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Minimal data, just to get the page started.


Offset Type Raw Hex Value Description
0x00 4cc 6D 49 53 4F OSIm Oni Sound Impulse
0x04 int32 68 00 00 00 104 104 bytes; size of the part that follows
0x08 bool32 06 00 00 00 6 version (see below)
0x0C char[32] ac5lp1.aif group name (reference to 06590-konoko_wakeup.grp.OSBD)
0x2C int32 01 00 00 00 light priority
0x30 float 00 00 20 41 10. minimum volume distance
0x34 float 00 00 48 42 50. maximum volume distance
0x38 float 00 00 B4 43 360. minimum volume angle
0x3C float 00 00 B4 43 360. maximum volume angle
0x40 float 00 00 00 00 0. unknown
0x44 int32 00 00 00 00 0 unknown (present for version 4 and above, default is 0)
0x48 char[32] empty string alternate impulse name (reference to another .imp.OSBD file) (present for version 4 and above, default is empty string)
0x68 float 00 00 00 00 0. unknown (present for version 5 and above, default is 0)
0x6C float 00 00 00 00 0. unknown (present for version 6 and above, default is 0)
0x70 char[16] filler not used
Just as for other OSBD, there have been several version of the binary format.
Over time, some fields that used to be hardcoded became customizeable on a group-per-group basis.
Thus, later versions include some extra fields as compared to earlier ones.
The above example belongs to the latest OSIm version encountered in Oni: 6.
Lower versions lack certain fields, and the following content is simply shifted backwards.
Versions of OSIm occurring in Oni: 3, 4, 5, 6.