From OniGalore
Revision as of 11:47, 24 November 2006 by (talk)
AGQR << Other file types >> AITR
ASIA : AI Character Setup Array
switch to XML:ASIA page
Overview @ Oni Stuff

Template:OBD File Image

Offset Type Raw Hex Value Description
0x000 file id 01 9C 02 00 668 00668-level3_scripts.AISA
0x004 level id 01 00 00 06 3 level 3
0x008 unused (22)   dead not used; you can set all to whatever you want
0x01E short 0D 00 13 13 packages follow (one package is edged in black)
Below follows the first package.
0x000 string (32) not used unknown; always zero; maybe space for notes
0x020 short 00 00 0 ID of the character, which you can spawn with the script command "chr_create"
0x022 short 00 00 0 flag ID, where Oni spawns the character (works only, if the flag exits; look to Flag.BINA for a flag list)
(Thanks to geyser who figured that out.)
0x024 short 00 00 0 unknown
0x026 short 00 00 0 unknown
0x028 dat link 01 DF 03 00 991 link to 00991-konoko_generic. ONCC
0x02C long 00 00 00 00 0 unknown; always zero
0x030 string (32) not used unknown; never used in Oni
0x050 string (32) intro name of the function, which is called up when Oni spawns the character
0x070 string (32) not used name of the function, which is called up when the character dies
0x090 string (32) not used name of the function, which is called up when the character notices the player
(Thanks to Loser who figured that out.)
0x0B0 string (32) not used unknown; never used in Oni
0x0D0 string (32) not used name of the function, which is called up when someone hits the character the first time
0x0F0 string (32) not used name of the function, which is called up when the health of the character is equal 1
0x110 string (32) not used name of the function, which is called up when the character reloads its weapon with its last ammo/cell; works only, if the character has some ammo/cells when Oni spawns it
(Thanks to Loser who figured that out.)
0x130 string (32) not used unknown
0x150 dat link 00 00 00 00 not used link to an ONWC file
0x154 short 00 00 0 unknown
0x156 short FF FF -1 unknown; always the same
0x158 long 00 00 00 00 0 unknown; always zero
0x15C long 00 00 00 00 0 unknown; always zero

AGQR << Other file types >> AITR
ASIA : AI Character Setup Array
[[OBD:File types/{{{family}}}|{{{family}}} file]]