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(Ger.) "Nazikeule", you get battered by the "nazi bat". It's a term used to express your diffamation as a nazi no matter your arguments and then the discussion ends due to self-censorship. Such political climat - because felt as unfair - is contra-productive, it fuels frustration and anger. For things you cannot say you needed Amos Oz, a Jewish critical thinker, utterly respected by his own people - however he died by age and similar voices supporting a two-state-solution get more and more rare.   
(Ger.) "Nazikeule", you get battered by the "nazi bat". It's a term used to express your diffamation as a nazi no matter your arguments and then the discussion ends due to self-censorship. Such political climat - because felt as unfair - is contra-productive, it fuels frustration and anger. For things you cannot say you needed Amos Oz, a Jewish critical thinker, utterly respected by his own people - however he died by age and similar voices supporting a two-state-solution get more and more rare.   
* https://www.3sat.de/kultur/kulturzeit/amos-oz-100.html
* https://www.3sat.de/kultur/kulturzeit/amos-oz-100.html
* Netanjahu, Israelic president, himself of the right spectrum, rejects international critic as antisemitic. (Ermittlungen des Strafgerichtshofes Den Haag, obwohl auch gegen Palästina.)
* Netanjahu, Israelic president, himself of the right spectrum, rejects international critic as antisemitic. (Ermittlungen des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofes in Den Haag, obwohl auch gegen Palästinenser.)
* '''The Isreal state is seen as a survival guarantee for jews worldwide.''' This makes it easy to promote a hard line of defending status quo.  
* '''The Isreali state is seen as a survival guarantee for Jews worldwide.''' This makes it easy to promote a hard line and defend status quo.
However, the islamic world views Israel with concern for strongly isolating Palenstin which is in turn attacking them by the forces of Hisbolla.  
However, the Islamic world views Israel with concern for strongly isolating Palestinians which are in turn attacking the Israelis by the forces of Hezbollah.
Israel is defending itself through counterstrikes. Meanwhile settlers "creating facts" by build houses and ignore Palestinian interests. So the spiral of escalations and cheasefire goes on and on. However it's unwise to continue this course of confrontation for all time. Israel is basically surrounded by enemies. But can you really demand other countries to not have nuclear bombs when you have are having them yourself already? Eventually Iran will have a nuclear bomb. Israel should aim for a two-state solution and not continue to give radicals forces the arguments to fight them. It's in their own interest.
Israel is defending itself through counterstrikes. Meanwhile settlers are "creating facts" by build houses and ignore Palestinian interests. So the spiral of escalations and cheasefire goes on and on. However, it's unwise to continue this course of confrontation for all time. Israel is basically surrounded by enemies. But can you really demand other countries to not have nuclear bombs when you are having them yourself already? Eventually Iran will have a nuclear bomb. Israel should aim for a two-state solution and not continue to give radicals forces the arguments to fight them. It's in their own interest.

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** Entnazifizierung, Umerziehung, Erinnerungskultur = Voraussetzung für Besatzungsende?
** Entnazifizierung, Umerziehung, Erinnerungskultur = Voraussetzung für Besatzungsende?
*** Entnazifizierung war nicht konsequent (Persilscheine, etc.), weil es an der Relität gescheitert wäre? ("Wohin mit den ganzen Tätern?"), und so gelangen auch Nazis in die Reihen von Anwälten, Polizisten und Geheimdiensten (Verfassungsschutz)
*** Entnazifizierung war nicht konsequent (Persilscheine, etc.), weil es an der Relität gescheitert wäre? ("Wohin mit den ganzen Tätern?"), und so gelangen auch Nazis in die Reihen von Anwälten, Polizisten und Geheimdiensten (Verfassungsschutz)
* Nazis kaum beeindruckbar von KZs, Anne-Frank-Haus, Museen, Mahnmalen, etc. Daher zielt der Bildungsauftrag eher auf eine Stärkung der Zivilgesellschaft: rechte Mitläufer verhindern? Scheitert an "Realitätsferne"? Schutz von Juden wird als nachrangiges Ziel durch die breite Masse der Gesellschaft empfunden, weil diese de-facto nun mal "nur" eine Minderheit darstellen und so im täglichen Leben wenig in Erscheinung treten? "Irritation"/Abstumpfung durch vermeintliche Überpriorisierung währenddessen israelische Juden sich scheinbar nicht mit Ruhm beklekern, was die ungelöste Frage der Zwei-Staaten-Lösung angeht?
* Nazis kaum beeindruckbar von KZs, Anne-Frank-Haus, Museen, Mahnmalen, etc. Daher zielt der Bildungsauftrag eher auf eine Stärkung der Zivilgesellschaft: rechte Mitläufer verhindern? Scheitert an "Realitätsferne"? Schutz von Juden wird als nachrangiges Ziel durch die breite Masse der Gesellschaft empfunden, weil diese de-facto nun mal "nur" eine Minderheit darstellen und so im täglichen Leben wenig in Erscheinung treten? "Irritation"/Abstumpfung durch vermeintliche Überpriorisierung währenddessen israelische Juden sich scheinbar nicht mit Ruhm beklekern, was die ungelöste Frage Palästinenser (Zwei-Staaten-Lösung) angeht?

The discussion about how to deal with antisemitic tendencies - and racism in general - is an bottomless hole. I must be crazy to have even stated this part. Let's this as short as possible.
The discussion about how to deal with antisemitic tendencies - and racism in general - is an bottomless hole. I must be crazy to have even stated this part. Let's keep this as short as possible.

