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This page is unfinished. Can you fill in any missing information? |
Offset | Type | Raw Hex | Value | Description |
0x00 | res_id | 01 28 11 00 | 1034 | 04392-muro_animations.TRAC |
0x04 | lev_id | 01 00 00 06 | 3 | level 3 |
0x08 | char[16] | AD DE | dead | unused |
0x18 | int32 | 01 0B 06 00 | 1547 | link to 01547-comguy_animations.TRAC |
0x1C | int16 | 00 00 | 0 | always 0, only used at runtime |
0x1E | int16 | 37 00 | 55 | array size |
First element (black outline) | ||||
0x00 | int16 | 64 00 | 100 | animation weight, a higher value indicates that this animation has a better chance to be picked up if there are multiple animations possible for the same (from state, animation type, varient, first level) pair |
0x02 | int16 | 00 00 | 0 | used at runtime only |
0x04 | int32 | AD DE AD DE | dead | unused |
0x08 | int32 | 01 E2 10 00 | 4322 | link to 04322-MURCOMidle1.TRAM |
TRAC hierarchy
(append _animations.TRAC to everything) (overlay anims are not included in a TRAC)
konokocore : 536 anims
- Shinzom : 6 anims (SHINZOM...) with tag 0x64 (1)
- shinatama : 12 anims (SHINAT...) with tag 0x64
- red : 100 anims (RED..., REDCOM..., RED..) with tag 0x64 (2)
- konokolev1 : 70 anims (KONOKO..., KONCOM..., KONPIS...) with tag 0x64
- konoko : 105 anims
- gen_f : 7 anims (SECRET...) with tag 0x1E
- konoko : 105 anims
strikercore : 400 anims
- striker : 96 anims
- TCTFswat : 23 anims (TCTF..., TCTCOM...) with tag 0x64
- elite : 102 anims (ELITE..., ELICOM..., ELIPIS..., ELIRIF...) with tag 0x64 (3)
- barabus : 8 anims (BARAB) with tag 0x64 (4)
- ninja : 385 anims (NINJA..., NINCOM..., NINPIS..., NINRIF...) with tag 0x64 or 0x05 (5)
- comguy : 312 anims
- gen_m : no anims
- doctor : 1 anim (DOClev14_Ambush01) with tag 0x32
- security : 2 anims (SECURIlev11_intro, SECURIlev14_IntroTurn) with tag 0x32
- griffin : 3 anims (GRIFIN...) with tag 0x34 (6)
- thug : 22 anims (THUG..., THUCOM..., THUPIS...) with tag 0x14
- Tanker : 237 anims (TANKER..., TANCOM..., TANPIS..., TANRIF...) with tag 0x64 or 0x384 (7)
- muro : 55 anims (MURO..., MURCOM..., MURPIS...) with tag 0x64 or 0x32 (8)
- mutantmuro : 38 anims (MUTCOM...) with tag 0x64 or 0x32 (9)
- Notes
- The 6 anims included are SHINZOMidle1, SHINZONlev18_Free, SHINZOMwalk1, SHINZOMwalk_bk1, SHINZOMshot, SHINZOMfallen_front
- REDCOMsuper_punch and REDCOMsuper_kick are not included
- ELITEjump_fw_kick is not included
- The 8 anims included are BARABnorth, BARABsouth, BARABeast, BARABwest, BARABpowerup, BARABpowerup_start, BARABlev3_rocket, BARABkick_heavy
- (BARABstunned and BARABrocket are not included : they're in level 0)
- NINCOMtaunt2 has tag 0x05, the 384 others have tag 0x64. The following 9 are not included :
- NINCOMcrouch_idle, NINCOMcrouch_turn_lt, NINCOMcrouch_turn_rt, NINCOMcrouch_walk, NINCOMcrouch_walk_backwards
- NINCOMsuper_kick, NINCOMsuper_punch, NINJAwalk_run_left, NINJAwalk_run_right
- The 3 anims included are GRIFINlev18_ZomAim, GRIFINlev18_ZomUp, GRIFINlev18_ZomStand
- (GRIFINtalk1, GRIFINtalk2, GRIFINtalk3 and GRIFIN18_IntroStand are not included : they're in level 0)
- TANCOMidle1 has tag 0x384, the 236 others have tag 0x64
- TANCOMcrouch_idle, TANCOMcrouch_walk, TANCOMcrouch_walk_backwards, TANCOMcrouch_turn_lt and TANCOMcrouch_turn_lt are not included
- All of Muro's anims have tag 0x64 except the following 19 (tag 0x32) :
- MUROlev4_intro, MUROtransform, MURCOMhit_head1, MURCOMhit_body1, MURCOMhit_foot1, MURCOMidle2, MURCOMidle3, MURCOMturn_lt, MURCOMturn_rt, MURCOMrun1stepb, MURCOMrun_bk_1stepb, MURCOMcrouch2idlea, MURCOMcrouch2idleb, MURCOMidle2croucha, MURCOMidle2crouchb, MURCOMrunstop, MURCOMrun_bk_stop, MURCOMss_lt_stop, MURCOMss_rt_stop
- MUTCOMidle2 has tag 0x32, the 37 others have tag 0x64
The following is still very ugly, thinking of alternate presentations...
- run_slide
- run_slide_getup
- run_slide_crouch
- run_slide_run
- run_kick
- run_punch
- jump_kick
- jump_punch
- jump_crouch
- jump_land
- jump_idle
- jump_fw_kick
- jump_fw_punch
- jump_fw_crouch
- jump_fw_idle
- jump_fw_land
- jump_bk_crouch
- jump_bk_idle
- jump_bk_land
- jump_lt_crouch
- jump_lt_idle
- jump_lt_land
- jump_rt_crouch
- jump_rt_idle
- jump_rt_land
- throw_fw_k
- throw_fw_k_tgt
- throw_fw_p_tgt
- throw_bk_tgt
- throw_bk_k_tgt
- run_throw_fw_tgt
- run_thw_fw_k_tgt
- run_throw_bk_tgt
- run_tkl_bk_p_tgt
- punch_low_thw_tgt (X)
- kick_fw
- kick_bk
- comb_k
- comb_k_k
- comb_k_k_k
- comb_p
- comb_p_p
- comb_p_p_p
- crouch_kick1
- crouch_punch1
- getup_bk
- getup_bk_crouch
- getup_lt
- getup_rt
- getup_fw
- getup_fw_crouch
- getup_kick_fw
- getup_kick_fw2
- getup_kick_bk
- getupfront_bk
- getupfront_bk_cr
- getupfront_lt
- getupfront_rt
- getupfront_fw
- getupfront_fw_cr
- block1
- block2
- crouch_block1
- idle2croucha
- idle2crouchb
- crouch2idlea
- crouch2idleb
- run_slide
- run_slide_getup
- run_slide_run
TRAC availability
Level | |||||||||||||||
_animations | 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 06 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 18 | 19 |
konokocore | 536 |
SUBT << Other file types >> TRAM |
TRAC : Totoro Animation Collection |
Character file |