Loser, I thought we can discuss the h2w system here. I had a thought for a move, don't know if its possible. But what if you can modify a jump forward kick so that as it hits a wall, it can causes you to bounce higher off the wall or bounce back away from the wall. Maybe I watch too many martial arts shows :-)
EdT 18:14, 21 June 2008 (CEST)
Nice idea, I will try whether it is worth it or not. Right now I am creating knockdown collisions once again (almost from scratch). Effect will be the same, only it should be less buggy.
- Just to make you sure: My knockdowns are supposed to break glass (you don't smash yourself on glass panel, but you break it instead). I thought it looks better that way.
Anyway, I plan to use h2w system on some combat moves (we already know). Which moves you suggest(except throws, those are must)? For example I will add this to STRCOMkick_heavy.
P.S.: I have also thought about possibility of taking just h2w_co##_e01, give it only glass breaking and distribute this simple particle to all more powerful moves. That way we should have glass-breaking melee. Your opinion?
--Loser 07:11, 22 June 2008 (CEST)
Yes to glass-breaking melee!
My question, how will the h2w affect combat moves? Will the moves get interrupted if done close to a wall?
Also have you seen this:
<Technique> <Name>Close/PF/CirRight</Name> <Flags /> <Weight>60</Weight> <Offset_0348>10</Offset_0348> <RepeatDelay>240</RepeatDelay> <Moves> <Position Type="12" Param0="6" Param1="15" Param2="4.5" /> <Attack Type="4" Param0="0" Param1="0" Param2="0" /> <Maneuver Type="4" Param0="0.15" Param1="0" Param2="0" /> <Maneuver Type="8" Param0="50" Param1="0" Param2="0" /> <Maneuver Type="3" Param0="0.5" Param1="0" Param2="110" /> </Moves> </Technique>
The latest beta version of OniSplit exports and imports melee profile as .xml!
EdT 14:42, 22 June 2008 (CEST)
Do you have any tips or suggestions on how to improve the melee profile?
EdT 06:41, 29 June 2008 (CEST)