OniGalore:Code of conduct

From OniGalore
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Code of conduct Copyrights
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Help:Editing Dos and don'ts
Help:Group rights

Our expectations for users on OniGalore are very simple:

  • You do not post work as your own which is copyrighted by others.
  • You do not post illegal content.
  • You support a civil environment and do not harass other users.
  • You do not harm our technology infrastructure (e.g. with excessive bot/crawler use or probing/scanning/testing the vulnerability of any of our technical systems).
  • You understand that your contributions are implicitly licensed freely by being posted here (see Copyrights for details).
  • You make a good-faith effort to follow our Dos and don'ts.

It's also recommended that you familiarize yourself with the other policy pages in the sidebox.

These policies are enforced by the site administrators. Enforcement may consist of warnings, removal of editing privileges, or of access to the site being blocked in the case of serious violations.