SketchUp tutorials and tips

From OniGalore
Revision as of 01:30, 9 August 2011 by Lukas Kreator (talk | contribs)


Tutorial Author Link Status Notes
How to make a simple level Lukas Kreator Oni Central Forum Complete, but outdated I plan to update it soon...



Faces are made when you draw a rectangle, a triangle or a polygon. For example, a cube has 6 external faces, because it is made of 6 rectangles. You could also consider the faces inside the cube, if it is hollow. Faces with no textures show in SketchUp as white or blue. White means it is a "front face", blue means it is a "back face". Oni will not draw back faces, and you cannot collide with them. You can flip the faces using Right Click -> Invert Faces, after selecting one of more faces. I suggest that you first invert back faces, and then texture the level. Back faces have to be textured too, in order for the level to be converted to AKEV successfully.

Rotating Geometry

Some things may be rotated when you try to load your level in Oni. This seems to happen when the user groups stuff together and forgets to ungroup them later. There are two ways to fix it:

  • Load your level in XSI Tools and export the .dae from there. Does not work always.
  • Try to find what is grouped and ungroup it.

Yellow Faces

A weird phenomenon happened when an user from OCF (Delano762) was making a new level. There were yellow faces on some places. It is currently unknown what these are, but they seem to have been generated when he converted a CS map to a COLLADA .dae. According to him, he was unable to change the texture of these faces if he selected all faces in the level at the same time, but he could change them back to the default texture one at a time.