From OniGalore
OSBD << Other file types >> OTLF
OTIT : Oct Tree Interior Node Array
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Overview @ Oni Stuff

Otit a.gif

Offset Type Raw Hex Value Description
0x00 res_id 01 44 02 00 580 00580-.OTIT
0x04 lev_id 01 00 00 06 3 level 3
0x08 char[20] AD DE dead unused
0x1C int32 6E 0A 00 00 2670 array size
First element (black outline)
0x00 int32hb 01 00 00 00 1 negative x, negative y, negative z child index
0x04 int32hb 30 00 00 00 48 positive x, negative y, negative z child index
0x08 int32hb 52 01 00 00 338 negative x, positive y, negative z child index
0x0C int32hb 93 01 00 00 403 positive x, positive y, negative z child index
0x10 int32hb A8 06 00 00 1704 negative x, negative y, positive z child index
0x14 int32hb DC 06 00 00 1756 positive x, negative y, positive z child index
0x18 int32hb F2 07 00 00 2034 negative x, positive y, positive z child index
0x1C int32hb 42 08 00 00 2114 positive x, positive y, positive z child index

Child index
If the child index does not have its high bit set then it is the index of another octtree interior node (in the same array). Otherwise it is the index of an octtree leaf (from OTLF)
In the above interior node all children are other interior nodes, there are no leafs in this interior node.

OSBD << Other file types >> OTLF
OTIT : Oct Tree Interior Node Array
Level file