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< Walkthrough
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It is highly recommend using the Overheal/Overpower-mechanic as much as possible to reduce damage taken and increase your chances of success!
Save Point 1

Starting the level with a Cutscene of Konoko meeting Muro, and him leaving- A Striker is sent to dispose of Konoko.

To make the fight a little easier for you, you can delay shooting the first Striker for a moment, so that you don't get ganged up on. Finish the Striker with your pistol. Turn back and run past the TCTF-Vehicle on the right-hand side of the car, slide-grab the Ballistic Ammo behind it, and the Hypo behind the civilian car. Now you're set to steam-roll your opponents by using Overpower with two Hypos already available. As you're approaching the building, get ready to use Overpower and easily deal the first rooms enemies without taking major damage. The Striker that left with Muro in the cutscene is terrorizing the Civilians while waiting for you just past the doors.

Speak with the Blue Civilian Woman inside the Lobby/Baggage area to get a Hypo from her.
Note: She might get killed by the time you reach her!

Activate Overpower and proceed sprinting towards the right.

There's a Comguy hiding behind the fourth Baggage desk- You will meet him simultaneously as you begin hearing bullets and rockets flying.
But keep moving. You will spot 2 Male Civilians being chased by a Striker shooting them with an SMG- Deal with him first.

The Civilian Male that does not walk towards the entrance of the building will give you a Hypo.

Enter the next room and fight the Striker holding a Scram Cannon harassing Civilians. There's a civilian woman hiding on the left-hand side.
Talk with her to get a Hypo.

Note: It is highly recommended to bring the Scram Cannon with you. It is a very powerful tool in this level, and there is plenty of ammunition and space for its rockets.

On the left-hand side of the room is a Console to unlock the door to the next room, the Waiting Area. This room has 2 civilians on the left-hand side.

The male will give you a Ballistic Ammo.

On the opposite side of the room you've entered, a blue and a green Striker holding an SMG will arrive through the door. Deal with them however you like and proceed to the next room.

In this room you'll see a Bomber holding an SMG right in-front of you on the opposite side of the room you've just entered. He has planted a bomb to blow the access-ramp to reach him. So you will need to find a way around.

Move down the ramp and defeat the SMG-carrying Comguy harassing the two workers on the ground floor, and the blue Striker walking calmly away from the explosion that had just detonated. Once you move out of this room and walk towards the dark twin-ramps leading outside- Save point 2 triggers.

Save Point 2

This is the area where the Scram Cannon is most useful due to its fairly long range, high damage and homing-missiles. Don't worry about wasting some ammo here!
Be prepared to use Overheal here!

Moving up the left ramp- either by sneaking and attempting to back-break, or by going guns-blazing. A brown Striker with a Plasma-Rifle approaches. He will drop a Hypo when defeated. If you keep walking that direction, on the left-hand corner of the caged area, you'll spot the Comguy mentioned in the secrets section for some Ammo.

Note: There are many enemies with weapons in this area. Be vary of being shot in the back, and keep dodging rockets!

There is a hidden civilian Worker on the diagonally opposite corner of the caged area of the 'hidden' Comguy. He will give you a Force Field. This however spawns a new Striker holding a Plasma-Rifle.

Note: This Force Field will become useful later. So try leaving a little charge on it to be able to utilize its effects!

Enter the downward ramps that are parallel and identical to the ones you walked up at the start of Save Point 2 to circumvent the blown access-ramps from the previous room you were in. There will be two enemies there a Comguy and a Blue Striker with an SMG.

Look under the ramp that isn't broken to find a Worker that will give you a Hypo.

Run up the same ramp and enter the next room. There are two enemies inside. Defeat them, and keep moving to the next room. As you enter it, a cutscene plays.

You've caught up to Muro, and he leaves a gang of goons to try and stop you. One of which is holding a stun-gun.

Note: If your Force Field got broken, fear not! There is another one in the first room on the right!

After defeating the two blue Strikers, enter the second room on the right and use the Console to follow Muro and trigger the final Save Point.

Save Point 3

The Scram Cannon is quite useful here as well! If you've dropped it, there's a striker holding one in this final room!
There are quite a few enemies in this room. If you have any Hypos, or Overpower effects to use, soon will be the time to utilize them.

The layout of this part of the level is fairly simple. There's a huge plane in the middle. The layout is reciprocal of itself, with an identical platform as the one you're standing on top of as you walk enter this part of the level.
There's a Striker with a Plasma-Rifle on your left.

Unless you need a Hypo fast, you can skip the first control-room/pod on your right!

Deal with the Striker on the left. If you're in good health, consider using Overpower here to deal with the Striker on the left, and if you're already in Overpower, you may jump down from the platform to spare yourself some fall damage.
Head underneath the large plane where a Comguy shooting at a mechanic-Worker. Then, move towards the next pod. Approaching the stairs to the second pod, there is a blue Striker with a Scram Cannon patrolling the platform, and a green Striker inside the pod alongside a Console.

Interacting with it will unlock the Console on the first pod.

Two Red Strikers wielding Plasma-Rifles arrive from the door you want to enter and go guns-blazing.

Being the first appearance of the "red" variant of Striker, these could prove to be quite challenging, by being faster and having more health than the green and blue one's you've been dealing with so far. After dealing with them return to the first pod to use the now unlocked Console and unlock the door to finish the level.


These are written in sequence of appearance.

  • Hidden civilian, 2x hypo and ammo

Start of level
- After the first Cutscene
- Turning around and following the sidewalk until you reach a Male Civilian hiding behind a baggage trolley.

Talk with him to receive a Hypo.

On the left-hand side of the crashed TCTF-Vehicle lies Ballistic Ammunition.
Middle of the road
- Behind same side of the crashed Civilian-Vehicle lies a Hypo.

Here's a video: Timestamped Video (Youtube)

  • Hidden Comguy Plasma Rifle, Cell and Ammo

Caged Area outside Save Point 2
- Inner left corner past the first plane lies a stack of boxes and a Comguy with a Plasma-Rifle.

- Jumping required.

A Ballistic Ammo can be found on top of the closest cargo container from the Comguy
-Left side of the caged area.
Where 3 red cargo containers are. Jump on-top of the farthest container by using the barrel behind it.

Timestamped Video (Youtube)

  • Hidden worker gives Force Field and triggers a striker spawn, carrying a Plasma-Rifle and drops a Hypo

Caged Area outside Save Point 2
- On the far-right outer-corner of the caged area
- Past the yellow barriers behind one of the two shacks is a Worker. Talking with him gives you a Force Field and triggers a Brown Striker to spawn with a Plasma-Rifle.

Timestamped Video (Youtube)

  • Hidden worker that gives you a Hypo

In the building mirroring the start of the Save Point
- Underneath the right-hand staircase is a Worker.

Speak with him to receive a Hypo.

Timestamped Video (Youtube)

  • Force Field in a room

After the Cutscene
- Enter the lower room on the right. Beneath the window sill lies a Force Field.

Timestamped Video (Youtube)

  • 2 Cells on the ground next to walls

In the last room of airport with a big airplane
- 2 cells on the ground hidden almost directly beneath the door you arrive at, and on the opposite side of the room.

Timestamped Video (Youtube)