Modifying textures: Difference between revisions

reflective textures
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(reflective textures)
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:The exported xml file does not contain the witdh and height of the texture, this is obtained from the tga file. If you resize the tga file the texture will be resized too.
:The exported xml file does not contain the width and height of the texture, this is obtained from the tga file. If you resize the tga file the texture will be resized too.
'''Reflective textures'''
:Keep in mind, Oni simulates reflectivity using textures and alpha channels.
:To see how a reflective texture is made, extract TXMPSTR_HARD_1%2FSTRchest.oni as XML.  You will get a TGA and XML file.
:Open the TGA file in a photo editor and it has an alpha channel. The alpha channel determines what part of the texture is reflective.  Black in the alpha channel means no reflectivity, gray to white is increasing amounts of reflectivity.
:Now in the XML file, there are 2 properties you will be concerned with:
:The <Format> is how the texture will be saved.  In this case, the striker's chest texture was originally saved with an alpha channel.  Now there are 3 formats that can have an alpha channel:
:ARGB4444 = 4,096 colors, alpha 16 colors
:ARGB5551 = 32,768 colors, alpha 2 colors
:ARGB8888 = 16,777,216 colors, alpha 256 colors (Note: this one requires the Oni engine to be patched and not many have the patched version)
:The <EnvMap> refers to what texture is used to simulate reflectivity. There are 3 envmap files that are used for characters:
:You might want to extract this file as xml to see its properties.
:Once you make your texture that has an alpha channel, use the XML file to convert it back to .oni file.
(from here:, to be edited and completed)
[[Category:Modding tutorials]]
[[Category:Modding tutorials]]
