From OniGalore

Original TRTA

The values not presented in the tables (Thigh XY, Calf YZ, Foot YZ, Mid Z, Chest Z, Neck Z, Head YZ, Upperarm YZ, Lowerarm YZ) are sub-micronic garbage.

Sensible/meaningful values (truncated at the millimeter, assuming the decimeter as the world unit) are shown in bold. Submillimetric digits listed for completeness.

Micron-sized differences to base are shown with a light blue background. The accuracy of Oni's floating-point storage is 6 significant digits (as shown).

For some reason all the characters have a slightly non-symmetric shoulder alignment (Clavicle Y), even if only by a couple of microns ^_^ (the right shoulder is shifted slightly forward)


  • Main TRTA: bdfem_*, CopfemA*, G_female*, Red*, k3, k4_A, k4_F, k4_K, k4_L, k4_G (LOD 0, 1, 2), konoko (LOD 3); same as for the "bip_konoko.MME" TRCM in level0
  • Variations: k4_G (LOD 3&4), konoko (LOD 0, 1, 2, 4), SH (lower scale), Shinzom (has non-symmetric arm length)
Female k4_G (LOD 3,4) konoko (LOD 0,1,2,4) Shinatama Zombie Shinatama
Hip +/-Z 0.773886 0.773886 0.773886 0.586277 0.773886
Upperleg X 3.91608 3.91608 3.91608 2.96672 3.91608
Lowerleg X 3.87127 3.87127 3.87127 2.93277 3.87127
Mid X / Y 1.67313 0.253789 1.67313 0.253789 1.67313 0.253789 1.26752 0.192264 1.67307 0.253972
Chest X / Y 1.2993 -0.00145971 1.2993 -0.00145971 1.2993 -0.00145971 0.984318 -0.00110575 1.08258 -0.000828902
Neck X / Y 1.83415 -0.000707719 1.83406 -0.000471831 1.83415 -0.000707878 1.38953 -0.000618476 1.07521 0.000963246
Head X 0.945942 0.630629 0.945943 0.826505 1.57931
Clavicle X / +-Z -0.0975015 0.646969 -0.0975005 0.646969 -0.0975005 0.646969 -0.0738639 0.490127 / -0.490128 0.0265521 0.640564 / -0.640563
Clavicle Y (L/R) -0.0245746 -0.024571 -0.0248256 -0.024822 -0.0245748 -0.0245712 -0.0185298 -0.018527 0.0973954 0.097399
Shd length X 1.09825 1.09825 1.09825 0.832005 1.24102 (L) 1.73523 (R)
Upperarm X 2.47949 2.47949 2.47949 1.8784 2.83371 (L) 4.06637 (R)
Lowerarm X 1.96711 1.96711 1.96711 1.49023 2.71461 (L) 2.20316 (R)

The most notable thing in the above table is the head joint for k4_G, which is significantly lower down the neck than for other female characters. This results in significant differences, both for animations and aiming screens. Perhaps this should be fixed.

Normal-sized males

  • Comguy TRTA: comguy, comguy_*, bomber; same as for the "bip_comguy.MME" TRCM in level0
  • "Thug" TRTA: griffin_swat (LOD 0,1&2), ninja_*, ninjabot, sec_*, sniper, SUPER, tanker, TCL_*, thug_*
  • "Narrow" male (narrow hips) : bd_* (LOD 1&2,3&4), CopmaleA* (LOD 0,1&2), G_male*, griffin, muro
  • Variation: griffin_swat (LOD 3&4), has a different head-to-neck offset
  • Variation: mutantmuro (same as generic "narrow" male but with elbow-wrist distance 3.23808 instead of 2.52187)
  • Variation: CopmaleA* (LOD 3&4), same as generic "narrow" male but with some minor (micronic) differences
    • chest-to-neck Y offset: -0.000691158 instead of -0.000691187
    • L shoulder Y is 0.0168239 instead of 0.0168238 , R shoulder Y is 0.0168266 instead of 0.0168264
  • Variation: bd_* (LOD 0), corresponds to the bugged TRIA (only the chest offset changes; it's parented to the root)
Comguys "Thugs" "Narrow" male BOps Griffin
Hip +/-Z 1.06235 1.06235 0.915815 1.06235
Upperleg X 4.31871 4.31871 4.31871 4.31871
Lowerleg X 3.96347 3.96347 3.96347 3.96347
Mid X / Y 1.67624 0.0976518 1.67624 0.0976518 1.67624 0.0976518 1.67624 0.0976518
Chest X / Y 1.41841 -0.00183418 1.41841 -0.00183418 1.41841 -0.00183418 1.41841 -0.00183418
Neck X / Y 2.34695 -0.000688852 2.34695 -0.000688881 2.34695 -0.000691187 2.34686 -0.000412322
Head X 0.90946 0.90946 0.912642 0.544587
Clavicle X / +-Z -0.370036 0.482885 / -0.482884 -0.370036 0.482885 / -0.482884 -0.370036 0.482885 / -0.482884 -0.370037 0.482885 / -0.482884
Clavicle Y (L/R) 0.0168213 0.0168239 0.0168212 0.0168238 0.0168238 0.0168264 0.0165309 0.0165335
Shd length X 1.66016 1.66016 1.66016 1.66016
Upperarm X 2.77363 2.77363 2.77363 2.77363
Lowerarm X 2.52187 2.52187 2.52187 2.52187

The only important difference is the position of the head joint along the neck (significantly lower for the SWAT Griffin), and of course the two different hip widths.


  • Main TRTA: striker_*, EL_*, TCTFswat; same as for the "bip_striker.MME" TRCM in level0
  • Variation: barabus
Strikers Barabas
Hip +/-Z 1.14779 1.14779
Upperleg X 4.66254 4.66254
Lowerleg X 4.2905 4.2905
Mid X / Y 1.81106 0.105506 1.81106 0.105506
Chest X / Y 1.53271 -0.00201118 1.53271 -0.00201118
Neck X / Y 2.53558 -0.000565022 2.53589 -0.000405849
Head X 0.720347 0.720347
Clavicle X / +-Z -0.608867 0.521724 -0.548056 0.521725 / -0.521723
Clavicle Y (L/R) -0.0853813 -0.0853784 0.279395 0.279398
Shd length X 1.90383 1.90383
Upperarm X 2.83534 2.83534
Lowerarm X 2.68607 / 2.68606 2.68607 / 2.68606

The only important difference is that Barabas's "shoulders" (clavicles) are attached to the chest slightly higher and shifted significantly forward.