Restless Souls/Summary: Difference between revisions

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Konkurrenz (Wettbewerb) und Kooperation sind Treiber menschlicher Evolution. Wie wird beides in einer globalen Biokratie ausbalanciert?
Konkurrenz (Wettbewerb) und Kooperation sind Treiber menschlicher Evolution. Wie wird beides in einer globalen Biokratie ausbalanciert?

===Grobe Idee===
To my beloved VS: don't freak out when you read this. This piece is still incomplete, too :)
===Entwicklungen und Konsequenzen===
There's always room for improvement.
: "Many forms of Government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."
: - Winston Churchill
: "Which is the best government? That which teaches us to govern ourselves."
: - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
: "We reject: Kings, Presidents and Voting. We believe in: rough Consensus and running Code."
: - [[wp:David_D._Clark|Dave Clark]]
'''How Biocracy works:'''

[Improve old notes. -- Do stronger separation of Biocracy, Gaia AI, and story aspects.]
[Improve old notes. -- Do stronger separation of Biocracy, Gaia AI, and story aspects.]
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Humans, or Omega Chimera, that choose to become outsiders because they don't agree with the rest, aren't expelled from the system. They are allowed continued access to Gaia. With that they can meet personal needs of resources and energy. Persatore thinks this will suppress ''too hateful developments''. "Who would bite a feeding hand?"
Humans, or Omega Chimera, that choose to become outsiders because they don't agree with the rest, aren't expelled from the system. They are allowed continued access to Gaia. With that they can meet personal needs of resources and energy. Persatore thinks this will suppress ''too hateful developments''. "Who would bite a feeding hand?"

===Effects on higher lifeforms===
'''Effects on higher lifeforms'''
[Improve old notes.]
[Improve old notes.]

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The breed of intelligent animals are the origin of "alien life" in "Beyond Dragons".
The breed of intelligent animals are the origin of "alien life" in "Beyond Dragons".


===Shin's mistake===
===Shin's mistake===
