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Talk:Restless Souls/Summary: Difference between revisions

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** When global, national and regional crises dominate daily news they gain votes.
** When global, national and regional crises dominate daily news they gain votes.
*** Rule of thumb: The more a topic is attributable to people the better it works. Ergo, mediocre gains for pandemic viruses and inflation (until it gets critical). Strong gains for political enemies that "want to ruin the country" and migrants (may it be justifiable or not).
*** Rule of thumb: The more a topic is attributable to people the better it works. Ergo, mediocre gains for pandemic viruses and inflation (until it gets critical). Strong gains for political enemies that "want to ruin the country" and migrants (may it be justifiable or not).
* Originally the AfD was a protest party. With times it radicalized voters from the "center". For possible reasons see [[#General notes|General notes]].  
* Originally the AfD was a protest party. With times it radicalized voters from the "center". For possible multiplicators see [[#General notes|General notes]].  

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The Social Democrats are also sometimes called Sozen, which has a negative connotation.
The Social Democrats are also sometimes called Sozen, which has a negative connotation.

"The old party of employees (and pensioners)." Despite having won the Bundestagswahl in 2021 they are losing voters again. Compared to CDU they were recognized as the "smaller evil" and therefore got the votes. They basically serve as a placeholder for CDU and the growing Greens.
"The old party of employees (and pensioners)." Despite having won the Bundestagswahl in 2021 they are losing voters again. Compared to CDU they were recognized as the "smaller evil" and therefore got the votes. They basically serve as a placeholder for CDU and the growing Greens until thoses suffered from own mistakes (rushed law making, leaked draft, Graichen connections), indirect sabotage (passive Scholz) and major attacks (conservatives and "Springer press" campaign) and an unlucky follow-up dynamic (further delayed/rushed law making fueling more criticism) in 2023. Eventually it was a total desaster for the entire "Ampel" gov, for the oppoition for not gaining much from it and strengening their more radical competition and it damaged the general acceptance and trust in democacy.

Die Sozialdemokraten bildeten den natürlichen Gegenpol zu den Konservativen, da sich hier größtenteils Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer gegenüberstanden.
The Social Democrats formed the natural opposite pole to the Conservatives, as the two also largely symbolized employers versus employees.

Die soziale Frage existierte einerseits noch in abgeschwächter Form, andererseits wurden immer mehr der richtig schlimmen Arbeitsbedingungen outgesourct, sodass die Sozialdemokraten ein Bedeutungsverlust erfuhren. Währenddessen konnten sie vom Volumen her keine nennenswerten neuen Wählerschichten akquirieren. -- Dies ist aber der Fluch aller Parteien in erfolgreich und demokratisch geführten Volkswirtschaften. Die großen Themen sind irgendwann so abgeschliffen, dass weitere Optimierungen Debatten nach sich ziehen, die immer komplexer und damit unverständlicher und ''langweiliger'' werden. (Siehe auch: Die Optimierungsfalle)
On the one hand, the social question still existed in a weakened form, on the other hand, more and more of the really bad working conditions were outsourced, so that the social democrats experienced a loss of importance. In the meantime, they were not able to acquire any significant new groups of voters in terms of volume. -- But this is the curse of all parties in successfully and democratically managed national economies. At some point, the big issues are so polished that further optimizations entail debates that become more and more complex and thus more incomprehensible and ''boring''. (See also: [[#The optimization trap|The optimization trap]])

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=====Die Optimierungsfalle=====
=====The optimization trap=====
Das Ende der Volksparteien liegt u. A. in der Evolution von Gesellschaft und Demokratie begründet, was CDU und SPD diesen Status verlieren ließ: Diversifizierung und Optimierung. Diese Entwicklungen sorgen für eine Zerfaserung von Interessen, die wiederum durch Machtpolitik begrenzt wird. Denn regieren können nur eigene Mehrheiten und nicht gänzlich diametral stehende Koalitionspartner. Ähnliche Parteien neigen dazu sich zu kannibalisieren, da sie nebeneinander weniger Macht haben. Spaltung führt nur zu Machtverlust. -- Bei den überlebenden Parteien führen die Wechselwirkungen zu Angleichungen in den Stimmenanteilen. Auf lange Sicht wird es vermutlich nur noch neue nennenswerte Impulse durch disruptive Ereignisse wie Kriege, Naturkatastrophen (Klimawandel -> Schadensminderung, Migrationsmanagement) und Technologierevolutionen geben.
The end of the people's parties is due, among other things, to the evolution of society and democracy, which caused the CDU and SPD to lose this status: diversification and optimization. These developments cause interests to fray, which in turn are limited by power politics. Because only their own majorities can govern and not completely diametrically opposed coalition partners. Similar parties tend to cannibalize each other. And division only leads to loss of power. -- In the case of the surviving parties, the interactions lead to adjustments in the proportion of votes. In the long term, new notable impulses are more likely to come from disruptive events such as wars, natural disasters (climate change -> damage reduction, migration management) and technological revolutions.

Ein Mitglied der Piraten-Partei sagte mal ein bemerkenswerten Satz: "Wenn unsere politischen Ziele umgesetzt wurden, ist es egal, was mit unserer Partei passiert." (Wer hier Spuren von ''schicksalhafter'' Ironie sieht, darf sie behalten. Der Inhalt zählt.)
A member of the Pirate Party once said a remarkable sentence: "If our political goals are implemented, it doesn't matter what happens to our party." (Anyone who sees traces of ''fateful'' irony here may keep them. The message counts.)

===Debatte und Logik===
===Debatte und Logik===
