XML:BINA/OBJC/PATR: Difference between revisions

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  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <Oni Version="">

'''''[...]''''' means at least one patrol block. Paste all a patrol data into there (this includes <PATR Id="..."> and </PATR> tag).
'''''[...]''''' means at least one patrol block. Paste all a patrol data into there (this includes <Object ...> and </Object> tag).


         <Object Id="8283" Type="PATR">
         <PATR Id="8283">
                 <Position>-408.598755 60.1162872 -1402.20361</Position>
                 <Position>-408.598755 60.1162872 -1402.20361</Position>
                 <Rotation>0 0 0</Rotation>
                 <Rotation>0 0 0</Rotation>
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* table content compatible with onisplit
* if an update is needed extract '''[http://paradox.oni2.net/OniGalore/BINACJBOPatrol%20Path.oni this]''' file

* <Flags> .. unknown -- appears to be always 0
!XML tag
* <Position> .. needed ?
!flags / values
* <Rotation> .. needed ?
* <Name> .. for BSL command "ai2_dopath"
* <PatrolId> .. used in [[OBD:BINA/OBJC/CHAR|BINA/OBJC/CHAR]]
|<PATR Id="...">
* <ReturnToNearest> .. 1 and 0 possible
|positive integer
* <Points> .. holds actual patrol content
|actually the Id doesn't matter in collections
:: <MoveToFlag FlagId="..." />
:: <Stop /> (never used in Oni)
:: <Pause Frames="..." />
:: <LookAtFlag FlagId="..." />
|should be unimportant
:: <LookAtPoint X="..." Y="..." Z="..." /> (never used in Oni)
:: <MoveAndFaceFlag FlagId="..." />
:: <Loop>...</Loop>
:: <MovementMode Mode="Walk" />
|should be unimportant
:: <MovementMode Mode="Creep" />
:: <MovementMode Mode="WalkNoAim" />
:: <MovementMode Mode="ByAlertLevel" />
:: <MovementMode Mode="RunNoAim" />
|should be unimportant
:: <MovementMode Mode="Run" />
:: <MoveToPoint X="..." Y="..." Z="..." /> (never used in Oni)
:: <LockFacing Facing="..." /> (not used in Oni)
:: <MoveThroughFlag FlagId="..." Distance="..." />
|for BSL command "ai2_dopath"
:: <MoveThroughPoint X="..." Y="..." Z="..." Distance="..." /> (not used in Oni)
:: <StopLooking />
:: <FreeFacing />
|positive integer
:: <GlanceAtFlagFor FlagId="..." Frames="..." />
:: <MoveNearFlag FlagId="..." Distance="..." />
:: <LookFor Frames="..." Rotation="..." />
:: <Unknown18 />
:: <MoveToFlagLookAndWait Frames="..." FlagId="..." Rotation="..." />
:: <Unknown20 Frames="..." />
:: <ScriptId ScriptId="..." />
|valign=top|1 = Yes; 0 = No
:: <IgnorePlayer Value="No" /> <IgnorePlayer Value="Yes" />
:: <FaceToFlagAndFire FlagId="..." Frames="..." Spread="..." />
|holds actual patrol content
|<MoveToFlag FlagId="..." />
|positive integer
|<Stop />
|<Pause Frames="..." />
|positive integer
|<LookAtFlag FlagId="..." />
|positive integer
|<LookAtPoint X="..." Y="..." Z="..." />
|<MoveAndFaceFlag FlagId="..." />
|positive integer
|Patrol path tags can be enclosed by that loop tag.
|valign=top|<MovementMode Mode="..." />
|<MoveToPoint X="..." Y="..." Z="..." />
|valign=top|<LockFacing Facing="..." />
|<MoveThroughFlag FlagId="..." Distance="..." />
|positive integer
|valign=top|<MoveThroughPoint X="..." Y="..." Z="..." Distance="..." />
|X, Y, Z = positive integer; Distance = integer
|<StopLooking />
|<FreeFacing />
|<GlanceAtFlagFor FlagId="..." Frames="..." />
|positive integer
|<MoveNearFlag FlagId="..." Distance="..." />
|<Scan Frames="..." Rotation="..." />
|<StopScanning />
|<MoveToFlagLookAndWait Frames="..." FlagId="..." Rotation="..." />
|valign=top|<CallScript ScriptId="..." />
|Calls a BSL function by Id. For example if Id is 1 then BSL function is named "patrolscript0001"
|valign=top|<ForkScript ScriptId="..." />
|Forks a BSL function by Id. For example if Id is 2 then BSL function is named "patrolscript0002"
|valign=top|<IgnorePlayer Value="..." />
|<FaceToFlagAndFire FlagId="..." Frames="..." Spread="..." />
