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GOP is a transhuman organization at its core. When WCG declared some technologies to be dangerous for world population, the transhumanists saw them to be hindered in reaching their goals. They began to gather all kind of equipment and brought them to remote places in the Sahara. Their villages changed location a few times since then. The most important money sources are former Russian oligarchs. A few of these bakers even life there.
GOP is a transhuman organization at its core.
They aim to augment humans with technology to create so-called Omega-Chimera. This is to fully control human evolution and avoid getting replaced to potential AI beings. When WCG declared some technologies to be dangerous for world population, the transhumanists saw them to be hindered in reaching their goals. They began to gather all kind of equipment and brought them to remote places in the Sahara. Their villages changed location a few times since then. The most important money sources are former Russian oligarchs. A few of these bakers even life there.

===Symbiosis with religious individuals===
===Symbiosis with religious individuals===
Work force is provided by religious groups and individuals that share the goal of a devout, peaceful, autarkic community. The bakers put much effort in recruiting and missionizing people with the most "silent", loyal and submissive behavior. The use of cutting-edge technology is not propagandized, the administrators rather try to blend it into daily life. The community's growing success is interpreted as God's goodwill.  And as harder the people work as higher will be their rewards.
Work force is provided by religious groups and individuals that share the goal of a devout, peaceful, autarkic community. The bakers put much effort in recruiting and missionizing people with the most "silent", loyal and submissive behavior. The use of cutting-edge technology is not propagandized, the administrators rather try to blend it into daily life. The community's growing success is interpreted as God's goodwill.  And as harder the people work as higher will be their rewards.

If all GOP's goals would have been accomplished, the members would have proven themselves being worthy to witness the [[wp:Jehovah%27s_Witnesses#God.27s_Kingdom|Second Coming]] and allowed to remain on Earth.
Conflicts are rare as the transhumanists and well-informed workers can agree on high-tech being tools to reach paradisiacal life conditions, health, great knowledge, physical power, immortality, etc. Worries were rationalized: as men were formed in God's likeness - and ultimately being his children - it is no sin to become better. Children do grow. And so do God's Children. While doing so, they right for the biblical [[wp:Original_sin|original sin]]. God punishments are seen as exams while also following this order:
:''Then God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground."''
When all goals of GOP have been accomplished, the members would have proven themselves worthy to witness the [[wp:Jehovah%27s_Witnesses#God.27s_Kingdom|Second Coming]] and allowed to remain on Earth.

<!--replace with "eternal sin"?-->
While the Second Coming was actually propaganda, the cataclysm put GOP's religious workers into so much euphoric mood that they scared many GOP transhumanists. Some critical voices used the heat to kick out everyone that didn't seemed to be a true advocate. Eric Morice, himself a scientist, retained control over the systems but acted now fully in what he thought the members would expect next. Jesus would not appear very soon... To buy time for a plan, he said that they still needed to endure the appearance of true evil. He built some ''demonic beasts'' (Behemoth, Leviathan, etc.) in Green Village's inaccessible laboratories. The Bioc would set them free. Their presence would be a proof for Satan's actions and the Holy Sand could wipe them from the face of earth. All what was missing was someone that could act as Jesus. Preferable a Daodan host that could miraculous heal his wounds and those of others.
While the Second Coming was actually propaganda, the cataclysm put GOP's religious workers into so much euphoric mood that they scared many GOP transhumanists. Some critical voices used the heat to kick out everyone that didn't seemed to be a true advocate. Eric Morice, himself a scientist, retained control over the systems but acted now fully in what he thought the members would expect next. Jesus would not appear very soon... To buy time for a plan, he said that they still needed to endure the appearance of true evil. He built some ''demonic beasts'' (Behemoth, Leviathan, etc.) in Green Village's inaccessible laboratories. The Bioc would set them free. Their presence would be a proof for Satan's actions and the Holy Sand could wipe them from the face of earth. All what was missing was someone that could act as Jesus. Preferable a Daodan host that could miraculous heal his wounds and those of others.

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Because of the biblical context, GOP created a new deterrence. These "salt pillars" - technically speaking bioc sand pillars - grow around enemies and eventually trap them inside and prevent them to breath. This is as much as effectively as it is frightening. Soon the pillars were modified to additionally paralyze victims by means of electric shocks to ensure the victim cannot escape in the early stage of pillar forming. A last upgrade was developed to combat hard targets: the pillars grow rings to grind vehicle armor at high speed. All these pillars can be used to fossilize targets and return them to the surface as deterrence should new enemies appear at a later time again.  
Because of the biblical context, GOP created a new deterrence. These "salt pillars" - technically speaking bioc sand pillars - grow around enemies and eventually trap them inside and prevent them to breath. This is as much as effectively as it is frightening. Soon the pillars were modified to additionally paralyze victims by means of electric shocks to ensure the victim cannot escape in the early stage of pillar forming. A last upgrade was developed to combat hard targets: the pillars grow rings to grind vehicle armor at high speed. All these pillars can be used to fossilize targets and return them to the surface as deterrence should new enemies appear at a later time again.  

===War with Avatara===
===War with Avatara===
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The corruption of Shinatama and Gaia by the Network would unleash chaos of unknown scale. In an act of desperation Avatara established the Mind Seal giving himself hopefully the time to sort things.
The corruption of Shinatama and Gaia by the Network would unleash chaos of unknown scale. In an act of desperation Avatara established the Mind Seal giving himself hopefully the time to sort things.
'''old notes'''
<!-- Founder: Eric Morice -->
GOP thinks apocalypse is nigh because of the [[BioCrisis]] and the war.
They pray for redemption and believe that god will give back paradise to human kind which is supposed to be on earth.
They are planned to mirroring human's highest wishes. And high-tech seems to make those wishes becomes true. Paradisical life conditions, health, great knowledge, physical power, immortality, etc.
A little circle of influential members of the World Transhumanist Association sees GOP as an interesting experiment which should be observed... Their research data could be used for Omega-Chimäre.
But GOP will be a minor point.

==Green Village==
==Green Village==
