresstoleranz auf beide Pflanzengruppen überträgt.
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'''Ein Virus in einem Pilz in einer Pflanze: Drei-Wege-Symbiose benötigt für Hitzetoleranz'''
'''Ein Virus in einem Pilz in einer Pflanze: Drei-Wege-Symbiose benötigt für Hitzetoleranz'''

Eine mutuale Gemeinschaft von einem endophytischen Pilz und einer tropischen Rutenhirse (Panicum virgatum) erlaubt beiden Organismen in heißen Böden zu wachsen. Wir charakterisierten ein Virus von diesem Pilz, der an der mutualen Interaktion beteiligt ist. Isolierte Pilze, die vom Virus geheilt wurden, waren unfähig Hitzetoleranz zu übertragen, jedoch wurde die Hitzetoleranz nach der Rückeinführung des Virus wiederhergestellt. Der virusinfizierte Pilz übertrug Hitzetoleranz nicht nur an seinen natürlichen einkeimblättrige Wirt aber auch an ein dreifurchenpollen-zweikeimblättrigen Wirt, was nahelegt, dass die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen  zwischen den beiden Pflanzengruppen zu finden sind.
Eine mutuale Gemeinschaft von einem endophytischen Pilz und einer tropischen Rutenhirse (Panicum virgatum) erlaubt beiden Organismen in heißen Böden zu wachsen. Wir charakterisierten ein Virus von diesem Pilz, der an der mutualen Interaktion beteiligt ist. Isolierte Pilze, die vom Virus geheilt wurden, waren unfähig Hitzetoleranz zu übertragen, jedoch wurde die Hitzetoleranz nach der Rückeinführung des Virus wiederhergestellt. Der virusinfizierte Pilz übertrug Hitzetoleranz nicht nur an seinen natürlichen einkeimblättrige Wirt sondern auch an ein dreifurchenpollen-zweikeimblättrigen Wirt, was nahelegt, dass die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen  zwischen den beiden Pflanzengruppen zu finden sind.

Revision as of 07:26, 27 April 2010



names and memes

scratching the surface ...

  • Daodan-Chrysalis - word composition
dao - way; origin and one of things
dan - master degree
chrysalis - pupal stage of butterflies
chrysalide - (Greek) gold spotted butterfly, this word is used in the Frensh version of Oni
  • chrysalis references and analogy
chenille - (French) caterpillar
chenille yarn - velvet-like till robust and long-life textile
imago - (Zoology) full developed insect
- "chenille yarn" (Konoko's aura) on caterpillar stage: velvet-like, misty
- "chenille yarn" (MutantMuro's aura) on Imago stage: robust, or should I say damn hard^^
  • other references and their analogy
- trojan (computer program that takes control about it's host - at least: the hacker is able to control the infected machine by remote)
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- a humanoid movement test robot
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- Chinese modern weapon-guided missile
( ) ( Caution: large file size - 8,16 MB )
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they are all artificial and controlled by human - might be hope for 'our' daodan =)

treading a new path ...

The nature of the Daodan-Chrysalis has been thought of uncontrollable. But the mutations are not random. They are controlled in sense of what is needed to survive a threat. So the next question is what factors control the mutations and what actually mutates ... Not only genes are affected by evolution.

This could become some talk of Hasegawa.

When we cannot change the world we live in then we have to change ourselves. That's what evolution is: adapt or die. But since natural selection doesn't work in humans' social systems I don't know what's worse: our evolutionary idleness or the risk that our genes become altered by the will to succeed in an ill-logical competition between us which seeded also genetic discrimination. (Future perspective 2032 and beyond.) We live in a permanent unneeded struggle whereby our opinions about things are strongly influenced by self-claimed experts, trend setters, media campaigns and advertisements. I doubt that our current social intelligence is ready to stimulate properly our own evolution. (Jamie could be noted here, something like "she paid the final price, society has failed to develop the right way, so a new concept is needed", and so on and so forth.)
We haven't realized ourselves as one kind yet, thus, the need of collaboration. Also some animals form states but there's no competition inside. I'm not going to say that we need Communism. The idea of classless societies is incompatible with reality. Specialization has always been a necessity to form a greater organism. May it be multicellular organisms or colony-forming bacteria, there was and is division of labor in every form of society. To ensure this division, communication is needed. Exchanging information can be done in several ways. For example, bacteria can communicate by chemical signals: quorum sensing.
However, societies’ advantages – efficiency increase and higher fitness – require to give up some degree of independence because of the specializations. To cut a long story short: these two new evolutionary concept – socializing and specializing – gave birth to multicellular organisms. The new physical dimensions enabled them to recognize the environment on more detailed scales and to extend their memory system.
A newer interpretation of evolution's meaning is following: not the best-adapted survive but all sufficient adapted. In fact, evolution starts inside of organisms, so you could also say it's about to survive your own mistakes.
[...] (Section needs further development in noting "tools", "specialization", "environment", "genetic protocols", "information", "memes", and "symbiosis" to outline the full potential of the Chrysalis.)

The eternal discussion

We talked about the risks and that Kerr might be biased. However, the following lines extent the aspect of control, not very much but still enough to be hope. "Where there is a will there is a way."

I think this struggle can be ported into the story. Something like this:

Sceptical scientist: "Mind-controlled, okay to a limited point, but still mind is changing during transformation at same time. Kerr ignores psycho-evolutionary consequences."

DC genome

This section orientates on a more realistic idea of DC skills than an almost omnipotent program - without [1].

Talk by Green Village guys or whoever suitable.

Mutation and regeneration ability catch one's eye.
But there's more.
The analysis confirms in advance installed but so far inactive upgrades of human genome against frost, heat, and a few other dangers. That ensures very fast adaptations to fatal environmental changes.

First notes about DC project start

I'm still imprisoned by the thought that these two guys should have not been able to invented the DC in a few years on their own. Some devices and the genius of two. Would that have been enough? Maybe I've to rethink the scales.

Today we have already interesting instruments and methods like BALLView and data mining, and the capacity of computing power around 2032 might empower scientists with virtual environments to design and test organisms in silico.

13_65_17 Kerr: The Chrysalis is the hyper-evolved clone of its host body. As the host experiences stress or harm it grows to reinforce or replace the body's damaged systems.
13_65_35 Kerr: You are who you have always been. The Chrysalis can't change that. The effect of the mutation is influenced by the subject's nature.
By now we assume a "Dual Drive" which means that both physical* and psychical** extremes can cause a mutation.
* of genetic
** and epigenetic code (environmental stimuli -> emotional reaction -> changing biochemistry -> changing epigenetic code (DNA methylation, etc.)

For example, massive stress can kick off an epigenetic mutation.

Genetical programs

[1] free adapting mutation: (largest program) ... the risky thing that means loss of control

[2] enhanced regeneration: based on Deinococcus Radiodurans.

[3] dual driven mutations that releases following pre-installed programs: de-differentiation based on Newt's and Turritopsis Nutricula's code. Needed to give cells new functions.

[4] structural regeneration: based on Newt which can regenerate limbs, eyes, spinal cords, hearts, intestines, and jaws.

[5] frost resistance, [6] dry resistance, [7] heat resistance: based on Polypedilum Vanderplanki and Tardigrade.

[8] toxin resistance: based on organisms which works in Bioremediation (Metalotolerant, Dehalococcoides, etc.)

[9] radioresistance: based on Cryptococcus Neoformans.

[10] acid resistance: based on Acidithiobacillus.

[11] alkali resistance: based on Nitrobacter.

[12] symbiosis compatibility: example of a 3-way-symbiosis result, see "A virus in a fungus in a plant"

Production and Implantation

Somehow the genomic upgrades must be transferred into the stem cells. Bacteria are bigger than viruses and can take all upgrades. They burst in selected stem cells and release DNA fragments. Now these modified stem cells can be duplicated and injected into the host. In theory they become injected into conjunctive tissue and bone marrow.

Transformation problems

  • Enzymes are released during cell division, that rise temperature. Extreme DC growths can trigger fever which stresses host cells.
  • Every body develops cancer cells. In most cases suicide gene of that cell or immune system take action. But exceptions cannot be excluded. In worst case they were upgraded as well and begin to transform the body on their own...

Psychological impacts

  • More health and strength could give host a higher self-confidence what might violence become an option to solve problems.
  • Or the host fears the powerful unknown and denies the full transformation, might rush him into suicide or something less bad by epigenetic effects.

Symbiosis: prime and secondary symbiont

15_57_21 Syndicate Scientist:'re the other prime symbiote!

  • first conclusion: there are two beings having a DC
  • second conclusion: host is prime symbiote, DC cells are secondary symbiote
  • second conclusion: neither Barabas nor Mukade are prime symbiotes
  • third conclusion: they have tissue from Muro and are now secondary symbiotes or they haven't a DC at all, or the Scientist doesn't know everything and Mukade is also a prime symbiote (TNZ string). -- Fact is "chef" said Mukade has a Chrysalis (modified or not).


Every organism has a bioelectric field. We call it Chenille field for DC wearing characters because of the game cheat "chenille" which makes Muro and Konoko glow. ^_^

Bioelectric fields plays a roll in regeneration (and might be increased during physiological stress -- unproven issue).

Example #1 on humans:

( - page 5)

"short circuit" of potentials

A wound cuts the natural membran between electrolytes and causes a "short circuit" of potentials. Resulting current flow come along with mass transport of ions. Iones like Na, K and Cl are the current in biological systems.

currents in chronic wounds

Wounds make the natural electric potential of skin abnormal, healing can even stop complete.

Potential gradients goes along with wound currents, they decrease with distance to wound boarder (2-3mm).

"wound current disappears when wound is healed or dried." (Jaffe L.F., Vanable J.W; Clin Dermatol 1984: 2(3). 34-44)

Decreased charge flow in a chronic wound

Current flow is permanent positive or negative in chronic or bad healing wounds and thus interfering or blocking the physiological wound healing process.


The electric field is an important wound healing factor.

Electric field's polarity determine if wounds close or open.

Example #2 on humans:

science book The Body Electric

Robert O. Becker began by examining why normal bones heal, and then explored the reasons why bones fail to heal properly. In the process he observed several interesting properties of bones and bone growth, proposing that bones are semiconductors and piezoelectric in nature. These tie into the healing process by electrically stimulating bone marrow cells to differentiate into a form of adult stem cells which regrew the bone from within by regeneration.

Example on amphibians:

Harold Saxton Burr and Robert O. Becker found out that salamanders have a positive charge during regeneration. Other amphibians like Frogs don't has that charge, their wounds closes with a scar (instead of forming a new limb like salamanders do).

Why again was it glowing?

Let's say Chenille get stronger with physiological stress. Waste particle are released through body surface together with perspiration and stimulated to glow in the field.

Beyond Imago stage

Fact of 50% (whyever this number..*) of unknown genes and general idea of hyperevolution we believe that Imago stage isn't the "end". Of course new environmental catastrophes can mean a threat to imagos so also a new transformation would be necessary. In that aspect we think that these cycles aren't limited. However, it would be an disadvantage to lose a fully developed adaption if situation change back then. A storage system might be involved.
A candidate for that matter are pseudogenes which means inactive genes. Thus a gene can forced to become a pseudogene while 'replaced' by a new adapted one. Later "Dual Drive" checks if an older cycle should be rolled back (making the current gene inactive and reactivating the other one).
An genetic overload cannot be excluded. But that must be solved by future researchers. Our visionary colleague Dr. Sandström (in memory of ReGenesis) points to something he calls "networked Omega-Chimäre" which makes use of advanced nanotechnology.

* IMO, even if there's a recognize-all-kinds-of-threats-and-how-to-mutate mechanism then it would take probably more space than all other programs listed in here.

Future upgrades

I don't think this will happen in RS but later sequels. It's better to write it down than forgetting it again during time.

  • telomere regeneration: which allows biological immortality (overpopulation problem appears)
  • cyborg genes: construction genes which takes care of implants -- nothing special in comparison to our human growth genes -> Omega-Chimäre
  • memory chromosome: nanoscanner collect position and properties of neurons and other relevant stuff and code these information into a new chromosome

  • Omega-Chimäres can make use of external memory storage for different Imago stages and also knowledge.
  • Long-range objective is to create a collective consciousness (via network) called Daimon.


(to be continued)

Fungus and plant

More than 400 million years of evolution and some plants still can't make it on their own: plant stress tolerance via fungal symbiosis

All plants in natural ecosystems are thought to be symbiotic with mycorrhizal and/or endophytic fungi. Collectively, these fungi express different symbiotic lifestyles ranging from parasitism to mutualism. Analysis of Colletotrichum species indicates that individual isolates can express either parasitic or mutualistic lifestyles depending on the host genotype colonized. The endophyte colonization pattern and lifestyle expression indicate that plants can be discerned as either disease, non-disease, or non-hosts. Fitness benefits conferred by fungi expressing mutualistic lifestyles include biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, growth enhancement, and increased reproductive success. Analysis of plant–endophyte associations in high stress habitats revealed that at least some fungal endophytes confer habitat-specific stress tolerance to host plants. Without the habitat-adapted fungal endophytes, the plants are unable to survive in their native habitats. Moreover, the endophytes have a broad host range encompassing both monocots and eudicots, and confer habitat-specific stress tolerance to both plant groups.


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Mehr als 400 Millionen Jahre Evolution und manche Pflanzen können immer noch nicht alleine auskommen: Stressresistenz von Pflanzen via Pilzsymbiose

Es wird angenommen, dass alle Pflanzen in natürlichen Ökosystemen Symbiosen mit Mykorrhizapilzen und/oder endophytischen Pilzen eingehen. In Anwesenheit der Pflanze entfalten diese Pilze symbiotische Lebensstile von Parasitismus bis Mutualismus. Die Analyse von Glomerella(Colletotrichum)-Arten zeigt, dass einzelne isolierte Pilze entweder parasitäre oder mutuale Lebensstile entfalten können, abhängig von dem besiedelten Genotyp des Wirts. Das endophyte Besiedlungsmuster und die Ausprägung des Lebensstils zeigen, dass Pflanzen entweder als krank, nicht-krank oder Nicht-Wirt wahrgenommen werden können. Von Pilzen übertragende Fitness-Profite bringen mutuale Lebensstile zum Ausdruck, was biotische und abiotische Stresstoleranz, Wachstumsverstärkung, und erhöhte Fortpflanzungschancen mit einschließt. Die Analyse von innerpflanzlichen Gemeinschaften in hochbelastenden Lebensräumen offenbart, dass zumindest manche endophyte Pilze lebensraumspezifische Stresstoleranz den Wirtspflanzen verleihen. Diese Pflanzen wären ohne die lebensraumangepassten endophytische Pilze nicht im Stande in ihren natürlichen Lebensraumen zu überleben. Außerdem haben die Endophyten eine breite Wirtsauswahl, die sowohl einkeimblättrigen als auch dreifurchenpollen-zweikeimblättrige Pflanzen umfasst, also lebensraumspezifische Stresstoleranz auf beide Pflanzengruppen überträgt.">

Virus, fungus and plant

A Virus in a Fungus in a Plant: Three-Way Symbiosis Required for Thermal Tolerance

A mutualistic association between a fungal endophyte and a tropical panic grass allows both organisms to grow at high soil temperatures. We characterized a virus from this fungus that is involved in the mutualistic interaction. Fungal isolates cured of the virus are unable to confer heat tolerance, but heat tolerance is restored after the virus is reintroduced. The virus-infected fungus confers heat tolerance not only to its native monocot host but also to a eudicot host, which suggests that the underlying mechanism involves pathways conserved between these two groups of plants.


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Ein Virus in einem Pilz in einer Pflanze: Drei-Wege-Symbiose benötigt für Hitzetoleranz

Eine mutuale Gemeinschaft von einem endophytischen Pilz und einer tropischen Rutenhirse (Panicum virgatum) erlaubt beiden Organismen in heißen Böden zu wachsen. Wir charakterisierten ein Virus von diesem Pilz, der an der mutualen Interaktion beteiligt ist. Isolierte Pilze, die vom Virus geheilt wurden, waren unfähig Hitzetoleranz zu übertragen, jedoch wurde die Hitzetoleranz nach der Rückeinführung des Virus wiederhergestellt. Der virusinfizierte Pilz übertrug Hitzetoleranz nicht nur an seinen natürlichen einkeimblättrige Wirt sondern auch an ein dreifurchenpollen-zweikeimblättrigen Wirt, was nahelegt, dass die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen zwischen den beiden Pflanzengruppen zu finden sind.">

Heavy weapons

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