Oni2 talk:Caged Birds: Difference between revisions

Moved notes.
(+ Operation hotdog)
m (Moved notes.)
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* Phase I: Daodan preparation and implantation
'''Fake OP'''
* Phase II: Daodan monitoring in the lab (Kerr proves it is not contagious)
* [[Quotes/Speech#Outro_2|Phase III]]: Daodan field-testing
** 00_01_32 Shinatama: That means you're almost ready for field missions!
** 02_09_06 Kerr: This is why I was against moving to '''Phase Three'''. We have no right to...

;Konoko is treated as a project
Moved to chapter.
Griffin to Kerr: "Konoko is as much your creature as she is mine."
:: ("Creature" is such a harsh word. It's actually a bit confusing unless you know that Hardy tried to translate "Oni" with "monster".)
And as a black "project" Konoko has no rights. Everything she owns need Griffin's approval.
Konoko is going to be a woman one day. That means she can get pregnant.
After reading Kerr's notes Griffin decides that her ovaries should be removed before Daodan implantation.
The sci staff tries to appease Kerr telling him that the procedure is an standard option for women in the WCG military and high-profit companies. [So that they can concentrate on her career first.] The ovaries can be re-transplanted or used for an in vitro fertilization after generating matured eggs [via 2050 tech]. It also avoids the risk that Konoko can't give birth anymore if the Daodan alters her DNA. Kerr believes in [[Restless_Souls/Technology#Full_body_simulations|Avatara's]] competence and dismiss their worries as nonsense. Eventually the sci staff changes opinions. [He made some friends who are willing in supporting him in at least this matter.]
They fake the operation and Griffin is not controlling it as he gets a sudden appointment, an distraction Maria invented.
Maria: "The true abuse of technology begins and end with the TCTF." [She could be the one who wrote the TCTF history in the manual...]
At the end of Caged Birds she and some sci staff guys get fired after Griffin finds out. They can't operate now anymore.

