
From OniGalore

All offset names are bastardized by me. They may or may not match up in name with Neo's db, but the offset locations should be right. Yes, I realize my Character pointers aren't quite flawless, but it is on my list of things to do.

Offset name Address Datatype Description
GameState [5ECE7C] pointer Basically where everything important is stored
ActivePlayerZ GameState+0xB6268+Z*0x2838 Useful Location Where you can manipulate 90% of the player stuff. chr_draw_all_characters is recommended. (Will be changed soon, don't complain about it not being reliable)
ActivePlayerZ.Xloc [ActivePlayerZ+0x4]+0x84 float X location
ActivePlayerZ.Yloc [ActivePlayerZ+0x4]+0x88 float Y location
ActivePlayerZ.Zloc [ActivePlayerZ+0x4]+0x8C float Z location
ActivePlayerZ.Input ActivePlayerZ+0x2158 30 bytes of various data Where you can input controls for a character as long as you aren't focused on them (ai2_takecontrol 0 may be needed)
PlayerZ.Rotation Coming soon float Gotta switch over to more pointers before this is useable.