Oni2 talk:Nature's Decision

From OniGalore


Gaia: "He is the last one of his kind. I kept him unborn to protect my people but you forced me to set him free and flip that coin of death and life. If Möbius gets corrupt we are all done."

The Magellan society



"It was just a matter of time."

"How do you hide power?"

"You give it up. You share it..."

End of Memehunter

Part I: Two nihilists fight each others.

Part II: Meme war - the fight within.

"I hope you don't feel too comfortable in my brain. When you should have learned something about humans then it is that we are very good in survival and self-destruction. I don't know what it will be but I got the feeling you will lose whatever the case is."


The Memehunter that wasn't one.

"To correct certain ideas about death: By itself it is neither the end of all pain nor the beginning of something beautiful. It is bullshit."

"Accepting the empty circle is the only thing a life-affirming nihilist can do. Not that I want it to be that way ... but it is. Look beyond mathematic definitions and philosophic dead ends. Be the circle. Be a whole. It doesn't matter that you are empty inside. Because that is NOT you. You are the part of the circle that is not empty. Don't be mistaken. It's of no size. But it matters. How much? Only you can tell."