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The first pic shows the first part of this file. The second pic the second part, the third pic the third part and the last pic the fourth part of it.
Offset | Type | Raw Hex | Value | Description |
0x000 | res_id | 01 00 00 00 | 0 | 00000-game_settings.ONGS |
0x004 | file_id | 01 00 00 00 | 0 | level0_Final.dat |
0x008 | float | 00 00 00 40 | 2.000000 | max overpower HP factor |
0x00C | float | 00 00 80 3E | 0.250000 | normal hypo strength (see details below) |
0x010 | float | 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | overpower hypo strength |
0x014 | float | 00 00 C0 3F | 1.500000 | overpower min damage factor (see details below) |
0x018 | float | 33 33 13 40 | 2.300000 | overpower max damage factor |
0x01C | int32 | 04 00 00 00 | 4 | number of used key health values for health bar color |
0x020 | float | 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000 | 0 percent of full health |
0x024 | float | C2 F5 28 3F | 0.660000 | 66 percent of full health |
0x028 | float | 47 E1 7A 3F | 0.980000 | 98 percent of full health |
0x02C | float | 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | 100 percent of full health |
0x030 | char[48] | AD DE | dead | unused; space for 12 more health values |
0x060 | color | 00 00 FF FF | 0, 0, 255; 255 | health color at 0 percent of full health (red) (see details below) |
0x064 | color | 00 FF FF FF | 0, 255, 255; 255 | health color at 66 percent of full health (yellow) |
0x068 | color | 2B A1 13 FF | 43, 161, 19; 255 | health color at 98 percent of full health (greenish) |
0x06C | color | 00 FF 00 FF | 0, 255, 0; 255 | health color at 100 percent of full health (green) |
0x070 | color | AD DE | dead | unused; space for 12 more health bar colors |
Names of the meshes used for powerup items (first entry shown, six used, room for seven) | ||||
0x0A0 | char[128] | powerup_ammo | name of the 3D model of the red ammo clip (M3GMpowerup_ammo) |
- Hypo strength
- This is the coefficient for how much of the character's health is healed by a hypo. The numbers specified here mean that 25% of their max health will be restored under normal conditions, but if the character is already at maximum health then 100% of their max HP is added, doubling their health and taking them into overpower. If they are at less than max health, but high enough that the hypo's 25% effectiveness will take them above max health, then the remainder of the hypo counts at a 100% coefficient. For example, a character with a max of 200 HP and current health of 190 HP uses a hypo: it heals those 10 points and then, because 60% of the hypo's healing power is remaining, it is applied at a rate of 60% of that character's max health, taking them into overpower by an additional 120 HP (60% * 200).
- Damage factors
- The 1.5 and 2.3 figures are multipliers for damage done by melee attacks if the character is capable of overpower mode. For instance, when Konoko is at peak overpower she will do 2.3x damage with each attack, and this will ramp down to 1.5x when she is 1 point above her max HP and about to leave overpower mode.
- Health colors
- The colors are specified in the order BGRA. These are not only used for the health bar in the HUD but also hit flashes when striking enemies and for any particle that uses the "special tint" flag (e.g. Barabas' regeneration particles). The actual color used in these circumstances will be an interpolation between the specified key values, so for instance at 33% health you should expect to see a color halfway between 0%'s pure red and 66%'s pure yellow (i.e. orange).
- Order of the powerup types
- Ballistic ammo, energy ammo, hypo, shield, invisibility, LSI
Offset | Type | Raw Hex | Value | Description |
Names of the "glow" textures displayed for powerups lying on the ground (first entry shown, six used, room for seven | ||||
0x420 | char[128] | glowtex_ammo | name of the glow texture for red ammo clips (reference to 01448-glowtex_ammo.TXMP) |
Offset | Type | Raw Hex | Value | Description |
0x7A0 | float32 | 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | red ammo glow x size |
0x7A4 | float | 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | red ammo glow y size |
0x7A8 | float | 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | green energy cell glow x size |
0x7AC | float | 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | green energy cell glow y size |
0x7B0 | float | 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | hypo glow x size |
0x7B4 | float | 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | hypo glow y size |
0x7B8 | float | 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | force shield glow x size |
0x7BC | float | 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | force shield glow y size |
0x7C0 | float | 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | phase cloak glow x size |
0x7C4 | float | 00 00 A0 40 | 5.000000 | phase cloak glow y size |
0x7C8 | float | 00 00 C0 40 | 6.000000 | LSI glow x size |
0x7CC | float | 00 00 C0 40 | 6.000000 | LSI glow y size |
0x7D0 | char[8] | AD DE | dead | ignored; space for the glow size of a seventh type of powerup |
23 links to sounds of various gameplay events | ||||
0x7D8 | char[32] | ... | sound name; unused; (reference to an OSBD file) |
- Glow size
- In local coordinates, because the orientation of a dropped powerup can be anything.
- Event impulse sounds
- 0. (unused) - some missing door sound
- 1. door_fail
- 2. door_lock
- 3. (unused) - door_unlock
- 4. use_hypo
- 5. (unused)
- 6. inventory_fail
- 7. receive_ammo
- 8. receive_cell
- 9. receive_hypo
- 10. receive_lsi
- 11. compass
- 12. objective_new
- 13. objective_prompt
- 14. objective_complete
- 15. autosave
- 16. (unused)
- 17. (unused)
- Event ambient sounds
- 18. health_low
- 19. health_over
- 20. shield
- 21. invis
- 22. (unused)
Offset | Type | Raw Hex | Value | Description |
the following 9 factors affect the notice, block and dodge specified in the melee profile | ||||
0xAB8 | float | 33 33 33 3F | 0.700000 | notice factor if you play on easy |
0xABC | float | 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | notice factor if you play on normal |
0xAC0 | float | 33 33 B3 3F | 1.400000 | notice factor if you play on hard |
0xAC4 | float | 9A 99 19 3F | 0.600000 | enemy block chance factor if you play on easy |
0xAC8 | float | 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | enemy block chance factor if you play on normal |
0xACC | float | 66 66 A6 3F | 1.300000 | enemy block chance factor if you play on hard |
0xAD0 | float | CD CC 4C 3F | 0.800000 | dodge factor if you play on easy |
0xAD4 | float | 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | dodge factor if you play on normal |
0xAD8 | float | 00 00 C0 3F | 1.500000 | dodge factor if you play on hard |
0xADC | float | 9A 99 99 3F | 1.200000 | weapon accuracy factor if you play on easy |
0xAE0 | float | 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | weapon accuracy factor if you play on normal |
0xAE4 | float | 9A 99 19 3F | 0.600000 | weapon accuracy factor if you play on hard |
0xAE8 | float | 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | enemy health factor if you play on easy |
0xAEC | float | 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | enemy health factor if you play on normal |
0xAF0 | float | 00 00 A0 3F | 1.250000 | enemy health factor if you play on hard |
0xAF4 | float | 66 66 A6 3F | 1.300000 | player health factor if you play on easy |
0xAF8 | float | 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | player health factor if you play on normal |
0xAFC | float | 00 00 80 3F | 1.000000 | player health factor if you play on hard |
0xB00 | int32 | 10 00 00 00 | 16 | array size |
First element (black outline) | ||||
0x000 | char[32] | hypo | space for notes | |
0x020 | int16 | 01 00 | 1 | first level with autoprompting |
0x022 | int16 | 02 00 | 2 | last level with autoprompting |
0x024 | char[32] | autoprompt_hypo | raw file anchor for the text message (it belongs to the SUBT file) |
- Prompts
- hypo, cell, ammo, invis, shield, lsi (5 different prompts), weapon, useconsole, usealarm, usedoor, usehypo, nci (talk to character).
ONFA << Other file types >> ONIA |
ONGS : Oni Game Settings |
General file |