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'''Partei: SPD'''
'''Partei: SPD'''

The Social Democrats are also sometimes called Sozen, which has a negative connotation.
The Social Democrats are also sometimes called Sozen, which has a slightly negative connotation.

"The old party of employees (and pensioners)." Despite having won the Bundestagswahl in 2021 they are losing voters again. Compared to CDU they were recognized as the "smaller evil" and therefore got the votes. They basically serve as a placeholder for CDU and the Greens until those suffered from direct sabotage (leaked draft), own mistakes (rushed law making, Graichen connections), indirect sabotage (passive Scholz) and major attacks (conservatives and "Springer press" campaign) and an unlucky follow-up dynamic (further delayed/rushed law making fueling more criticism) in 2023. Eventually it was a total disaster for the entire "Ampel" gov, for the opposition for not gaining much from it and strengthening their more radical competition and it damaged the general acceptance and trust in democracy.
"The old party of employees (and pensioners)." Despite having won the Bundestagswahl in 2021 they are losing voters again. Compared to CDU they were recognized as the "smaller evil" and therefore got the votes. They basically serve as a placeholder for CDU and the Greens until those suffered from direct sabotage (leaked draft), own mistakes (rushed law making, Graichen connections), indirect sabotage (passive Scholz) and major attacks (conservatives and "Springer press" campaign) and an unlucky follow-up dynamic (further delayed/rushed law making fueling more criticism) in 2023. Eventually it was a total disaster for the entire "Ampel" gov, for the opposition for not gaining much from it and strengthening their more radical competition and it damaged the general acceptance and trust in democracy.
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"The East German party." Marginalized themselves by inner fights and are perceived as ideological dead stranded. Sometimes they become collateral damage by strategic voting when their voters ballot for CDU, SPD and Greens to prevent AfD.
"The East German party." Marginalized themselves by inner fights and are perceived as ideological dead stranded. Sometimes they become collateral damage by strategic voting when their voters ballot for CDU, SPD and Greens to prevent AfD.

Je nachdem, wie drängend die soziale Frage ist (insbesondere durch Arbeitslosigkeit, geringe Löhne und prekäre Beschäftigungsbedingungen), wächst oder schrumpft (theoretisch) das politische Reservoir der Sozialdemokraten und somit der Linken. -- Eigentlich müsste die Linke ein Flügel der Sozialdemokraten sein, hat aber durch ihre historische (SED) Vergangenheit einen härteren ideologischen Kern, der bis heute hauptsächlich in die "neuen Bundesländer" hineinwirkt und so ihr politisches Gewicht (noch) aufrechterhält. Aufgrund von alten RAF-Verbindungen/-Sympathien und Mitgliedern mit linksextremistischen Ansichten, wird die Linke teilweise immer noch vom Verfassungsschutz beobachtet. Auf lange Sicht wird die Partei vermutlich dauerhaft unter die 5%-Hürde fallen und/oder sich auflösen.
Depending on how pressing the social question is (especially due to unemployment, low wages and precarious employment conditions), the political reservoir of the social democrats and thus of the left grows or shrinks (theoretically). -- The Left should actually be a wing of the Social Democrats, but due to its historical (SED) past it has a harder ideological core, which to this day mainly affects the "new federal states" (East Germany) and thus (still) maintains its political weight. Due to old RAF connections/sympathies and members with left-wing extremist views, the Left is still partially monitored by the Verfassungsschutz. In the long term, the party will probably permanently fall below the 5% threshold.

'''Partei: ''BSW'''''
'''Partei: ''BSW'''''
