This is just gonna be where I put all the stuff that is done. I like having a place to write down stuff.
Happy Saturday.
Autoit stage
October 16, 2008
- GameState Offset
- Character Offsetts
- Key+mouse input offsets
- Turning offset (mostly...)
- Local game linking
- Location coordinates
- Finish Changing over to moving other characters instead of just the corresponding Konoko
- Fix glitch involving keyboard attack inputs being broken
- Apply rotation pointers to other characters
October 17, 2008
Done (Today)
- Linked Active+Normal Character structs
- Finished transferring over to pointers and other chracters (including rotation)
- Fixed input glitch
- Waiting on Rossy to start on network code.
- Transfer over to C and MP logic stuff.
October 18, 2008
Done (Today)
- Tested, found geyser couldn't run it
- Tested more, found Neo also couldn't run it
- Fixed an issue with not linking to ActiveKonoko's struct
- Fixed a pointer I forgot to make >_<
- Is now working on Neo's computer
- Gumby - works
- Paradox - works, although attacks aren't working. Probably due to slow processor speed.
- Geyser - FIXED Laggy, but normal.
- Neo - FIXED is working now, albiet a bit laggy
- Iritscen - works
October 19, 2008
Done (Today)
- Started network code in C. -RossyMiles
- Got bored, and implemented a second character, that Window Two can control -Gumby
Octover 30, 2008
- Started experimenting with windows in C Gumby
Daodan stage
July 16, 2009
After a break to work on other things, we've started up again.
- ONrGameState_NewCharacter() works
- Added structs for Character and Active Character
November 28, 2009
- Sent data from client to server, inside Oni. Attempting to recieve data as client causes crashes.
November 30, 2009
- Started work on network protocol
- Things that work (client to server only...):
- Name changing
- Message sending
- Initial connection packet.
December 1, 2009
- Fixed crash, client can receive now.
- Fixed packet system.
- Messages are relayed to the whole network
- Client now discards duplicate packets
December 2, 2009
- Client and server have an initial connection packet exchange
December 3-6, 2009
- Tested an Internet connection
- Refactored a lot of code. ;)
December 7, 2009
- Sent keystrokes successfully over LAN.
- Did happy dance.
- Sent keystrokes over Internet
- Taunted at Iritscen.