Here are a few notes about globalization in general and discrepancies in particular.
It is interesting to establish once and for all:
- how much content is duplicated across levels in the original Oni;
- how many of the duplicated files are in fact not identical dupes.
The main categories of recurrent textures are character textures, environment textures and particle textures. (Fail screens are also shared across levels.)
Relatively few of the textures show discrepancies:
- TXMP_CONSOLE_A_01 in level0_Final vs. level1_Final
- The two textures are identical, but the level0_Final one has no MIP maps.
- TXMP_CONSOLE_ALARM in level0_Final vs. level#_Final (#=1-2,6,14,19)
- The two textures are identical, but the level0_Final one has no MIP maps.
- TXMPlensflare01 in level0_Final vs. level14_Final
- The two textures are similar, but level0_Final uses ARGB4444 and the level14_Final uses RGB555 (!).
- TXMPBLOCKADE (level11_Final) vs. TXMPblockade (level0_Final)
- The two textures are identical, but TXMPblockade has no MIP maps.
- TXMPfail01_3 in level3_Final vs. level#_Final (#=1-2,4-6,8)
- The two textures are identical, but the level3_Final one has garbage in the invisible area (the garbage comes from the bottom rows of TXMPfail01_1).
- TXMPfail01_4 in level3_Final vs. level#_Final (#=1-2,4-6,8)
- The two textures are identical, but the level3_Final one has garbage in the invisible area (the garbage comes from the bottom rows of TXMPfail01_1).
- TXMPfail02_3 in level9_Final or level#_Final (#=11,13) vs. level#_Final (#=10,12)
- The textures are identical, but the ones level9_Final and level#_Final (#=11,13) have garbage in the invisible area (the garbage comes from the bottom rows of TXMPfail02_1).
- The clean ones are in level#_Final (#=10,12).
- TXMPfail02_4 in level9_Final or level#_Final (#=11,13) vs. level#_Final (#=10,12)
- The textures are identical, but the ones level9_Final and level#_Final (#=11,13) have garbage in the invisible area (the garbage comes from the bottom rows of TXMPfail02_1).
- The clean ones are in level#_Final (#=10,12).
- TXMPlsi_icon in level#_Final (#=1,6,8,12,19)
- Those are all different (or "level-specific", we could say ^_^).
- TXMPfire5 in level#_Final (#=8-9) vs. level#_Final (#=1-4,6,10,12-14,19)
- The fire in level8_Final and level9_Final has 20 animation frames.
- The fire in the other levels has only 10 animation frames.
- TXMPGLASS02 in level2_Final vs. TXMPGLASS02 in level#_Final (#=9,14) and TXMPGlass02 in level#_Final (#=8,18)
- TXMPGlass02 (TCTF HQ building) is practically the same as TXMPGLASS02 in level#_Final (#=9,14).
- (The difference between the two is limited to a seemingly unused flag, "pixel type".)
- TXMPGLASS02 in level2_Final differs from the all the others (slightly different contrast).
- TXMPEB_1 and TXMPEB_3 in level2_Final vs. level13_Final
- Originally TXMPEB_# (#=1-3) are used for the Deadly Brain.
- DreamLab reuses TXMPEB_1 and TXMPEB_3, but with much paler colors.
- TXMPMP_COUCH01 in level9_Final vs. level13_Final
- Same texture, but with much paler colors in DreamLab.
- TXMPNO_MACHINE_03 in level14_Final vs. level19_Final
- Same texture, but with slightly different colors.
- TXMPGOO in level3_Final vs. TXMPgoo in level14_Final
- Different animals. Also different from level13_Final's TXMPGOO2
- TXMP_DOOR _CM_1 in level#_Final (#=3,9) vs. level19_Final
- The level19_Final has some lighting baked in and looks nicer overall.
- TXMPRW_MAINOFF_WALL in level4_Final vs. level6_Final
- Similar design, but different animals nonetheless. Moreover, level6_Final's TXMPRW_MAINOFF_WALL is 256x256, whereas level4_Final's is 128x128.
- TXMPROTORBLADES in level8_Final vs. level19_Final
- The level19_Final version has 24 animation frames, level8_Final has only 4.
There are many recurrent sounds in Oni (ambients, character vocalizations, dialogue, music, etc).
The only discrepancy in all of English Oni is SNDDmuro_hrt_md10.aif. The main version of it occurs in level#_Final (#=2-4,6,9-10,13-14), and a unique variant occurs in level19_Final.