XML:BINA/PAR3: Difference between revisions

From OniGalore
(EnableAtTime / DisableAtTime - meaning of that bastard "Lifetime" value finally cracked ^_^)
(StopIfBreakable really does "stop if breakable")
Line 1,593: Line 1,593:
| <StopIfBreakable />
| <StopIfBreakable />
| -
| -
| It is actually DontStopIfBreakable. See section: glass-piercing bullets.
| ??? '''HitWall''' event only ???<BR>Within the HitWall PAR3 event, stops the exection of all PAR3 actions listed BELOW this PAR3 action if the HitWall was called against a breakable material (in vanilla Oni, the only breakable material is glass).
<font size=1>Example: If inside the HitWall event there are actions in this order:<BR>ImpactEffect, StopIfBreakable, DamageBlast<BR>then if the HitWall is called against solid material ('concrete' for example), both ImpactEffect AND DamageBlast are executed. However if the collision is against glass (breakable material), then only ImpactEffect is executed and then the StopIfBreakable prevents the DamageBlast from being performed.</font>
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <AvoidWalls>
| <AvoidWalls>
Line 1,697: Line 1,698:
| <CheckLink />
| <CheckLink />
| -
| -
| Checks if the particle's attractor link is still valid. If link is no longer valid, '''BrokenLink''' event is called.
| Checks if the particle's attractor link is still valid. If the link is no longer valid, '''BrokenLink''' event is called.
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
|- style="background-color:#DDDDDD"
| <BreakLink />
| <BreakLink />

Revision as of 12:34, 2 September 2013

PAR3 : Particle v3
XML modding tips
  • See HERE to start learning about XML modding.
  • See HERE if you are searching for information on how to handle object coordinates.
  • See HERE for some typical modding errors and their causes.

AKEV << Other file types >> CONS

ONIE << Other BINA >> SABD

switch to OBD page

file structure

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <Particle Name="particle_file_name">
           <DisableDetailLevel>[... see HERE for a possible flag]</DisableDetailLevel>
           <DisplayType>[... see HERE for a possible flag]</DisplayType>
           <Target>[... see HERE for a possible flag]</Target>
           <Selector>[... see HERE for a possible flag]</Selector>
           <Class />
               [... see HERE for emitter data]
           [... see HERE for <event_type_tag>]
		[... see HERE for <action_type_tag>]
                   [... see HERE for <parameter_tag>value</parameter_tag>]


XML tag content type description
<Lifetime> float Particle exist for X seconds.
X is float value, so you could write 1.5 if 1 second is too less and 2 too many.
0 means an infinite lifetime.
<DisableDetailLevel> flag Particle is not created if detail level is too low.
<Decorative> flag Might not always be updated by the engine.
<CollideWithWalls> flag Needed if the particle uses the HitWall event type.
<CollideWithChars> flag Needed if the particle uses the HitCharacter event type.
<InitiallyHidden> flag Hides the particle on creation.
<DrawAsSky> flag Draws the particle before everything else, supposedly.
<DontAttractThroughWalls> flag Particle will not detect attractors if there is a wall between it and the potential attractor.
<ExpireOnCutscene> flag Ends the lifetime of a particle on cutscene start.
<DieOnCutscene> flag Kills the particle on cutscene start.
<LockPositionToLink> flag Locks the position of the particle to its link.
<CollisionRadius> float Distance from which HitWall and HitCharacter events are activated.
<AIDodgeRadius> float Distance from which AI will avoid this particle.
<AIAlertRadius> float Distance from which AI will be aware of the danger of the particle.
<FlyBySoundName /> link Sound used when the particle passes by you. Check: does the engine apply the Doppler effect or is it in the sound file itself?


XML tag content type description
<HasVelocity> flag Needed if the particle is to move.
<HasOrientation> flag Needed if the particle is to be able to turn around?
<HasPositionOffset> flag Used with LockPositionToLink???
<HasAttachmentMatrix> flag Used if the particle is to be stuck to a character or wall.
<HasUnknown> flag ???
<HasDecalState> flag Used if the particle is a Decal.
<HasTextureStartTick> flag Used with animated particles. (Documentation Needed).
<HasTextureTick> flag Used with animated particles. (Documentation Needed).
<HasDamageOwner> flag Used for particles to either:
A. Not damage a character
B. Credit a character with damage\kills

For this to work properly, the parent of the character must have this set, and the parent of said parent, etc, up to the original particle.



XML tag content type description
<DisplayType> flag How the particle is displayed. (Please Document)
Beam - bullet textures and such
Decal - sticks to a wall
Geometry - uses an M3GM
<TexGeom> link The texture or model that this particle uses.
TXMPfile.oni / M3GMfile.oni
<Invisible> flag Can't be seen.
<IsContrailEmitter> flag Emits a contrail.
<ScaleToVelocity> flag Scales the particle based on the speed it is going.
<Scale> float The size of the particle.
<UseSeparateYScale> flag Stretches the particle along the Y axis if set.
<YScale> float Needs <UseSeparateYScale>true</UseSeparateYScale> to be enabled.
<Rotation> ? The rotation of the particle.
<Alpha> float / integer Transparency (0 = fully invisible, 1 or 255 = fully visible)
float: 0.0 - 1.0
integer: 0 - 255
<XOffset> float
<XShorten> float
<UseSpecialTint> flag Research note: "true" can be found in BINA3RAPbarab_p02.xml
<Tint> integer Color. R G B A means Red Green Blue Alpha.
<FadeOutOnEdge> flag
<OneSidedEdgeFade> flag
<EdgeFadeMin> float
<EdgeFadeMax> float
<LensFlare> flag
<LensFlareDistance> float
<LensFlareFadeInFrames> integer
<LensFlareFadeOutFrames> integer
<DecalFullBrightness> flag
<MaxDecals> integer Seems to be a bit broken (someone please test this again).
<DecalFadeFrames> integer The number of frames it takes for a decal particle to fade after it reaches the maximum number of decals.
<DecalWrapAngle> float Degrees. Decal isn't cut off when the next plane piece has an angle difference equal or less to this value.


XML tag content type description
<Target> flag
<Selector> flag
<Class /> float Name of a paritcle that this particle is attracted to.
<MaxDistance> float Maximum distance the particle will detect an attractor from (if using Distance selection).
<MaxAngle> float Maximum angle the particle will detect an attractor from (if using Angle selection).
<AngleSelectMin> float
<AngleSelectMax> float
<AngleSelectWeight> float

variable storage types

XML tag description
<Float Name="variable">float_value</Float> A Float.
<Color Name="variable">R G B [A]</Color> A color.
<PingPongState Name="variable">?</PingPongState> A float from 0.0-1.0, describes where in the ping pong state the event is. (If my memory is correct)

parameter value types

Grey is additional for variable section.

0 - variable; variable name follows

<Float Name="variable">variable</Float>

1 - none (action parameters use this to indicate an unused parameter)


3 - float; constant; 1 float value follows

4 - float; random; 2 float values follow (min, max)

5 - float; bell curve; 2 float values follow (mean, stddev)

<Float Name="variable">float_value</Float>

<Float Name="variable"><Random Min="float_value" Max="float_value" /></Float>

<Float Name="variable"><BellCurve Mean="float_value" StdDev="float_value" /></Float>

6 - instance; instance name follows


7 - color; constant; 1 color follows

8 - color; random; 2 color follow (min, max)

9 - color; bell curve; 2 color follow (mean, stddev)

<Color Name="variable">R G B</Color>

<Color Name="variable"><Random Min="R G B" Max="R G B" /></Color>

<Color Name="variable"><BellCurve Mean="? ? ? ?" StdDev="? ? ? ?" /></Color>

0A - int32; constant; int32 follows


0B - time cycle; 2 float values follow (cycle length, scale)

<TimeCycle Length="..." Scale="..." />


XML tag content type description
<Class> link BINA3RAPfile_name.oni (without file prefix and suffix)
<Flags> flag

recherche notes - files with Unknown0020 flag:

BINA3RAPw8_mbo_p07, BINA3RAPw8_mbo_e03, BINA3RAPw12_ba2_e03, BINA3RAPw10_sni_p01, BINA3RAPpstream_flicker, BINA3RAPheadlight02, BINA3RAPheadlightStart, BINA3RAPheadlight01

<TurnOffTreshold> integer Tag contains the number (threshold) of particle which must be reached before emitter becomes turned off. Threshold needs two flags to be set: IncreaseParticleCount and TurnOffAtTreshold.
<Probability> float

Let's say threshold was set to 10 and probability to 0.5 then you might get 5 particle emitted, sometimes less, sometime more, it's an average. (threshold * probability = emitted particle)

<Copies> integer It's actually a multiplier, set it to 0 and no particle will be emitted. Copies doesn't effects the treshold counting. The copies become emitted at the same place as the original particle so you might not see any difference (because they overlay each other) until they have a random movement.
<LinkTo> flag
<Rate> - Interval in seconds.
<Continous> -
<Interval> float
<Random> -
<MinInterval> float
<MaxInterval> float
<Instant /> -
<Distance> -
<Distance> float
<Attractor> -
<RechargeTime> float
<CheckInterval> float
<Position> -
<Point /> -
<Line> -
<Radius> float
<Circle> -
<InnerRadius> float
<OuterRadius> float
<Sphere> -
<InnerRadius> float
<OuterRadius> float
<Cylinder> -
<Height> float
<InnerRadius> float
<OuterRadius> float
<BodySurface> -
<OffsetRadius> float
<BodyBones> -
<OffsetRadius> float
<Straight /> -
<Random /> -
<Cone> -
<Angle> float
<CenterBias> float
<Ring> -
<Angle> float
<Offset> float
<Offset> -
<X> float
<Y> float
<Z> float
<Inaccurate> -
<BaseAngle> float
<Inaccuracy> float
<CenterBias> float
<Attractor /> -
<Speed> -
<Uniform> -
<Speed> float
<Stratified> -
<Speed1> float
<Speed2> float
<Orientation> flag
<OrientationUp> flag same flags as <OrientationUp>

event types


schemata 1

               <action_tag_without_parameter />

example 1

               <Die />

schemata 2


example 2


action types and parameters

A dark gray background marks the start of an action type.
Normal gray background is used for child tags.

XML tag content type description
<AnimateLinear> -
<Target> float
<Rate> float
<AnimateAccelerated> -
<Target> float
<Velocity> float
<Acceleration> float
<AnimateRandom> -
<Target> float
<Min> float
<Max> float
<Rate> float
<AnimatePingPong> -
<Target> float
<Min> float
<Max> float
<Rate> float
<AnimateLoop> -
<Target> float
<Min> float
<Max> float
<Rate> float
<AnimateToValue> -
<Target> float
<Rate> float
<Value> float
<ColorInterpolate> -
<Amount> float
<FadeOut> -
<TimeToDie> float particle becomes killed after X seconds, it fades out during that time
<EnableAtTime> - ??? Update event only ???
<Action> integer has action X as target in Update event section
<Lifetime> float Lifetime of the particle MINUS the value stored in this field yields the moment from particle's spawn when the targeted action (action from the "Action" tag) starts operating. Till that moment, the targeted action is held inactive.
Particle's lifetime ticks in a decreasing manner. If the lifetime of the particle is set to be 3.0, then it ticks from 3.0 down to 0.0 (at 0.0, Lifetime event is called).
Now, if lifetime of the particle is set to be 3.0 and value here in this tag is 1.0, then from the moment the particle is spawned, this EnableAtTime's targeted action (the action inside "Action" tag) will be disabled and will activate only after the particle' lifetime crosses value (3.0-1.0) = 2.0 seconds. That means the targeted action will activate 2 seconds after the particle was spawned.
This mechanism is quite counter-intuitive, hence the detailed description.
<DisableAtTime> - ??? Update event only ???
<Action> integer has action X as target in Update event section
<Lifetime> float Lifetime of the particle MINUS the value stored in this field yields the moment from particle's spawn when the targeted action (action from the "Action" tag) stops operating. Till that moment, the targeted action is kept active.
Particle's lifetime ticks in a decreasing manner. If the lifetime of the particle is set to be 3.0, then it ticks from 3.0 down to 0.0 (at 0.0, Lifetime event is called).
Now, if lifetime of the particle is set to be 3.0 and value here in this tag is 1.0, then from the moment the particle is spawned, this EnableAtTime's targeted action (the action inside "Action" tag) will be working and will deactivate only after the particle' lifetime crosses value (3.0-1.0) = 2.0 seconds. That means the targeted action will deactivate 2 seconds after the particle was spawned.
This mechanism is quite counter-intuitive, hence the detailed description.
<Die /> -
<SetLifetime> -
float particle becomes killed after X seconds
<EmitActivate> -
<Emitter> integer Enables emitter X. Note that first emitter is 0, second is 1, third is 2, and so on.
<EmitDeactivate> -
<Emitter> integer Disables emitter X. Note that first emitter is 0, second is 1, third is 2, and so on.
<EmitParticles> -
<Emitter> integer Starts emitter X. Note that first emitter is 0, second is 1, third is 2, and so on.
<Particles> float Integer recommended. Number of particle to be emitted.
<ChangeClass> -
<Emitter> integer Note that first emitter is 0, second is 1, third is 2, and so on.
<KillLastEmitted> -
<Emitter> integer ?; Note that first emitter is 0, second is 1, third is 2, and so on.
<ExplodeLastEmitted> -
<Emitter> integer ?; Note that first emitter is 0, second is 1, third is 2, and so on.
<AmbientSound> -
<Sound> link OSBDfile_name.amb.oni (file prefix OSBD and suffix .amb.oni not used)
<EndAmbientSound /> -
<ImpulseSound> -
<Sound> link OSBDfile_name.imp.oni (file prefix OSBD and suffix .imp.oni not used)
<DamageChar> -
<Damage> float Integer recommended. Negative damage values don't work.
<StunDamage> float Adds the value specified here to the StunDamage sum variable.
StunDamage has visible effect only for DamageTypes 1, 2 and 6.
<KnockBack> float Character gets moved from its current position by "knockback value" game world units with 0.1 precision.
(Example: If value here is 100, char gets moved cca 99,9 units)

Negative values work as well, they reverse the direction. (Instead of being "knocked back", the character is "drawn in")

<DamageType> flag
0 ("normal")
1 ("minor stun")
2 ("major stun")
3 ("minor knockdown")
4 ("major knockdown")
5 ("blownup")
6 ("pickup")
<SelfImmune> flag
0 - DamageOwner of the particle can be hurt by the particle
1 - DamageOwner of the particle can't be hurt by the particle
<CanHitMultiple> flag tag is missing if value is 0
0 - can be applied multiple times on the target character
1 - can be applied only once on the character, then is ignored (hurts the target character strictly only once)
<DamageBlast> -
<Damage> float Integer recommended. Negative damage values don't work.
<StunDamage> float Same as the DamageChar's StunDamage
<KnockBack> float Same as the DamageChar's Knockback
<Radius> float Radius of the damaging sphere.
(Example: If value here is 100, character gets damaged if its distance from the position of the damaging particle is less then or equal to 100 game world units.
<FallOff> flag
0 - DamageBlast deals the same damage, stun damage and knockback regardless of the distance between the particle and the target character
1 - Inflicted Damage, StunDamage and Knockback linearly decrease with distance.

Example: this flag is set, Radius is 200, Damage is 400, StunDamage is 600 and Knocback is 800.
The target character dwells 150 game world units far from the DamageBlast particle.
When hit by the particle's DamageBlast, PAR3 values of Damage, StunDamage and Knockback will be multiplied by the multiplier:
(200-150)/200 = 0.25
That means the target character will suffer 0.25*400 = 100 Damage, 150 StunDamage and 200 Knockback

0 ("normal")
1 ("minor stun")
2 ("major stun")
3 ("minor knockdown")
4 ("major knockdown")
5 ("blownup")
6 ("pickup")
<SelfImmune> flag

Same as the DamageChar's SelfImmune

<DamageEnvironment> flag This tag is not exported if the data field in the oni file is "00". It is exported when "0A" was set.
<Explode /> - this action triggers Explode event
<DamageEnvironment> -
<Damage> float Integer used.
<GlassCharge> -
<BlastVelocity> float
<Radius> float
<Stop /> - calls Stop event
<RotateX> -
<Rate> float
<RotateVelocity> flag
<RotateY> -
<Rate> float
<RotateVelocity> flag
<Rate> float
<RotateVelocity> flag
<FindAttractor> -
<DelayTime> float
<AttractGravity> -
<Gravity> float
<MaxG> float
<HorizontalOnly> flag
<AttractHoming> -
<TurnSpeed> float
<PredictPosition> flag
<HorizontalOnly> flag
<AttractSpring> -
<AccelRate> float
<MaxAccel> float
<DesiredDistance> float
<MoveLine /> -
<MoveGravity> -
<Fraction> float
<MoveSpiral> -
<Theta> float
<Radius> float
<RotateSpeed> float
<MoveResistance> -
<Resistance> float
<MinimumVelocity> float
<MoveDrift> -
<Acceleration> float
<MaxSpeed> float
<SidewaysDecay> float
<DirX> float
<DirY> float
<DirZ> float
<SetVelocity> -
<Speed> float
<NoSideways> flag
<SpiralTangent> -
<Theta> float
<Radius> float
<Rotate_speed> float
<KillBeyondPoint> -
<Value> float
<CollisionEffect> -
<WallOffset> float
<Attach> flag
<SitckToWall /> -
<Bounce> -
<ElasticDirect> float
<ElasticGlancing> float
<Chop /> -
<ImpactType> Name of impact, registered in ONIE. The looked up material is known from collided particle. Impt and Mtrl file must exist
<Show /> - unhide particle
<Hide /> - hide particle, cannot collide with characters anymore, emitters stay active
<SetTextureTick> -
<Tick> float
<RandomTextureFrame /> -
<SetVariable> -
<Target> float
<Value> float
<RecalculateAll /> -
<EnableAbove> -
<Action> integer
<Var> float
<Threshold> float
<EnableBelow> -
<Action> integer
<Var> float
<Threshold> float
<EnableNow> -
<Action> integer enables action X in Update event section
<DisableNow> -
<Action> integer disables action X in Update event section
<SuperBallTrigger> -
<Emitter> integer
<FuseTime> float
<StopIfBreakable /> - ??? HitWall event only ???
Within the HitWall PAR3 event, stops the exection of all PAR3 actions listed BELOW this PAR3 action if the HitWall was called against a breakable material (in vanilla Oni, the only breakable material is glass).

Example: If inside the HitWall event there are actions in this order:
ImpactEffect, StopIfBreakable, DamageBlast
then if the HitWall is called against solid material ('concrete' for example), both ImpactEffect AND DamageBlast are executed. However if the collision is against glass (breakable material), then only ImpactEffect is executed and then the StopIfBreakable prevents the DamageBlast from being performed.

<AvoidWalls> -
<AxisX> float
<AxisY> float
<AxisZ> float
<CurrentAngle> float
<TimeUntilCheck> float
<SenseDistance> float
<TurningSpeed> float
<TurningDecay> float
<RandomSwirl> -
<SwirlAngle> float
<SwirlBaseRate> float
<SwirlDeltaRate> float
<SwirlSpeed> float
<Height> float
<StopIfSlow> -
<Speed> float
<SuperParticle> -
<Variable> float
<VaseValue> float
<DeltaValue> float
<MinValue> float
<MaxValue> float
<StopLink /> -
<CheckLink /> - Checks if the particle's attractor link is still valid. If the link is no longer valid, BrokenLink event is called.
<BreakLink /> -

glass-piercing bullets

In the original game, w1_tap goes through normal glass and loses its dangerousness while a bullet of w8_mbo stays dangerous.

BINA3RAPw1_tap_p01.xml BINA3RAPw8_mbo_p01.xml
               <Chop />
               <StopIfBreakable />
               <Die />

It turned out that <StopIfBreakable /> is actually doing the opposite, hence it should be called <DontStopIfBreakable />.

It's also important that <DamageEnvironment> is the first tag otherwise the glass won't break.

notes on locklights

           <Color Name="color">0 0 0</Color>
           <Float Name="blend">0</Float>
       <Emitters />
                   <Color0>255 0 0</Color0>
                   <Color1>0 255 0</Color1>

Locklights are particle which indicate whether a door is locked or not.

They are presented in ONLV (ENVP section) with different names but are all called from "BINA3RAPlocklight.xml" and "BINA3RAPlocklight2.xml".

The locklight becomes created on level start.

The Update event has three action: first one has ID 0, second has ID 1, and third action has ID 2.

<Target>color</Target> serves as output and is used by the <tint> tag.

The BINA3RAPlocklight.xml original file doesn't allow new events because of its buggy behavior. Gumby solved the problem by putting the "SetVariable" code into the start and stop event. During a final test additional code showed accidentally that particles identifies doors as characters. A small vid can be seen here.

how to set up decorative decals

What are decals?

Decals are images glued onto a wall or ground.
They are used for additional level design and to show weapon damage on surroundings.
The following steps will show you how to set up a piece of design (poster/warning sign/whatever) into a level.

step 1 - extending the particle collection

The maximal tolerance distance counts 10 units. Let's say the ground height (y) is 45 and the particle is spawned at 55 then this is the maximal tolerance; 56 wouldn't work.
"chr_debug_characters = 1" helps you. But note that the y value is not the head's or pelvis' height, it is at the deepest point of your feet.
  • <Rotation> .. see "decal facing"
  • <Class> .. this is your particle file
  • <Tag> .. optional; used when you want to activate or deactivate decals or other particle via BSL
  • <Flags> .. "not initially created" flag (2) or nothing (1; 4; 8)
  • <XScale> .. Scaling of decal's X dimension on individual level (you can use the 3RAP's own scaling (<Scale>) for accumulative scaling (this would affect all decals in the collection))
       <Object Id="11291" Type="PART">
               <Position>-988 65 1521</Position>
               <Rotation>270 180 0</Rotation>

decal facing

Place yourself towards the point where you want to have the decal, face it. It's important that your body stands accurate, not your head. Then type "chr_debug_characters = 1" into the developer console and you will know the facing. Write it down, compare with the right table and chose your xyz rotation.
PS: In matter of spawning/displaing, the exact rotation is not needed. Oni has a 66 degree tolerance.
PPS: <DecalWrapAngle> (in BINA3RAP file) is usually set to 60. For hard edges you might want to increase the value.


Test for a "hard edge".

wall decals

                     x     y     z
facing   0 degree: 270 |   0 |   0
facing  90 degree: 270 |  90 |   0
facing 180 degree: 270 | 180 |   0
facing 270 degree: 270 | 270 |   0

ground decals

                     x     y     z
facing   0 degree:   0 |   0 |   0
facing  90 degree:   0 |  90 |   0
facing 180 degree:   0 | 180 |   0
facing 270 degree:   0 | 270 |   0

step 2 - creating BINA3RAP file

  • file name in this example: "BINA3RAPdecal_particle_name.xml"
  • <Version> .. has to be the same version as your own onisplit, change it if necessary
  • <CollideWithChars> .. is ignored by decals
  • <HasDecalState>true .. is needed
  • <DisplayType>Decal .. is needed
  • <TexGeom> .. links to TXMP file
  • <Alpha> .. alpha level is ignored when TXMP has adaptiveAlpha flag
  • <Tint> .. is ignored by decals
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Oni Version="">
   <Particle Name="decal_particle_name">
           <FlyBySoundName />
           <Tint>255 255 255</Tint>
           <Class />
       <Variables />
       <Emitters />
       <Events />

step 3 - creating TXMP file

  • file name in this example: "TXMPanimated_texture.xml"
Of cause the particle file doesn't has to contain an animated image. It's just meant to remind you that this possibility exist.
  • <Version> .. has to be the same version as your own onisplit, change it if necessary


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Oni Version="">
       <Flags>HasMipMaps  AnimUseLocalTime  AnimBackToBack  AdditiveBlend</Flags>

step 4 - show or hide decals via BSL

fork respawnable_decals in your main function

var bool first = 1;

func respawnable_decals
	chr_debug_characters = 1
	dmsg "( punch to hide a few decals now )"
	### decal is already presented so we begin with stop function
	fork kill_decal

func kill_decal
	sleep 30
	chr_wait_animtype 0 punch
	dmsg "( punch detected; [r.deactivating decals now] )"
	### has effect at all particle with chosen tag
	### in the vid, obviously the two decals use the same tag
	particle decal_BSL_name kill
	if (first eq 1)
		dmsg "( kick to show a few decals now )"
		first = 0;
		sleep 60
	fork create_decal

func create_decal
	sleep 30
	chr_wait_animtype 0 kick
	dmsg "( kick detected; [b.activating decals now] )"
	particle decal_BSL_name create
	fork kill_decal

how to set up decorative character items

Based on geyser's "silly world" experiment.

Marks, bags, goggles, decorative LSI, flash lights and other equipment could individualize characters by using a (BSL-triggered) particle workaround.

step 1: ONCC modifications

First we need to create a connection to the character. For this, we use the Daodan particle system to some degree.


Now it's enabled for this character. Next we register our item (hold by particle) in the ONCP section.


<Name> As long as super stands at beginning, the further naming is unimportant.
<Type> This is a link to the particle file.
<BodyPart> This is the body part where the particle is attached to. Position fine tuning can be done in M3GM's PNTA section, <Positions>.

step 2: creating the item files

  • BINA3RAPsilly_glasses.xml
Needed modifications:




  <Show />
  <Hide />
  • M3GMsilly_shades.xml
  • TXMPsilly_shades_tex.xml

step 3: preparing the BSL stuff

  • BINACJBOCharacter.xml


  • shpadoinkle.bsl
#character spawn function
func silly_setup(string name) {
	chr_super(name, 1)
	sleep 2
	chr_super(name, 0)

Karen: "Ready for Matrix. HAR-HAR"

silly_setup will be triggered every time a character is spawned with this link in BINACJBOCharacter.xml
Only AI would need chr_lock_active.
chr_super becomes disabled again to prevent other Daodan effects (in case our character would had a chenille or other visuals). We don't have to worry about the item, its live time was set to 0 (infinity). (chr_super 0 only hides the particle, it doesn't kill it.)
func main {
	# [...]
	p3_callevent silly_glasses 2
	# [...]

2 corresponds to <Start> tag and 3 corresponds to <Stop> tag in BINA3RAPsilly_shades.xml This can switch on and off the item. Other effects could be triggered by the free remaining numbers. A collection of events and their numbers can be seen HERE.

extra demo

For all Gundam Seed fans out there: Phase Shift shades. ^_^ Nah, the texture of such object cannot become replaced by another. But by using three different shades, we can create this illusion. There are blue shades. A pair that uses an animated texture. And a red pair. The animated pair is only temporary used. Here's a vid.

func spawn_karen {
	chr_super karen 1
	### all three shades particle created
	sleep 2
	### now but we need to hide them
	chr_super karen 0
	### show only blue shades for the start
	p3_callevent shades_blue 2

func phase_shift_shades {
	p3_callevent shades_blue 3
	p3_callevent shades_blue_red 2
	sleep 20
	p3_callevent shades_blue_red 3
	p3_callevent shades_red 2