Revision as of 08:53, 11 April 2009
BINA/ONIE: impact effects
Visual guides: weapon, melee, environment
Note about philosophy in here:
- These visual guides don't claim be hundred percent right in technical way. I can't look into engine. But they should give a good hint which files are worth to care about and how to debug a mistake: going through all important files, e.g. Could it be that my new texture not registered in TMBD?
- However, if you think you should add information or shape this in a more accurate way then do it. =)
overview of involved files when modding ONIE in relation to weapons
if weapon shall have impact effect on environment
if weapon shall have impact effect on characters
- weapon fires a particle
- particle creates a sound and hits textured environment
- texture’s material name is looked up in TMBD (decals do not work)
- material file is looked up (can hold parent material)
- effect is chosen from ONIE by weapon and material
- if parent material* exists then it is possible that a second effect is lunched
- ONIE effect leads to a particle and sound file which means the effect (however, sound can be also played from released particle)
- * Loser’s material “Explosive” has “Glass” as parent material which shatters objects when hit; this can destroy any object - not just the "glassworld".
- weapon fires a particle
- particle creates a sound and hits character part
- character part has an Id (probably through TRIA), Id is sent to CBPM
- material file is looked up (can hold parent material)
- effect is chosen from ONIE by weapon and material
- ONIE effect leads to a particle and sound file which means the effect (however, sound can be also played from released particle)
- it seems that effects on characters cannot be created through TMBD (still you can see a not working test there called "Character")
- custom materials can be used for characters in case they are registered in ONIE
overview of involved files when modding ONIE in relation to animations
special attack
normal attack
- Character performs special attack and shouts attack's name (registered in ONCC).
- TRAM holds link to ONIA, for example: Eliflash1
- ONIA holds impact type, for example: <Type>Eli_Super_Kick</Type>
- Impact file is looked up, data is sent to ONIE.
- Okay, back to TRAM which hits enemy.
- Enemy's bone is hit, TRIA is looked up and data sent to CBPM.
- CBPM checks material, data is sent to ONIE.
- So, final effect is chosen from impact type and material.
- Particle and sound becomes released.
ONCC(ONIA) holds special attack modifier information (Any/Light/Medium/Heavy) for ONIE.
Main difference is that ONIA is not used here but CBPI.
Hurt sounds:
So far, I'm not sure how hurt sounds (Light/Medium/Heavy) are chosen to be played.
overview of involved files when modding ONIE in relation to characters
if character hits ground
something left ?
- Character hits textured environment.
- Texture is registered in TMBD and leads to material for ONIE.
- The bone Id is used for the character's impact.
- Now actual impact file (Impt) is looked up.
- Effect (particle and sound) is chosen from impact and the material: trough ONIE.
For example, this is used when running around. Every step will trigger a step sound, different to ground's material: dirt, snow, metal, etc..
ONCC holds impact modifier information (Any/Light/Medium/Heavy) for ONIE.
- Footstep_Walk
- Footstep_RunMain
- Footstep_Crouch
- Fall_Slide
- Fall_Land
- Fall_LandHard
- Fall_Knockdown
- Fall_Knockdown
- Fall_Knockdown
- Footstep_Turn
- Footstep_RunStart
- Footstep_SingleStep
- Footstep_RunStop
- Footstep_WalkStop
- Footstep_RunSprint