XmlTools/Full documentation

From OniGalore


This page describes all XmlTools options with examples. It is needed to avoid too much content in the XmlTools main page.

Command-line operations




This operation allows you to add new XML values to existing XML elements. The values should be space separated and contained within quotes.

Usage: XmlTools --add-values --new-val "new values"


Let's say you want to add the Unkillable and the NonCombatant flag to A_L18 character.

XmlTools command:

XmlTools --add-values --new-val "Unkillable NonCombatant" --xpath-expression "/Oni/Objects/CHAR[@Id='3926']/OSD/Flags" --files "BINACJBOCharacter.xml"
XML Original XML After Command
           <CHAR Id="3926">
                 <Flags />
                 <Position>-37.3426628 756 -491.6369</Position>
                 <Rotation>0 221.15564 0</Rotation>
           <CHAR Id="3926">
                 <Flags />
                 <Position>-37.3426628 756 -491.6369</Position>
                 <Rotation>0 221.15564 0</Rotation>
                       <Flags>NotInitiallyPresent Unkillable NonCombatant</Flags>



This operation allows you to remove XML values from existing XML elements. The values to remove should be space separated and contained within quotes.

Usage: XmlTools --remove-values --current-val "current values to remove"


Let's say you want to remove the UpgradeDifficulty and InfiniteAmmo flags from D_S82 character.

XmlTools command:

XmlTools --remove-values --current-val "UpgradeDifficulty InfiniteAmmo" --xpath-expression "/Oni/Objects/CHAR[@Id='7643']/OSD/Flags" --files "BINACJBOCharacter.xml"
XML Original XML After Command
           <CHAR Id="7643">
                 <Flags />
                 <Position>173.626175 0 36.94594</Position>
                 <Rotation>0 134.847549 0</Rotation>
                       <Flags>NotInitiallyPresent UpgradeDifficulty InfiniteAmmo</Flags>
           <CHAR Id="7643">
                 <Flags />
                 <Position>173.626175 0 36.94594</Position>
                 <Rotation>0 134.847549 0</Rotation>



This operation allows you to replace 1 XML value from existing XML elements.

Usage: XmlTools --replace-value --current-val "currentValue" --new-val "newValue"


Let's say you want to swap all the w1_tap weapons from characters to w8_mbo.

XmlTools command:

XmlTools --replace-value --current-val "w1_tap" --new-val "w8_mbo" --element-name "Weapon" --parent-element-name "OSD" --files "BINACJBOCharacter.xml"
XML Original XML After Command
           <CHAR Id="7209">
                 <Flags />
                 <Position>434.9334 756 -231.2183</Position>
                 <Rotation>0 258.058838 0</Rotation>
           <CHAR Id="7209">
                 <Flags />
                 <Position>434.9334 756 -231.2183</Position>
                 <Rotation>0 258.058838 0</Rotation>



This operation allows you to replace all the XML values from existing XML elements. The new values should be space separated and contained within quotes.

Usage: XmlTools --replace-all-values --new-val "new values"


Let's say you want to replace all the flags in all characters by InfiniteAmmo and NotInitiallyPresent flags.

XmlTools command:

XmlTools --replace-all-values --new-val "NotInitiallyPresent InfiniteAmmo" --element-name "Flags" --parent-element-name "OSD" --files "BINACJBOCharacter.xml"
XML Original XML After Command
           <CHAR Id="7643">
                 <Flags />
                 <Position>173.626175 0 36.94594</Position>
                 <Rotation>0 134.847549 0</Rotation>
                       <Flags>NoAutoDrop UpgradeDifficulty CanSpawnMultiple</Flags>
           <CHAR Id="7643">
                 <Flags />
                 <Position>173.626175 0 36.94594</Position>
                 <Rotation>0 134.847549 0</Rotation>
                       <Flags>NotInitiallyPresent InfiniteAmmo</Flags>



This operation allows you to update all values in a set of existing XML elements. The values differences must be space separated and contained within quotes.

Usage: XmlTools --update-elements --diff-old-new-val "differences old-new values"


Example 1

Let's say you have a Level built on Google Sketchup. Inside the level you have positioned all the characters that are spawn during the gameplay. However for some reason you need to change the position of the level and the character accordingly. You can move the level inside the level editor, while the positions of the character can be updated using XmlTools.

You know the difference between the old level position and the new level position is 130 in X, 80 in Y and 0 in Z.

XmlTools command:

XmlTools --update-elements --diff-old-new-val "130 80 0" --element-name "Position" --parent-element-name "Header" --files "BINACJBOCharacter.xml"
XML Original XML After Command
           <CHAR Id="3873">
                 <Position>227.145248 756 -403.65567</Position>
           <CHAR Id="3922">
                 <Position>501.63855 756 223.189484</Position>
           <CHAR Id="3926">
                 <Position>-37.3426628 756 -491.6369</Position>
           <CHAR Id="3873">
                 <Position>97.145248 676 -403.65567</Position>
           <CHAR Id="3922">
                 <Position>371.63855 676 223.189484</Position>
           <CHAR Id="3926">
                 <Position>-167.342663 676 -491.6369</Position>

Example 2

Let's say you want to use tanker forward throw to a new character. You know that your new character has higher pelvis than the tanker, so you need to update all the heights of tanker animation to match those of your new character.

We also know that difference between tanker animation (old value) and your character's (new value) is -0.7970685.

XmlTools command:

XmlTools --update-elements --diff-old-new-val "-0.7970685" --element-name "Height" --parent-element-name "Heights" --files "TRAMTANCOMthrow_fw.xml"
XML Original XML After Command



This operation allows you to invert a set of XML elements.

Usage: XmlTools --invert-elements


Let's say you want to invert the helicopter animation from Oni's final level. If you notice in that level the helicopter comes from down to above to reach the compound higher spot then it goes down again. If we invert the helicopter animation it will come from above to down and then to above again (which what was did in Old China mod).

For simplicity we will only edit one part of the helicopter animation: 'heli_interior09' and its Translation (position) element. Please note that to invert correctly the animation you will need to invert Rotation element too.

XmlTools command:

XmlTools --invert-elements --element-name "Translation" --files "OBANheli_interior09.xml"
XML Original XML After Command
     <OBAN id="0">
                       <Translation>-184.349075 1312.973 -3162.01733</Translation>
                       <Translation>-184.330032 1336.40686 -3162.01978</Translation>
                       <Translation>-185.234482 1465.60852 -3060.43579</Translation>
                       <Translation>-185.233032 1465.56641 -3060.47461</Translation>
     <OBAN id="0">
                       <Translation>-185.233032 1465.56641 -3060.47461</Translation>
                       <Translation>-185.234482 1465.60852 -3060.43579</Translation>
                       <Translation>-184.330032 1336.40686 -3162.01978</Translation>
                       <Translation>-184.349075 1312.973 -3162.01733</Translation>

Patch file operations




This operation allows to specify options related with the XmlTools program. Currently only allows to specify the minimum XmlTools version necessary to apply the patch file.

Usage: @XML_TOOLS Version "XmlToolsVersion"


Let's say your patch is only compatible with XmlTools 2.0.

XmlTools patch command:

@XML_TOOLS Version "2.0"

Note that by "2.0" it means that it is also compatible with XmlTools 2.0a, 2.0b etc.



This operation allows to insert new XML inside existing XML nodes. The XML to insert must be contained between <xml> and </xml> tags as seen bellow.



XML to insert



Let's say your want do add a new glass particle to a ONCC.

XmlTools patch command:

@ADD_INSIDE_NODES ElementName "Particles" ParentElementName "ONCP" Files "ONCCgriffin_swat.xml"
XML Original XML After Command
     <ONCP id="3">
     <ONCP id="3">



This operation allows to remove existing XML nodes.



Let's say your want do remove the glass particle from a Swat Griffin ONCC.

XmlTools patch command:

@REMOVE_NODES XPathExpression "/Oni/ONCP/Particles/ONCPParticle[Name = 'glass_break' ]" Files "ONCCgriffin_swat.xml"
XML Original XML After Command
     <ONCP id="3">
     <ONCP id="3">





