From OniGalore
Revision as of 10:25, 27 February 2007 by Neo (talk | contribs)
AGDB << Other file types >> AGQG
AGQC : Gunk Quad Collision Array
switch to XML:AGQC page
Overview @ Oni Stuff

Template:OBD File Image

Offset Type Raw Hex Value Description
0x00 file id 01 4B 02 00 587 00587-.AGQC
0x04 level id 01 00 00 06 3 level 3
0x08 unused (20) AD DE dead not used
0x1C long 15 A8 00 00 35349 35349 packages follow (one package is edged in black)
Below follows the first package.
0x00 long hb 22 28 00 80 10274, high bit PLEA package number, high bit set means that the normal of the plane must be reversed
0x04 float C8 9F A0 C4 -1284.993164 max. neg. x-position of the gunk quad
0x08 float 00 14 5C C1 -13.754882 max. neg. y-position (height) of the gunk quad
0x0C float 18 92 F8 C4 -1988.565429 max. neg. z-position of the gunk quad
0x10 float 60 CA 94 C4 -1190.324218 max. pos. x-position of the gunk quad
0x14 float 00 40 AB BF -1.337890 max. pos. y-position (height) of the gunk quad
0x18 float 60 5D E7 C4 -1850.917968 max. pos. z-position of the gunk quad

35349 is the amount of gunk quads. Two faces (triangles) form a gunk quad.

AGDB << Other file types >> AGQG
AGQC : Gunk Quad Collision Array
[[OBD:File types/{{{family}}}|{{{family}}} file]]