Page history
3 December 2023
9 November 2023
9 October 2022
5 August 2020
24 September 2019
15 November 2015
16 September 2015
20 July 2014
27 April 2014
8 April 2014
5 April 2013
17 December 2012
7 November 2012
3 November 2012
no edit summary
no edit summary
no edit summary
no edit summary
no edit summary
no edit summary
link fix
mlight header, dark BG
no edit summary
no edit summary
no edit summary
just a markup demonstration
no edit summary
2 November 2012
23 October 2012
26 April 2012
25 April 2012
maybe we should also advertise how many images we have here, since art is a big part of this wiki
I can at least take the evil Table template off our Main Page so we're setting a better example here (and maybe make it easier to refine this table a little some day)
let's try to finally be consistent about this spacing thing
properly-centered article count ^_^;
slightly smaller welcome message, bigger article count
bigger welcome message
mlet's try this through CSS instead
attempting to hide the Main Page title
let's try it this way -- adding in header text w/ article count (now that it's accurate), centering intro text
15 November 2011
16 July 2011
14 June 2011
5 June 2011
removing "NEW" notice from the Site map link, trying out a more aesthetic arrangement of links
we usually only seem to write the name without the space, so...