From OniGalore
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PNTA : 3D Point Array
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Overview @ Oni Stuff

Pnta a.gif

Offset Type Raw Hex Value Description
0x00 res_id 01 DA 00 00 218 00218-.PNTA
0x04 lev_id 01 00 00 06 3 level 3
0x08 char[12] AD DE dead unused
0x14 float 00 00 10 C1 -9.000000 min. x-coordinate of all elements below
0x18 float 47 BC C9 BE -0.394015 min. y-coordinate (height) of all elements below
0x1C float FF FF 6F C1 -14.999999 min. z-coordinate of all elements below
0x20 float 00 00 10 41 9.000000 max. x-coordinate of all elements below
0x24 float 56 BC C9 3E 0.394015 max. y-coordinate (height) of all elements below
0x28 float 70 6E 73 41 15.214462 max. z-coordinate of all elements below
0x2C float 00 00 00 00 0.000000 x-coordinate of the center [ ((max. x-coord. - min. x-coord.) ÷ 2) + min x-coord. ]
0x30 float 00 00 70 34 0.000000... y-coordinate (height) of the center [ ((max. y-coord. - min. y-coord.) ÷ 2) + min y-coord. ]
0x34 float 40 9C DB 3D 0.107232 z-coordinate of the center [ ((max. z-coord. - min. z-coord.) ÷ 2) + min z-coord. ]
0x38 float E6 B6 8C 41 17.589306 distance from the center to each of the both points above
0x3C int32 10 00 00 00 16 array size
First element (black outline)
0x00 float 00 00 10 C1 -9.000000 x-coordinate of the first point
0x04 float 1A BC C9 BE -0.394013 y-coordinate (height) of the first point
0x08 float FF FF 6F C1 -14.999999 z-coordinate of the first point

The first image below shows the points which are encoded above in the data marked in light blue, lilac and dark orange. In my opinion these points are used to create the bounding box.

The second image gives you an overview of the elements in the coordinate array. Every triad of 32-bit numbers contains the x- y- and z-coordinate of a point. In this example every point exists in duplicate, so that you can only see 8 points. These points are needed to build up the mesh (triangles) for a door.

Image number three is a fusion of the first and the second image.

Pnta 0.gif       Pnta 1.gif       Pnta 2.gif

PLEA << Other file types >> PSpc
PNTA : 3D Point Array
General file