From OniGalore
(Redirected from AKBA)
AKAA << Other file types >> AKBP
AKBA : Side Array
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Overview @ Oni Stuff

Akba a.gif

Offset Type Raw Hex Value Description
0x00 res_id 01 4F 02 00 591 00591-.AKBA
0x04 lev_id 01 00 00 06 3 level 3
0x08 char[20] AD DE dead unused
0x1C int32 B7 06 00 00 1719 array size
First element (black outline)
0x00 int32hb 00 00 00 00 0, hig bit plane index for this "side" (see AKEV / PLEA); high bit flips the plane
0x04 int32 00 00 00 00 0 AKAA range start (adjacencies for this side)
0x08 int32 01 00 00 00 1 AKAA range end (adjacencies for this side)
0x0C int32 00 00 00 00 0 ignored (originally as Ghost GQ Start Index)
0x10 int32 01 00 00 00 1 ignored (originally as Ghost GQ End Index)
0x14 int32 00 00 00 00 0 ignored (originally as BNV Quad Start Index)
0x18 int32 01 00 00 00 1 ignored (originally as BNV Quad End Index)

It appears that the plane is ignored by the engine. In particular if a side has adjacencies then it has ghost quads and any quad has an associated plane. Sometimes the ghost quads are inside the BNV (instead of being on the edge) and in that case the quad plane is different from the side plane.

AKAA range
These 2 fields make up a range of "adjacencies" (see AKAA). If the fields are equal then the range is empty.

AKAA << Other file types >> AKBP
AKBA : Side Array
Level file