OBD:BINA/PAR3: Difference between revisions

1,602 bytes added ,  5 December 2007
m (link added)
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{{OBDtr| 0x00 | char[64] |FF0000| |"env_bomb_p09"        | name of the particle to emit (3RAPenv_bomb_p09.BINA) }}
{{OBDtr| 0x00 | char[64] |FF0000| |"env_bomb_p09"        | name of the particle to emit (3RAPenv_bomb_p09.BINA) }}
{{OBDtr| 0x40 | int32    |FFFF00| C0 92 62 00 | unknown  | unknown; maybe old offset data? }}
{{OBDtr| 0x40 | int32    |FFFF00| C0 92 62 00 | unknown  | unknown; maybe old offset data? }}
{{OBDtr| 0x44 | int32    |00FF00| 47 00 00 00 | 71        | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0x44 | int32    |00FF00| 47 00 00 00 | 71        | unknown (from 0 to 775) }}
{{OBDtr| 0x48 | int16    |00FFFF| 04 00      | 4        | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0x48 | int16    |00FFFF| 04 00      | 4        | unknown (from 0 to 100) }}
{{OBDtr| 0x4A | int16    |00FFFF| FF FF      | -1        | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0x4A | int16    |00FFFF| FF FF      | -1        | unknown (from -1? to 53083?) }}
{{OBDtr| 0x4C | float    |FF00FF| 00 00 20 41 | 10.000000 | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0x4C | float    |FF00FF| 00 00 20 41 | 10.000000 | amount of (sprite) copies }}
{{OBDtr| 0x50 | int32    |FFC8C8| 00 00 00 00 | 0        | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0x50 | int32    |FFC8C8| 00 00 00 00 | 0        | interval; requieres element 1; the following intervals are possible (values in dec):
{{OBDtr| 0x54 | int32    |FFC8C8| 00 00 00 00 | 0        | unknown }}
:0 - continuous (emit interval)
{{OBDtr| 0x58 | int32    |FFC8C8| 00 00 00 00 | 0        | unknown }}
:1 - random (min interval, max interval)
{{OBDtr| 0x5C | int32    |FFC8C8| 03 00 00 00 | 3        | unknown }}
:2 - instant
{{OBDtr| 0x60 | int32    |FFC8C8| 00 00 00 00 | 0        | unknown }}
:3 - distance (distance)
{{OBDtr| 0x64 | int32    |FFC8C8| 0C 00 00 00 | 12        | unknown }}
:4 - attractor (recharge time, check interval)
{{OBDtr| 0x68 | int32    |FFC8C8| 04 00 00 00 | 4        | unknown }}
(I'm not sure about this. Maybe only the next row is the interval value and requires element 1 and 2 and this row is something else.)}}
{{OBDtr| 0x54 | int32    |FFC8C8| 00 00 00 00 | 0        | the same as above; requires element 2 }}
{{OBDtr| 0x58 | int32    |FFC8C8| 00 00 00 00 | 0        | type; requieres element 3, 4 and 5; the following types are possible (values in dec):
:0 - point
:1 - line (radius)
:2 - circle (inner radius, outer radius)
:3 - sphere (inner radius, outer radius)
:4 - offset (x, y, z)
:5 - cylinder (heigt, inner radius, outer radius)
:6 - body-surface (offset radius)
:7 - body-bones (offset radius)}}
{{OBDtr| 0x5C | int32    |FFC8C8| 03 00 00 00 | 3        | option; requieres element 6, 7 and 8; the following options are possible (values in dec):
:0 - straight
:1 - random
:2 - cone (angle, center bias)
:3 - ring (angle, offset)
:4 - offset (x, y, z)
:5 - inaccurate (base angle, inaccuracy, center bias)
:6 - attractor}}
{{OBDtr| 0x60 | int32    |FFC8C8| 00 00 00 00 | 0        | rate; requieres element 9 and 10; the following rates are possible (values in dec):
:0 - uniform (speed)
:1 - stratified (speed 1, speed 2)}}
{{OBDtr| 0x64 | int32    |FFC8C8| 0C 00 00 00 | 12        | direction, requires element 11; the following directions are possible (values in dec):
:0 - parent +X
:1 - parent -X
:2 - parent +Y
:3 - parent -Y
:4 - parent +Z
:5 - parent -Z
:6 - world +X
:7 - world -X
:8 - world +Y
:9 - world -Y
:10 - world +Z
:11 - world -Z
:12 - velocity
:13 - reverse-velocity
:14 - towards-emitter
:15 - awayfrom-emitter}}
{{OBDtr| 0x68 | int32    |FFC8C8| 04 00 00 00 | 4        | the same as above, requires element 12 }}
{{OBDtr| 0x00 | int32    |FFFFC8| 04 00 00 00 | 4        | value type: random float }}
{{OBDtr| 0x00 | int32    |FFFFC8| 04 00 00 00 | 4        | value type: random float }}
{{OBDtr| 0x04 | float    |C8FFC8| 00 00 00 3E | 0.125000  | min value }}
{{OBDtr| 0x04 | float    |C8FFC8| 00 00 00 3E | 0.125000  | attractor - recharge time min value }}
{{OBDtr| 0x08 | float    |C8FFC8| 00 00 00 3F | 0.500000  | max value }}
{{OBDtr| 0x08 | float    |C8FFC8| 00 00 00 3F | 0.500000  | attractor - recharge time max value }}
{{OBDtr| 0x0C | int32    |C8FFC8| 02 02 00 00 | unused    | not used for random float values }}
{{OBDtr| 0x0C | int32    |C8FFC8| 02 02 00 00 | unused    | not used for random float values }}
{{OBDtr| 0x10 | int32    |C8FFC8| 00 00 00 00 | unknown  | not used for random float values }}
{{OBDtr| 0x10 | int32    |C8FFC8| 00 00 00 00 | unknown  | not used for random float values }}
