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OniGalore:General disclaimer: Difference between revisions

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The above masterpiece was outrageousy stolen (by me, [[User:Geyser|geyser]]) from [http://www.swo.com Science of War and Oppression]. I'am looking forward to making [[OniGalore talk:General disclaimer|a more Oni-oriented variant]] (you're welcome if you want to help), but for now it's [http://www.swo.com/disclaimer.shtml SWO's original version], with a few original entries by myself. No, I don't have permission to redistribute their disclaimer. I'll try to keep it clean :)
The above masterpiece was outrageousy stolen (by me, [[User:Geyser|geyser]]) from [http://www.swo.com Science of War and Oppression]. I'am looking forward to making [[OniGalore talk:General disclaimer|a more Oni-oriented variant]] (you're welcome if you want to help), but for now it's [http://www.swo.com/disclaimer.shtml SWO's original version], with a few original entries by myself. No, I don't have permission to redistribute their disclaimer. I'll try to keep it clean :)

[[Category:Policies and information]]
[[Category:Policies and documentation]]