To learn how to declare and use variables, read the BSL manual's Variables section. This page documents Oni's built-in (or "native") scripting variables. The other half of the available scripting commands are in BSL:Functions.
- Color
- White: available in all versions
- Blue: command only exists in Mac Intel build
- Green: command only exists in Windows build
- Default value
- [#] !!!: reset to this number on level-load
- $ !!!: set based on persist.dat at game/level-load
- Works
- "OK": both platforms can use this command
- "OK-D": both platforms can use this command, but Windows Oni requires the Daodan DLL
- "OK-M": the command only works on Intel Macs
- "OK?": confirmation/refinement required
- "OK!": apparently works but makes the game crash/hang/etc. Use with caution if at all.
- "??": command may not work
- "NO": command is proven not to work
Built-in variables
Type | Name | Default value | Comment | Works |
bool | ai2_barabbas_run | 1 | "lets Barabbas run while carrying his gun" | OK |
bool | ai2_blind | 0 !!! | "turns off the AI's visual sensing system" | OK |
bool | ai2_boss_battle | 0 !!! | "enables AI boss-battle target selection" used in compound: apparently makes Muro's friends focus on yours rather than on you. Only seems to have effect on Boss flagged characters at BINACJBOCharacter file. It seems that makes other characters try to ignore the Boss flagged character and make the Boss flagged character focus on the player rather the other characters. |
OK |
bool | ai2_chump_stop | 0 !!! | "stops the chump" disables the pathfinding behaviour of chump(s) |
OK |
bool | ai2_deaf | 0 !!! | "turns off the AI's sound sensing system" | OK |
int32 | ai2_debug_localmove_lines | 20 | "number of lines to cast to debug local-movement code" | OK |
bool | ai2_debug_localmovement | 0 | "debug local-movement code from player's position" | OK |
bool | ai2_debug_localpathfinding | 0 | "debug local-path code from player's position and facing" | OK |
bool | ai2_debug_showsettingIDs | 0 | "shows ID numbers for combat, melee and neutral settings" | ?? |
bool | ai2_ignore_player | 0 !!! | "makes all AI ignore the player" | OK |
bool | ai2_melee_weightcorrection | 1 | "weights down non-attack techniques so they are never more than attacks" | ?? |
bool | ai2_printspawn | 0 | "prints information about each AI spawn" | OK |
bool | ai2_showactivationpaths | 0 | "turns on inactive ==> active pathfinding rendering" | OK |
bool | ai2_showastar | 0 | "shows grid squares that are evaluated by the A* pathfinding" | OK-M |
bool | ai2_showcombatranges | 0 | "shows circles that represent the combat ranges of each AI" | OK |
bool | ai2_showconnections | 0 | "turns on pathfinding connection rendering" (result of a call to ai2_findconnections) |
OK |
bool | ai2_showdynamicgrids | 0 | "turns on pathfinding dynamic grid display" (moving obstacles; needs ai2_showgrids) |
OK |
bool | ai2_showfights | 0 | "shows fights in progress" | OK? |
bool | ai2_showfiringspreads | 0 | "shows AI firing spread knowledge" | OK |
bool | ai2_showgrids | 0 | "turns on pathfinding grid rendering" (static grids; see AKVA) |
OK |
bool | ai2_showhealth | 0 | "draws a health bar for every AI above their head" | OK |
bool | ai2_showintersections | 0 | "debug AI's melee intersections" | ?? |
bool | ai2_showjoblocations | 0 | "draws a green cross at each AI's job location" | OK? |
bool | ai2_showlasers | 0 | "turns on laser sights for AI2 characters" | ?? |
bool | ai2_showlinetochar | 0 | "draws a line from the player to every AI" (to be precise, it draws a line from the player to every spawned AI character, be it via ai2_spawn or via chr_create)
Related BSL functions: chr_draw_all_characters, chr_lock_active, chr_unlock_active |
OK |
bool | ai2_showlocalmelee | 0 | "shows local-environment melee awareness" | OK? |
bool | ai2_showlos | 0 | "shows AI line-of-sight checking" (LOS of all aiming AI leaves a permanent trace) |
OK |
bool | ai2_shownames | 0 | "draws the name of every AI above their head" | OK |
bool | ai2_showpathfindingerrors | 0 | "enables visual display of pathfinding errors" | OK? |
bool | ai2_showpaths | 0 | "shows the path each AI is following" | OK |
bool | ai2_showprediction | 0 | "shows prediction info for AI2 characters" (player's "predicted" position is shown etc) |
OK |
bool | ai2_showprojectiles | 0 | "shows AI projectile knowledge" | OK |
bool | ai2_showsounds | 0 | "shows AI sounds as they are generated" | OK |
bool | ai2_showtargeting | 0 | "shows targeting info for AI2 characters" | OK |
bool | ai2_showvision | 0 | "shows each AI's vision cones (central and peripheral)" | OK |
int32 | ai2_spacing_cookies | 2 | "number of cookies per fight" the more cookies, the more attacks: 0 means nothing but maneuver |
OK |
bool | ai2_spacing_enable | 1 | "master enable switch for spacing behavior" | OK? |
bool | ai2_spacing_weights | 1 | "enables position-sensitive weighting of spacing behaviors" | OK? |
int32 | ai2_stopignoring_count | 6 | "set the number of events before the AI will stop ignoring" | ?? |
int32 | ai2_stopignoring_time | 240 | "set the delay timer before the AI forgets about ignored events" | ?? |
bool | am_hit_everything | 0 | "makes the laser pointer hit all objects" (determines whether the gun's aiming laser stops at quads marked with non-object-collision) |
OK-M |
bool | am_invert | $ !!! | "inverts aiming" This is set from persist.dat at game load (in the absence of persist.dat the default is 0).
OK |
bool | am_show_axes | 0 | "shows world axes"
OK-M |
bool | am_show_closest | 0 | "dumps the closest GQ index to console" (continuously prints to console the nearest gunk quad's number followed by two other unhelpful pieces of info) |
OK |
bool | am_show_filenames | 0 | "dumps the closest GQ index file/obj name to console" (displays lots of info on-screen, not in console, about quad you are aiming weapon at, but no file names) |
OK-M |
bool | am_show_texturenames | 0 | "Shows Texture name" (displays name of texture you are aiming weapon at, as well as coordinates of reticle) |
OK |
float | character_name_distance | 150. | "specifies the distance from the camera that character names no longer draw" (probably needs show_characters) |
OK-M |
bool | chr_active | 1 | "enables character activity" (0 freezes animation etc) |
OK |
float | chr_aim_width | 70. | "number of degress of aiming width" width of the aiming arc, in degrees |
OK |
bool | chr_all_active | 0 | "forces all characters to be active" | OK |
float | chr_auto_aim_arc | 90. | "number of degress of auto aiming arc" width of the auto aiming arc, in degrees |
OK |
float | chr_auto_aim_dist | 40. | "distance for auto aiming" upper threshold, in world units |
OK |
bool | chr_big_head | 0 !!! | "draws everyone with a big head" (head size set by chr_big_head_amount) |
OK |
float | chr_big_head_amount | 4. | "Controls the size of the big head" | OK |
float | chr_block_angle | 20. | "controls the angle at which the characters can block" | OK |
int32 | chr_buffer_size | 8 | "0 = normal buffer, otherwise buffer duration" | ?? |
bool | chr_collision_box | 1 | "toggles character bounding box / bounding sphere collision" | ?? |
float | chr_collision_grow | 0. | "sets character bounding box collision grow amount" | ?? |
bool | chr_corpse_fade_offscreen | 1 | "makes corpses fade when they are offscreen" | ?? |
int32 | chr_death_fade_frames | 180 | "the number of game ticks until charaters fade over" | ?? |
int32 | chr_death_fade_start | 7200 | "the number of game ticks until charaters begin to fade" | ?? |
bool | chr_debug_aiming_screen | 0 | "turns on aiming screen debugging" (dumps AS changes to console) |
OK |
bool | chr_debug_characters | 0 | "enables debugging information for characters" (shows currently playing animation) |
OK |
bool | chr_debug_collision | 0 | "turns on/off debugging of collision" (melee collision info written to console) |
OK |
bool | chr_debug_fall | 0 | "controls debugging falling" (dumps events to console) |
OK |
bool | chr_debug_footsteps | 0 | "footstep debugging mode" (dumps events to console) |
OK |
bool | chr_debug_footsteps_verbose | 0 | "verbose footstep debugging mode" (dumps anim/type/frame to console) |
OK |
bool | chr_debug_handle | 0 | "turns on debugging for the handle code" (dumps events to console) |
OK |
bool | chr_debug_impacts | 0 | "prints debugging info about character melee impacts" (to console) |
OK |
bool | chr_debug_overlay | 0 | "enables debugging information for overlays" | OK |
bool | chr_debug_pathfinding | 0 | "control pathfinding debugging" | OK |
bool | chr_debug_sphere | 0 | "enables sphere tree debugging for characters" (draws collision spheres for every character) |
OK |
int32 | chr_debug_target | 0 | "selects the character debugging target" (used by all debugging routines) |
OK |
bool | chr_debug_trigger_quad | 0 | "controls trigger quad debugging" (draws characters as vertical lines) |
OK |
bool | chr_disable_melee | 0 | "turns off all melee damage" (also disables knockdowns; does NOT disable throws) |
OK |
bool | chr_disable_visactive | 0 | "disables visibility activation" | OK |
bool | chr_draw_aiming_vector | 0 | "enables drawing of the aiming vector" | OK |
bool | chr_draw_all_characters | 0 | "forces the drawing of all characters" (also keeps them active) |
OK |
bool | chr_draw_facing_vector | 0 | "enables drawing of the facing vector" | OK |
bool | chr_draw_weapon | 1 | "controls drawing of weapons" | OK |
bool | chr_enable_collision | 1 | "enables character collision" (does NOT prevent throws if disabled) |
OK |
int32 | chr_lod | -1 | "forces a given lod if it is between 0 and 4" (uses automatic LOD otherwise) |
OK |
bool | chr_mini_me | 0 | "decreases the size of the main character" (Actually, this command allows the character to be made smaller or larger. The custom size is set by chr_mini_me_amount below.) |
OK |
float | chr_mini_me_amount | 0.5 | "controls the size of the main character" (effective only if chr_mini_me is enabled) "1" represents "100% of normal size", so numbers between 0 and 1 scale the character down, and numbers above one scale the character up. If you supply "0", the character becomes invisible. If "-1", the character walks on the underside of the floor. With a very low number like -1000, the character will still walk below the floor but will be enormous (they will not be visible, however, as long as the camera remains above the floor); they will also lose collision with other characters, and sounds made by the character will not be heard. |
OK |
bool | chr_pin_character | 0 | "pins a character to the ground" (freezes the coordinates of all characters) |
OK |
bool | chr_print_sound | 0 | "turns on printing of the sound effect" | ?? |
bool | chr_show_bnv | 0 | "shows the bnv of the main character" (pathfinding volume; see AKVA) |
OK |
bool | chr_show_lod | 0 | "shows the current lod of the main character" | OK |
int32 | chr_show_movement | 0 | "enables movement debugging information for characters" (dumps XZ velocity to console every # frames) |
OK |
int32 | chr_show_weaponid | 0 | "Shows weapon ID" | OK |
bool | chr_showextent_globals | 0 | "shows the global parts of an attack animation's extent" | OK |
bool | chr_weapon_auto_aim | 1 | "enables auto aiming" (melee auto aiming not affected) |
OK |
float | cinematic_xoffset | 20. | "offset from the vertical edge of the screen for the cinematic insert" | ?? |
float | cinematic_yoffset | 65. | "offset from the horizontal edge of the screen for the cinematic insert" | ?? |
float | cm_canter_unarmed | 8. | "camera canter" (when not aiming; in degrees) |
OK |
float | cm_canter_weapon | 7. | "camera canter" (when aiming, in degrees) |
OK |
float | cm_distance | 33. | "camera distance" (to target, in world units) |
OK |
float | cm_height | 15. | "camera target" (target height to feet of target character, in world units) |
OK |
int32 | cm_jello_amt | 20 | "sets the transparency of walls" (for Jello-cam mode, in % ) |
OK |
float | cm_jello_radius | 12. | radius of effect of Jello-cam mode | OK |
float | cm_lookspring_percent | 0.5 | "at what percent of lookspring fight mode turns off" | ?? |
bool | cm_plane_test | 1 | "jello camera plane test" | OK |
bool | co_display | 1 | "enables console display" (console output only) |
OK |
int32 | co_fade_time | 600 | "the fade time of the console" | OK |
bool | co_message_display | 1 | "enables text message display" (dmsg and prompts) |
OK |
int32 | co_priority | 0 | "changes the priority of messages to display on the console" not sure what messages have priority >0 |
OK |
bool | debug_consoles | 0 | "prints debugging information about console usage" (information about in-game consoles; prints to dev mode console ^^) |
OK |
bool | debug_font_cache | 0 | "displays font cache texture" | ?? |
bool | debug_gun_behavior | 0 | "enable AI gun behavior debugging" (dumps events to console) |
OK |
bool | debug_impacts | 0 | "prints impacts as they occur" (to console; footsteps, melee, projectiles...) |
OK |
bool | debug_scripts | 0 | "enable script debugging" (dumps events to console) |
OK |
bool | debug_triggers | 0 | "enable trigger volume debugging" (dumps events to console) |
OK |
bool | debug_weapons | 0 | "prints debugging info about weapon particle events" | OK |
bool | door_drawframes | 0 | "draws doorframes for all unplaced doors" | ?? |
bool | door_ignore_locks | 0 | "disables all door locks" | OK |
bool | door_pop_lighting | 0 | "uses bad door lighting" | ?? |
bool | door_show_activation | 0 | "draws a circle where door activates" | ?? |
bool | door_show_debug | 0 | "shows debug geometry" (dumps events to console) |
OK |
bool | draw_every_frame | 0 | "forces drawing of every frame" (every draw_every_frame_multipleth frame; takes precedence over fast_mode) |
OK |
int32 | draw_every_frame_multiple | 1 | "draw every frame multiple" set drawing frequency if draw_every_frame is ON |
OK |
bool | env_collision | 1 | "enables environment collision" | ?? |
bool | env_drawallgqs | 0 | "draw all the GQs" | ?? |
bool | env_drawfrustum | 0 | "draw the frustum around the environment camera" | ?? |
bool | env_drawvisonly | 0 | "draw only the GQs used for visibility" | ?? |
int32 | env_highlight_gq | -1 | "highlights a particular gq" (-1 means none) |
OK |
int32 | env_ray_number | 20 | "sets the number of rays to cast" (per frame). Bigger values than 20 may be ineffective (cause the console message "allocated too many akira rays") | OK |
bool | env_show_ghostgqs | 0 | "when true show ghost GQs" (PC&Mac: Works only for self-made GQs via onisplit v0.9.93.0 -create:level in -debug out/*.xml; ) | OK |
bool | env_show_leafnodes | 0 | "enables display of environment octtree leaf nodes" | ?? |
bool | env_show_octnode_gqs | 0 | "when true the environment only renders triangles in the octnode that contains the manual camera" | ?? |
bool | env_show_octtree | 0 | "enables display of environment octtree traversal" | ?? |
bool | env_show_quad_count | 0 | "shows the count of visable environment quads" | ?? |
bool | env_show_rays | 0 | "draw the rays" | ?? |
bool | env_show_stairflagged | 0 | "show specially flagged noncollision quads" (not sure what this was supposed to do, but the dev keys for "Character collision" (Ctrl-Shift-T) and "Invisible quads" (Ctrl-Shift-I) will show stair collision ramps) |
?? |
bool | fast_lookup | 1 | "enables fast lookup" | ?? |
bool | fast_mode | 0 | "makes the game run fast" (only if draw_every_frame is disabled) | OK |
float | flag_name_distance | 150.0 | "specifies the distance from the camera that flag names no longer draw" (probably needs show_flags) |
?? |
int32 | flag_new_id | $ !!! | "specifies the id for a new flag" (equal to the last flag added at level load) |
?? |
bool | footstep_flash | 0 | "footstep flash mode" | OK |
float | fx_laser_width | 0.2 | width of lasers (weapons and triggers) | OK |
bool | gl_disable_depth_reads | 0 | "disable_depth_reads" | ?? |
bool | gl_disable_dxt1 | 0 | "lets you disable use of DXT1" | ?? |
bool | gl_disable_packed_pixels | 0 | "lets you disable packed-pixels support" | ?? |
float | gl_fog_blue | 0.25 !!! | "fog blue" (amount: 0 to 1) |
OK |
float | gl_fog_end | 1. !!! | "fog end" in frustum space | OK |
float | gl_fog_green | 0.25 !!! | "fog green" (amount: 0 to 1) |
OK |
float | gl_fog_red | 0.25 !!! | "fog red" (amount: 0 to 1) |
OK |
float | gl_fog_start | 0.975 !!! | "fog start" in frustum space | OK |
int32 | gl_mipmap_offset | 0 | "lets you disable miplevels (-ve = disable big, +ve = disable small)" | ?? |
float | gs_input_accel | 5.0 | "use this to control the input sensitivity" (affects the camera movement keys for the free-roaming camera in Dev Mode) | OK |
int32 | gs_screen_shot_reduce | 0 | "2^n amount of reduction" | OK |
bool | gs_show_characters | 1 | "turns on the drawing of characters" | OK |
bool | gs_show_corpses | 1 | "show corpses" | OK |
bool | gs_show_environment | 1 | "turns on doing the environment" | OK |
bool | gs_show_object_count | 0 | "shows the count of objects" | ?? |
bool | gs_show_objects | 1 | "turns on the drawing of objects" | OK |
bool | gs_show_particles | 1 | "turns on the drawing of particles" | OK |
bool | gs_show_physics_count | 0 | "shows the count of physics" | ?? |
bool | gs_show_scripting_count | 0 | "shows the count of active scripting contexts" | ?? |
bool | gs_show_shadows | 1 | "enables character shadows" | OK |
bool | gs_show_sky | 1 | "turns on the sky" | ?? |
bool | gs_show_ui | 1 | "turns on the ui" (aka HUD) | OK |
bool | gs_sleep | 0 | "turns on a call to sleep to make debugging easier" | ?? |
bool | gs_stable_ear | 1 | "makes the ear stable" | ?? |
bool | invincible | 0 !!! | "makes player invincible" | OK |
bool | laser_alpha | 0 | WTF? lasers are always transparent (As I can see in SRC, this variable changes laser texture from non-transparent BGR555 with AdditiveBlend parameter to transparent ABGR4444 without AdditiveBlend.) | ?? |
bool | li_center_cursor | 1 | "should we center the cursor" | OK |
bool | m3_buffer_clear | 1 | "toggles buffer clear" | OK |
int32 | m3_clear_color | 0 | "color to clear the back buffer to" (color behind skybox) (actually a 32-bit RGB integer; can calculate it with this site) |
OK |
bool | m3_double_buffer | 1 | "toggles double buffer mode" (may interrupt rendering if disabled! use with caution) | OK! |
bool | m3_fill_solid | 1 | "toggles wireframe/solid" | OK |
bool | m3_shade_vertex | 1 | "vertex shader on/off" | OK |
bool | m3_texture | 1 | 0 >> crash ^^ | OK! |
bool | m3_zcompareon | 1 | "true if zcompare is on" | OK |
bool | marketing_line_off | 0 !!! | "turns the laser line off" | OK |
float | mouse_acceleration | 0.75 | "sets the mouse acceleration value" | OK |
bool | ob_show_debug | 0 | "enable physics debugging visuals" (shows spheres for doors etc) |
OK |
bool | omnipotent | 0 !!! | "makes player omnipotent" | OK |
int32 | p3_debug_collision | 256 | "enables collision debugging display" (actually a boolean; only the low bit counts) |
OK |
bool | p3_everything_breakable | 0 | "makes every quad breakable" | OK |
bool | p3_furniture_breakable | 0 | "makes all furniture breakable" | OK |
bool | p3_glass_breakable | 1 | "enables breakable glass" | OK |
bool | p3_show_env_collision | 0 | "draws particle / environment collisions" | OK |
float | patrolpath_name_distance | 150.0 | "specifies the distance from the camera that patrol point names no longer draw" (probably needs show_patrolpaths) |
OK-M |
bool | ph_active | 1 | "enable physics" | OK |
bool | ph_debug_keyforces | 0 | "toggle keyboard applied forces" | ?? |
bool | ph_show_collisions | 0 | "toggle display of colliding quads" (also see show_chr_env_collision) |
OK |
float | recoil_base | 0.0 | "base" (for current ONWC; needs recoil_edit) | OK |
bool | recoil_edit | 0 | "enables editable recoil" |
OK |
float | recoil_factor | 0.0 | "factor" (for current ONWC; needs recoil_edit) | OK |
float | recoil_max | 0.0 | "factor" (for current ONWC; needs recoil_edit) | OK |
float | recoil_return_speed | 0.0 | "factor" (for current ONWC; needs recoil_edit) | OK |
int32 | save_point | $ !!! | "which save point we are on" (gets the current save point, which is set by Oni based on the player's choice of Save Point on the Load Game screen) |
OK |
int32 | saved_film_character_offset | 1 | "dumps the filmed animation data of the player to file" | OK? |
bool | saved_film_loop | 0 | enables looping when play_recording | OK |
string | sc_bind_f2 | "" | name of animation bound to cutscene1 | OK |
string | sc_bind_f3 | "" | name of animation bound to cutscene2 | OK |
bool | show_characters | 0 | "enables the display of character starting positions" (see BINA/OBJC/CHAR) |
OK-M |
bool | show_chr_env_collision | 0 | "draws character / environment collisions" (shows all quads that character touches, unlike ph_show_collisions which only shows quad you are standing on) |
OK |
bool | show_flags | 0 | "enables the display of flags" (see BINA/OBJC/FLAG) |
OK-M |
bool | show_laser_env_collision | 0 | "draws laser / environment collisions" (works with any loaded gun) |
OK |
bool | show_patrolpaths | 0 | "enables the display of AI patrol path objects" (see BINA/OBJC/PATR) |
OK-M |
bool | show_performance | 0 | "enables performance display" (shows FPS counter) |
OK |
bool | show_performance_gsd | 0 | ?? | ?? |
bool | show_performance_gsu | 0 | ?? | ?? |
bool | show_sound_all | 0 | "sound rings will always be drawn, not just when a sound is selected" (environment sounds, see BINA/OBJC/SNDG) |
OK-M |
bool | show_sound_rectangles | 0 | "sound rectangles will always be drawn, not just when a sound Rectangle is selected" (environment sounds, see BINA/OBJC/SNDG) |
OK-M |
bool | show_sound_spheres | 0 | "sound spheres will always be drawn, not just when a sound sphere is selected" (environment sounds, see BINA/OBJC/SNDG) |
OK-M |
bool | show_triggers | 1 | "enables the display of triggers" (see BINA/OBJC/TRIG) |
OK |
bool | show_triggervolumes | 0 | "Display trigger volumes" | OK-D |
bool | show_turrets | 1 | "enables the display of turrets" (see BINA/OBJC/TURR) |
OK |
bool | single_step | 0 | "puts the game in single step mode" (see Developer_Mode#Features for single-step control) | OK! |
float | sky_height | 0. !!! | Y offset of skybox? | ?? |
bool | sky_show_clouds | 1 | "toggles display of the clouds" | ?? |
bool | sky_show_planet | 1 | "toggles display of the planet (sun/moon)" (sun present only in levels 2 and 3) |
OK |
bool | sky_show_sky | 1 | "toggles display of the sky" (master switch) | OK |
bool | sky_show_skybox | 1 | "toggles display of the skybox" | OK |
bool | sky_show_stars | 1 | "toggles display of the stars" (no stars in any level) |
?? |
bool | sound_show_debug | 0 | "displays sound debugging info" (shows a HUD with info on currently playing sounds; on Macs, sound spheres are also displayed) |
OK |
bool | sound_show_occlusions | 0 | "enables debugging display of sound occlusions" (shows lines from sound sources to listeners) |
OK |
bool | spatial_footsteps | 1 | "spatial footsteps" | ?? |
bool | sync_debug | 0 | "enables sync debugging" (prints a message to screen with how many frames were dropped during a cutscene; see function cutscene_sync) |
NO |
float | target_max_distance | 75000. | "Sets the distance at which the radar will start to change from its minimum" | OK |
bool | turret_show_debug | 0 | "enables the display of turret debug lines" | OK-M |
bool | ui_suppress_prompt | 0 !!! | "suppresses UI prompting about new objectives or moves" (and saved games and training tips and such) |
OK |
bool | unstoppable | 0 !!! | makes player unstoppable | OK |
bool | wait_for_key | 0 | "makes the game wait for a key before level load" | OK |
bool | wp_disable_fade | 0 | "disables weapon fading" | OK |
int32 | wp_fadetime | 360 | "sets free time for powerups" | OK-D |
bool | wp_force_half_scale | 0 | crosshairs scale with distance, pow_adjustment redundant | OK |
bool | wp_force_no_scale | 0 | crosshairs don't scale with distance, pow_adjustment ineffective | OK |
bool | wp_force_scale | 0 | crosshairs scale with distance, pow_adjustment ineffective | OK |
int32 | wp_hypostrength | 25 | "sets strength of hypo spray" apparently in % of full health, seems hard-coded |
?? |
bool | wp_kickable | 0 | "lets the player kick weapons" (actually lets everyone but the player collide with guns) |
OK |
float | wp_pow_adjustment | 0.3 | scales crosshair separately (or not, depending on "force" flags) | OK |
float | wp_scale_adjustment | 1. | adjusts scales | OK |