Oni2 talk:Mind Seal

From OniGalore

Key phrases

  • AVATARA: "I am the singularity"


Avatara is chasing the Syndicate hackers that reprogrammed Shinatama and sabotaged the mind seals. The group of former comguys buy time by splitting up and starting wars all over the planet. They are trying to take control over the bioc and thereby Gaia.

However, that again was just a distraction.

By infiltrating Gaia's Biocracy seed groups with reprogrammed Omega-Chimera they will plant a meme into global consciousness: not to trust AI, that the human must stay in control (even though he is the one with the lower IQ).

The flawed Biocracy leads the situation where Gaia and thereby the people limit Avatara's powers drastically. Gaia's development therefor remains uncompleted and results on erroneous logic in long-term decisions. For example the people of earth decide that the human race must be protected against threats from outer space. Eventually this leads to planet earth being transformed into a vessel to travel between stars and establishing colonies.

Example by a half-hearted joke:

M: Space is dangerous. The safest thing you can do it to stay with the solar system. Why didn't those hyper-advanced smart-asses see it? Even, I, one mere person understand this."

D: Dare you to call yourself a person.

M: Two persons?

N: More like. Monster. And person.

M: Dang. Thank you...


Most people are fully affected by the mind seal.

This results in a world where Clarke's third law applies: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."


Android that protect humans. They can weaken the mind seals of "valuable" individuals to let them contribute to the Gaia AI.

Smart tattoos

That is actually one of the funny pieces having a magical world...

The Syndicate was using them before and with the ability to glow they get popular.

Shinobi will rather go for colorless versions.