Modding errors: Difference between revisions

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* Why are body parts in one place in the dae file?
* Why are body parts in one place in the dae file?
: Because the file wasn't saved the right way. Read on [ here].
: Because the file wasn't saved the right way. Read on [ here].

==binary errors==
==binary errors==
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Edit: You shouldn't encounter this bug anymore with onisplit v0.56.9.0 or newer.
Edit: You shouldn't encounter this bug anymore with onisplit v0.56.9.0 or newer.

===crash while loading a level===
===crash while loading a level===
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* no bug: TXMP creation via command line and v0.9.56.0 (flag missing), import with v0.9.56.0 (flag becomes added)
* no bug: TXMP creation via command line and v0.9.56.0 (flag missing), import with v0.9.56.0 (flag becomes added)
* no bug: TXMP creation via XML file and v0.9.56.0 (flag is present), import with v0.9.56.0
* no bug: TXMP creation via XML file and v0.9.56.0 (flag is present), import with v0.9.56.0

====missing animation collection (TRAC)====
====missing animation collection (TRAC)====
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* correct links at the Direct Animations tag
* correct links at the Direct Animations tag
* correct links inside character's animation collection (TRAC)
* correct links inside character's animation collection (TRAC)

==dev mode error messages==
==dev mode error messages==
Line 67: Line 67:
* ''Func "(null)", File "test.bsl", Line 3: semantic error, '''Identifier''' "main" already declared'' - In this case the function "main" is double, it can be found in the file "test.bsl" at line 3. (It's not the first but the last line of the double function.)
* ''Func "(null)", File "test.bsl", Line 3: semantic error, '''Identifier''' "main" already declared'' - In this case the function "main" is double, it can be found in the file "test.bsl" at line 3. (It's not the first but the last line of the double function.)
* ''Func "(null)", File "main.bsl", Line 1: Illegal token, got "func" expected ";"'' - The variable declaration didn't ended with a semicolon.
* ''Func "(null)", File "main.bsl", Line 1: Illegal token, got "func" expected ";"'' - The variable declaration didn't ended with a semicolon.
====mistyped variable====
* For example ''chr_lod 4'' will produce this error: ''Func "(null)", File "(called from console)", Line 1: Illegal token, got "0" expected ";"''
** Correct use of this varible would be: ''chr_lod = 4''
** '''Equality symbole is needed for variable.'''
====mistyped function====
* For example ''killled_griffen = 1'' will produce ''Func "(null)", File "(called from console)", Line 1: semantic error, symbole "killed_griffen" is not a variable (function most likely)''
** Correct use of this function is: ''killed_griffen 1''
** '''Equality symbole is <u>not</u> allowed for functions.'''
* Another wrong function: ''chr_givepowerup = 0 ammo 1'' - The debugger will say:
* ''Func "(null)", File "(called from console)", Line 1: semantic error, symbole "chr_givepowerup" is not a variable (function most likely)''  
* ''Func "(null)", File "(called from console)", Line 1: Illegal token, got "ammo" expected ";"''
** Correct use of this function is: ''chr_givepowerup 0 ammo 1''
==onisplit error messages==
==onisplit error messages==
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===blank mod list===
===blank mod list===
Your user accout probably don't have all nessecary rights that the AEInstaller need. (E.g. on Windows, this can happen if you have Oni installed on an ''old'' hard disc drive which is now wired to your new system. Add "full control" to your account: right-click Oni folder, properties, security, edit.)
Your user accout probably don't have all nessecary rights that the AEInstaller need. (E.g. on Windows, this can happen if you have Oni installed on an ''old'' hard disc drive which is now wired to your new system. Add "full control" to your account: right-click Oni folder, properties, security, edit.)

==XSI / Mod Tool errors==
==XSI / Mod Tool errors==
